After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 201 Vest: Chief Designer Chenxi

Chapter 201 Vest: Chief Designer Chenxi
The laughter continued.

"What are you doing here?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the voice full of aura.

Wang Teng, the general manager of Huangyu Film and Television, did not know when he would appear here.

All stand aside.

The moment Mr. Wang saw Lian Cheng, he was stunned!


The word "Miss" almost blurted out.

Lian Cheng glanced at him, and Mr. Wang shut up.

Really Missy!

Wang Teng was promoted all the way with Lian Qingyun, and Lian Cheng had met him when he was a child.

He will politely call Lian Cheng, miss

It's fine if this eldest lady wants to come to Huangyu Film and Television, and he is not allowed to take care of her, which makes him trembling.

No, we met head-on.

He has to stand up for the eldest lady!

Wang Teng is already middle-aged, but he doesn't look like a middle-aged greasy uncle.

When Jiang Qiuqin saw him, she rarely put on a smiling face, "Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

"What's going on?" Wang Teng was not interested in breaking up with her,

he only cares,

Has Zong Lian's precious daughter been wronged here?

If there is,
How to coax?
He is so difficult!

Yan Fang played the role of her agent, and said the matter concisely, "It's like this, Lian Cheng bumped into Shen Wen, and Shen Wen accidentally poured coffee on her."

Wang Teng's face darkened.

Just pour the coffee on the young lady?
Why don't you forget your complexion?

Don't want to live anymore?

Seeing Wang Teng's expression, Yan Fang was overjoyed.

It seems that Wang is always on their side!
"Lian Cheng pushed someone, and everyone saw it. Not only did she not apologize, but she also lied that the clothes on her body were ordered by Chen Xi, and asked Shen Wen to compensate..."

Wang Teng:!
What the hell!

You idiots?
She apologizes?
Even if she asked him to call her father, he would call her father!
How could the clothes on her not be ordered by Chen Xi?
you don't fucking know
Chen Xi must be the eldest lady herself!

The whole morning sun belongs to her family!

Just when Wang Teng wanted to get angry, he realized that he should not be impulsive.

His sharp eyes shot at the dozen or so people present, "Have you all seen it?"

All nodding.

Only then did Wang Teng realize that,

Some bad style is eating up the whole company.

Only Yi Chuan stood up, "No, even the teacher didn't push anyone."

Wang Teng was relieved, and there was another reason.

Seeing this, Shen Wen smiled, "Yi Chuan, you don't have a good relationship with Teacher Lian, do you..."

Yi Chuan became anxious, with anger on his face, "Shen Wen, Teacher Lian and I have just met for the first time, and I just can't see you guys working together to bully a girl!"

"Go to the monitoring room and adjust the monitoring." Wang Teng directly ordered his secretary to go to work.

Except for a few high-level executives, Huangyu Film and Television's surveillance cannot be watched at will.

There are too many artists coming and going,
It is troublesome to monitor leaks.

Wang Teng has permission to see it.

Hearing what Wang Teng said, everyone panicked.

The secretary was very fast, and the director of the monitoring department came, called out the monitoring on the spot,

It was Shen Wen who pushed Lian Cheng first.

"Everyone, what else do you want to say?" Lian Cheng said coldly, "I never thought that in this age, there are tricks like calling a deer a horse."

Wang Teng:!
The eldest lady is angry, ahhhh!
Miss, I won't take this blame!

Seeing that Shen Wen was timid, Yan Fang changed the topic, "Even if Shen Wen bumped into you first, she didn't mean it. Lian Cheng, no matter what you do, you can't wear fakes. This is Huangyu Film and Television, you Wearing fakes is too cheap!"

(End of this chapter)

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