Chapter 229 My little stepmother!

A group of five people, just a car.

Assistant Jin drove, and Lian Qingyun sat in the co-pilot.

In the back seat, Lian Cheng sat in the middle, with Shen Xiuyan on one side and Bai Qin on the other.

Bai Qin whispered to Lian Cheng, "You fell in love at such a young age, doesn't your father object?"

She thought Lian Qingyun was a very serious person.

Didn't expect to be very pampering to my daughter?
"No, my father and mother have spoiled me since they divorced. I can do whatever I want." Lian Cheng's intention was not to show off, but to tell Bai Qin that her parents had been divorced for many years.

"Look... I can't tell..."

"Boss Bai, do you know who my dad got close to in the capital?"

"do not know."

Lian Cheng pretended to be crying, and sighed, "My dad has been single for many years, and I want to find him a wife. If you know who he is interested in, remember to tell me."

"You... You kid, aren't you afraid that your father will find your stepmother? Don't all children resent their parents' remarriage?"

"What are you afraid of? One of my dad's conditions for finding a wife is to treat me well. I am confident that I can become sisters with my future stepmother."

Bai Qin, "..."

Shen Xiuyan, who has excellent hearing, "..." I think you have already set your sights on Bai Qin.
First send Baiqin to the company, she waved to the people in the car, "Thank you Mr. Lian for taking me back."

"You're welcome."

"Boss Bai," Lian Cheng passed Shen Xiuyan and leaned on the window, "I have an appointment, I just came to the capital and I'm not familiar with the place, so it's rare that I can chat with you."


Lian Cheng waved goodbye.

The car starts.

Shen Xiuyan supported Lian Cheng to sit up.

If Lian Qingyun was not there on purpose, he really wanted to put him on his lap and kiss him.
Lian Qingyun didn't understand, so, "How can you and Bai Qin chat like this?"

"Dad, Bai is always single, right?"

"It should be. I haven't heard of her getting married."

"I think you're a good match."

"Just kidding," Lian Qingyun said anxiously, "she's from the Bai family."

"Bai Family?"

Shen Xiuyan reminded her at the right time, "Bai Chaolu, the president of Jiayu Media, has to call Boss Bai just now a little cousin."

"Ah..." Lian Cheng never expected it.

My little stepmother!
Lian Qingyun arranged a villa for Lian Cheng, but Lian Cheng refused because it was too far away.

Lian Qingyun bought an apartment for Lian Cheng in a community near Beijing University.

Three hundred square meters, quite big.

The car drove directly to the apartment.

Assistant Jin and Shen Xiuyan took the suitcase up.

Lian Cheng didn't have much luggage, most of which Lian Qingyun bought new ones.

"Girl, is this house satisfactory?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied."

"Miss, Mr. Lian personally ran around twice for this house. There is no villa nearby. He finally decided to buy a building, but I stopped him. I know that Miss doesn't like too high-profile."

"Great job Uncle Jin!"

"Okay, Dad still has a meeting, you and Xiuyan have a rest first, and come to pick you up for dinner tonight?"


"Send it to Dad."

"Okay." Lian Cheng took Lian Qingyun's hand and sent him out.

Lian Qingyun secretly asked her, "Are you living together?"

"You old man, you asked me to send you just to ask me this?"

"Girl, I'm asking you seriously!"

"not yet……"

"Papa tries not to disturb you young couple."

Lian Cheng fought back, "Old man, I think that Bai Qin is really good, why don't you work hard and marry him back to me as a little stepmother?"

Lian Qingyun quickened his pace and ran away.

The girl who was finally looking forward to it came to urge the marriage, I am afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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