After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 203 Coveting beauty to the point of starvation

Chapter 203 Coveting beauty to the point of starvation

Lian Cheng didn't speak, but just watched the two people sing indifferently.

The next thing waiting for her is moral kidnapping, she understands.

Wang Teng knew what Lian Cheng was thinking, the eldest lady was never the Holy Mother.

Such a method is not worthy of being brought in front of the eldest lady!

"Your name is Shen Wen, right? From tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come to Huangyu Film and Television again." Wang Teng directly issued an order to fire Shen Wen.

The fact that Shen Wen was fired by the general manager of Huangyu Film and Television cannot be concealed. She is doomed to miss the entertainment industry in this life!
"I... Mr. Wang, I didn't do it on purpose, please give me another chance." Shen Wen cried out of fright.

Jiang Qiuqin also helped to speak, "President Wang, Shen Wen is still young, she is not sensible..."

"Mr. Jiang, the last thing Huangyu Film and Television needs is an artist who causes trouble, especially the kind who harms his company."

Wang Teng's words successfully silenced Jiang Qiuqin.

Wang Teng asked the secretary to call someone to take Shen Wen away.

Shen Wen was still dying, "Mr. Wang, forgive me this time, I really don't dare. Sister Yan, please speak up for me. I apologize, and I will apologize right away. I will lose money! I..."

Shen Wen was taken away in front of so many people.

Wang Teng said, "Go for what you should do. You stay, young man."

Yi Chuan was named and stayed, and everyone dispersed.

Wang Teng praised him a few words before leaving.

Lian Cheng never left, but just said thank you to Yi Chuan.

Yi Chuan's ears turned red.

Lian Cheng recommended him to director He Yu,

Yi Chuan also lived up to expectations and was recognized by the picky He Yu.

It was soon finalized that the male lead of "Tossing and Turning" will be played by newcomer Yi Chuan.

Yi Chuan became a dark horse among the trainees.

And Yi Chuan himself remembered Lian Cheng's kindness!
In order to live up to Teacher Lian's expectations, he has to work harder!
Counting the time, Shen Xiuyan will be back tomorrow, and Lian Cheng suffers from insomnia again.

The most common thing between the two of them was to kiss each other, but every expression of Shen Xiuyan fell into Lian Cheng's mind for some reason, and he couldn't shake it off.

Moreover, she felt that such Shen Xiuyan was very familiar.

He kissed her, how hard, how lightly,
Breathing, sometimes slow, sometimes urgent,
She can feel it.

It's as if they've kissed so many times already!
Thinking of this, Lian Cheng felt his whole body heat up.


Has she coveted Shen Xiuyan's beauty to the point of being so hungry?

Can you think of these things when you sleep well?
Lian Cheng attributed this to the fact that she liked Shen Xiuyan too much.

While thinking about it, the phone rang, successfully bringing Lian Cheng back to reality.

It was Shen Xiuyan's call, Lian Cheng pressed the answer button.


The girl's voice was soft and sweet, which gave him an urge to bite her.

"Baby, what are you doing? Do you miss me?"

Lian Cheng's mind was pierced, "No..."

"Really not? Huh?"

"Okay, a little... When are you coming back?" Lian Cheng was swinging on the gondola with a pillow in his arms.

"My flight tomorrow night is very late."

"I'll pick you up."

"Don't, it's too late, it's not good for girls to sleep too late."

"But I want to go, okay?" Lian Cheng didn't mean to be coquettish, but to Shen Xiuyan's ears, it was coquettish.

"Shall I ask Chen Qi to pick you up?"

Principles and such, in front of Lian Cheng, do not exist.

"Okay," Lian Cheng looked at the starry sky, "The weather in Wucheng is very good, and the stars are beautiful."

"Wait for me to come back and watch the stars with you."

(End of this chapter)

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