After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 227 Are You Satisfied With What You See?

Chapter 227 Are You Satisfied With What You See?

After Lian Cheng took a shower, he put on Shen Xiuyan's big T.

Shen Xiuyan's loose-fitting T turned into a longer and wider version when she wore it, covering her thighs.

When she went out, Shen Xiuyan's eyes lit up.

Lian Cheng showed her straight and white legs,

His little girl looks good everywhere.

He just glanced at it, and there was a reaction somewhere.

Shen Xiuyan was already sitting on the edge of the bed, his feet touched the ground.

This frightened Lian Cheng, "Why did you get up all of a sudden?"

"I lay down for two days and wanted to get down for a walk, but the doctor said I could get out of bed."

"I'll hold you up."

Lian Cheng hung Shen Xiuyan's arm around his neck, "Slow down."

Shen Xiuyan's pace really slowed down.

In the past, he wouldn't even take a break for two days.

But now, he wants to be sick for a few more days, so that Lian Cheng will always be by his side.

"You help me to the bathroom."

"You don't want to take a bath, do you?"

"Well, I haven't washed it for two days, it's really uncomfortable."

Besides, if they want to share the same bed tonight, he has to make sure that he is delicious.

He's a clean freak.


"Let me wash."

"All right, all right, I'm the only one who spoils you." Lian Cheng felt that there was no limit to his petting Shen Xiuyan.

Shen Xiuyan leaned into Lian Cheng's ear, "Besides, don't you still help me?"

Lian Cheng:!
She only said that he was allowed to wash, but she didn't say that she would help him!
But it was doomed, he would go with the thief when he got on the thief boat, the way Shen Xiuyan was holding on to the crumbling sink made it impossible for Lian Cheng to ignore him and turn his head and leave.

If you don't leave, you can only bite the bullet and go.

"Why don't I wash it for you? The wound must not touch the water."

"You help me in."

Lian Cheng supported Shen Xiuyan to stand under the shower, letting him support the wall with one hand and hold the shower in the other.

"I think you can charge yourself."

"Baby, I'm still wearing clothes, I can't..."

Lian Cheng blushed, "Then let me take it off for you..."

"Okay, don't be shy, it's not like you haven't seen it before." Shen Xiuyan said with a smile, he was actually looking forward to Lian Cheng's help.

Lian Cheng: ...

In the past, even if he was really not wearing clothes, she couldn't see clearly.

Lian Cheng took off Shen Xiuyan's hospital gown.

What catches the eye is the eight-pack abs.

Lian Cheng's nose bleeds with this figure.

Broad shoulders and narrow hips are the most perfect works of God.

"Are you satisfied with what you saw?" Shen Xiuyan's voice was a little hoarse.

The little girl probably didn't expect that the clothes on her body were baggy, and her fragrant shoulders were exposed when she moved.

"Satisfied, the person I picked, of course I am satisfied."

"Go ahead and take it off."

Lian Cheng: ...


Next up is...

Lian Cheng blushed, didn't look at him, and just gave the rest...

Lian Cheng turned around, "You wash it, I really don't want to read it."

She wanted to run out of the bathroom,
I was also worried that this master would fall to the ground.

"Actually, you can watch..."

Lian Cheng's brain suddenly became hot.

There was the sound of a shower behind him.

After an unknown amount of time, I heard Shen Xiuyan say, "Okay."

Lian Cheng took the bath towel and wrapped it up directly.

He changed into his pajamas again before leading him out.

Shen Xiuyan sat back on the bed, looked at Lian Cheng with a smile, "Are you shy?"

"Don't be shy, just treat it as raising a son and give him a bath!"

Shen Xiuyan, "..."

Lian Cheng chuckled.

Shen Xiuyan patted the bed next to him, "Go to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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