Chapter 273

With the popularity of the post, Jian Siyue was also picked up.

The students in the financial industry all asked Jian Siyue, "Jian Siyue, do you really have that kind of relationship with Lian Cheng? Her mother is your stepmother?"

"Don't talk about Lian Cheng. Although we don't have much contact with her, she is not that kind of person." Jian Siyue said softly.

"Jian Siyue, you are too kind, Lian Cheng has treated you like this, and you still speak for her like this."

"That's right, I don't think Lian Cheng is a good person."

"Speaking of which, Jian Siyue is also very good-looking, but her score is not even high."
At the same time, Xu Xing'an from the Finance Department was filled with anger when he saw the post.

He was tempted by Lian Cheng, but he didn't say a word, he just gave Lian Cheng a little food that day, and Lian Cheng took it away when he was picked up.

This is just the most common thing among classmates, nothing special.

But he didn't expect to be used as a fuss by someone with a heart.

Xu Xing'an asked Zhou Chang, "Do you know which classroom Jian Siyue is in?"

"I'll ask right away."

Ten minutes later, Xu Xing'an and Zhou Chang came to the classroom of the freshman Finance Department.

"Jian Siyue, come out for a while, I have something to see you." Xu Xing'an stood at the door of the classroom and did not go in.

After saying that, he left.

Jian Siyue was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Xu Xing'an to come to her in person.

"Wow, Young Master Xu actually came looking for you! I haven't seen Young Master Xu in person yet, but thanks to you, I saw him in person today!"

"Young Master Xu is so handsome!"

"Why are you still standing there stupidly, hurry up!"

Jian Siyue left the classroom with a smile.

Xu Xing'an was waiting for her at the corner in front of her, which happened to be out of sight of the students in the classroom.

"Young Master Xu, what do you want me for?" Jian Siyue's voice was gentle, and she lowered her head slightly, her cheeks flushed.

In order to maintain her beautiful personality, Jian Siyue always wears nude makeup at school, looking relatively pure.

"Have you ever told anyone about your relationship with Lian Cheng?"

Jian Siyue's heart sank.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xing'an took the initiative to come to him just to ask about Lian Cheng?

How could she not be angry!

"I..." Jian Siyue looked embarrassed, "I mentioned it to a few sisters who are close to me, but I never mentioned Lian Cheng's fault. My parents said, no matter what, Lian Cheng is also ours. Family, a family cannot hurt each other, this is also our family motto."

Hearing what Jian Siyue said, Xu Xing'an didn't mean to blame her, "Be careful in the future, and don't tell others everything about certain things."

Xu Xing'an can almost conclude that this matter probably came out of Jian Siyue's mouth.

He believed that Lian Cheng would not say it, after all, she was relatively cold.

"Young Master Xu said yes, I will pay attention."

"Go back to study by yourself."

"Well, don't worry too much, I have already contacted the administrator to delete the posts on the forum."

"Okay, I'll go first."

Seeing Xu Xing'an leave in a hurry, Jian Siyue showed fierce eyes.

She wished Lian Cheng would die, how could she really help her!

If you want to blame Lian Cheng for offending so many people, someone actually sent her the photo.

She is from the Jian family, and she has been playing with her mind since she was a child. Can you not see that someone wants to use her as a weapon?

She threw the photo away on purpose for Ruan Jingjing in Liancheng's dormitory to see, and then she just waited to watch the show and eat melons.

(End of this chapter)

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