After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 204 Master Xiu, The Spring Festival Is Short, Take Care Of It

Chapter 204 Master Xiu, The Spring Festival Is Short, Take Care Of It
Shen Xiuyan and Lu Kan hurried to the airport after finishing their work, and it was already ten o'clock in the evening when they arrived in Wucheng.

It is clear that you can spend a night in the capital and get enough sleep before leaving.
But Master Xiu was thinking about his little girlfriend, so he dragged him back in a daze.

You don't sleep in a good villa, you have to sleep on the plane.

Lu Kan doesn't understand why men in love work so hard,
Go back one day later, and my girlfriend won't run away again.

When getting off the plane, Lu Kan's tie was crooked and he was yawning.

On the contrary, Shen Xiuyan looked very energetic.

There is no tie, the top of the shirt is unbuttoned, and the neckline is slightly open, which looks a bit flirtatious.

Lu Kan, a man, trembled when he saw it.
Really has the capital to flirt with girls.

And just for the sake of this little girl who guards herself like a jade!
Lian Cheng waited for Shen Xiuyan wearing a hat and sunglasses,

Fortunately, it was midnight, there were not many people, and she was well disguised, so she was not recognized.

Shen Xiuyan and Lu Kan saw her.

Lian Cheng was lowering his head, jumping around in boredom, while Chen Qi dutifully acted as a bodyguard.

Lu Kan finally understood, "Is this why you insisted on coming back?"

"Well, you single dog won't understand." After finishing speaking, Shen Xiuyan walked towards Lian Cheng.

"Damn! A single dog is also a dog. When the dog dies, none of you are innocent."

Lian Cheng looked up and saw Shen Xiuyan, and she went up to meet him.

want to hug,

I'm too afraid...

Unexpectedly, Shen Xiuyan stretched out his hands towards her.

Lian Cheng threw himself into his arms, "Ayan, I miss you so much."

Shen Xiuyan kissed her hair, "I miss you too."

Chen Qi, "..."

Lu Kan, "..."

Shen Xiuyan hugged Lian Cheng and refused to let go, Lian Cheng pushed him, "Hurry up and go back in the car, there are many people here."

"it is good."

Shen Xiuyan hugged Lian Cheng and left.

Lu Kan stuffed his luggage into Chen Qi's hands, "Look at your Master Xiu, if you have a girl and forget about your brother, why don't we elope? No matter the two of them, it's dog food to follow. Let's go together Have a supper and cheer up?"

Chen Qi pushed Lu Kan's suitcase away in disgust, and followed.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, you're going too far! Single dogs should cuddle together and eat dog food together..."

Chen Qi drove and left the airport with the three of them.

"Go to Qinglan Bay first." Shen Xiuyan told Chen Qi to send Lian Cheng back first.

Lu Kan began to instigate, "I said Xiuyan, you might as well live in Qinglan Bay, and you won't feel tired after going back and forth."

Shen Xiuyan didn't speak, but turned to look at Lian Cheng.

"No way, Xiao Liancheng, are you willing to reject such a handsome boyfriend?"


"Don't make trouble, she's shy."

Lu Kan, "..."

Hard-spoken, right?

He has a way.
When they arrived at Qinglan Bay, Shen Xiuyan got out of the car and opened the door for Lian Cheng himself. The two of them wanted to whisper a few words.

I haven't seen you for several days, and I always have something to say.

There are two light bulbs, which is really inconvenient.

Lian Cheng just stepped out of the car and closed the door.

The car that had been parked safely drove away.

That speed is definitely overspeeding!

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

Lian Cheng, "..."

Shen Xiuyan's cell phone rang, it was from Lu Kan.

——[Master Xiu, the spring night is short, take good care of it. 】
Shen Xiuyan didn't reply, and put his phone back in his pocket, "I'll take a taxi back."

"Farewell, you can stay here."


"Of course it's convenient, you can choose the sofa room as you like."

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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