After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 230 Master Xiu Is Jealous Again

Chapter 230 Master Xiu Is Jealous Again
Once the door was closed, only Lian Cheng and Shen Xiuyan were left.

Lian Cheng found that Shen Xiuyan was arranging the luggage she brought one by one according to her habits.

It turned out that in just five months, Shen Xiuyan had memorized all her habits.

Lian Cheng hugged Shen Xiuyan from behind, "Ayan..."

"what happened?"

Lian Cheng wanted to rub it.

Shen Xiuyan turned around and pushed him against the wall.

"What... what..."

Why did she find that Shen Xiuyan seemed to want to punish her?

"You were holding another man's arm just now..."

"Hey, that's my father, not another man." Lian Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, but Shen Xiuyan still had another thought.

"I'm going to change someone else, I don't want my arm anymore."

Lian Cheng pushed Shen Xiuyan, "Don't push yourself too hard, what if you offend my father and oppose us?"

Shen Xiuyan kissed her, "No."
The second day Lian Cheng came to the capital was a rest day at home, but she received a message inexplicably.

【M: Have you finally come to the capital? 】

【Who are you? 】

[M: ...]

【? 】

【This is not fun at all】

Lian Cheng was speechless, who is this?

The original owner didn't have any in his memory.

A small episode, she didn't take it to heart.
Beijing University started school at the beginning of September, Lian Qingyun wanted to send Lian Cheng to school, but Lian Cheng refused.

At the end of the bargain, Lian Qingyun personally sent Lian Cheng to the school gate.

He doesn't get out of the car.

Shen Xiuyan acted as the parent to send Lian Cheng into the school gate.

Lian Qingyun was secretly unhappy, this kid is really cheap.

Lian Cheng was admitted to Beijing University with a perfect score. Beijing University contacted her many times to hold a welcome ceremony, but she refused.

She chose to enter the school in the most common way.

Shen Xiuyan helped her push the suitcase, and Lian Cheng followed behind.

[Look, handsome guy and beautiful girl, I wanted to go up to help the beautiful woman carry the suitcase, but there is such a handsome boy beside her. 】

[The national top scorer, Lian Cheng, haven't you read the news? 】

[Nani!She is Lian Cheng? 】

[I heard that he is still in the entertainment industry and has been busy filming for the whole summer vacation. I think he has a charming face and is dedicated to seducing men! 】

[There is no need to compare the campus belle of this year's Peking University!You can tell who it is at a glance. 】

Lian Cheng followed the instructions to report and met Jian Siyue head-on.

Jian Siyue was surrounded by Yu Huirong and Jian Hong, and two bodyguards who helped carry the luggage.

"It's my sister..."

Lian Cheng ignored her.

Jian Siyue stood in front of her, "Sister Lian Cheng, why are you ignoring me?"

"I don't remember having a sister."

Jian Siyue's face froze, and soon turned into a smiling face, "You also came to report today and don't say anything, Mom misses you very much recently."

Jian Siyue and Jian Hong wanted to win over Lian Cheng, but Lian Cheng didn't know how to seize the opportunity.

When Yu Huirong heard what Jian Siyue said, she came up together, "Is that why you came to school? A man is with you. Where's your dad?"

"none of your business?"

"You! Lian Cheng, I am your mother, do you ever talk to your mother like this?" Yu Huirong's temper also came up.

When did Lian Cheng push his nose and eyes like this?

"Ms. Yu, please make room, I'm going to report."

"Lian Cheng."

Shen Xiuyan stood in front of Lian Cheng, "Ms. Yu, please pay attention to your wording and image."

Jian Hong also spoke, "Lian Cheng, I'm your Uncle Jian. I wanted to invite you to meet at Jian's house, but you refused. Your mother still misses you very much these years."

(End of this chapter)

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