After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 274 Unlocking Hacking Skills

Chapter 274 Unlocking Hacking Skills

Xu Xing'an went to find Lian Cheng again.

She was not in the medical department, so Xu Xing'an went to the medical laboratory and called Lian Cheng out.

"What's the matter?" Lian Cheng frowned, he was about to start doing experiments, it was impolite to interrupt others.

"You do not know?"

"What should I know?"

"On the Peking University forum, there is a post about you..." Xu Xing'an took out his phone and handed the post to Lian Cheng as he spoke.

The more Lian Cheng looked at it, the worse his complexion became.

"You are from the entertainment industry, you must deal with it immediately, if it drags on..."

Lian Cheng's cell phone rang, "It's too late."

She pressed answer directly, it was Jiang Ying's call.

"It's okay, I just found out..."

"I'll figure it out right away..."

"Thank you for your hard work..."

Lian Cheng hung up the phone and walked out, "Thank you."

"Need help? I can..."

"Need not."

"Lian Cheng, I'm also responsible for this matter, I...I'll clarify right away!" Xu Xing'an said and ran away in a hurry.

Lian Cheng went straight out of the school gate and took a taxi home.

When she moved from Wucheng, she didn't know why she brought that ordinary-looking laptop from Wucheng.

But I didn't think too much about it, I just took it as I wanted, but now I don't think it's that simple.

After going to M07 that day, she vaguely regained some skills.

Open the notebook, the first is a face recognition system, passed with a ding.

Lian Cheng's hand fell on the keyboard, as if something was guiding her.

The code was revealed on the screen, and her fingers never heard it.

Soon, the Beijing University forum system was hacked, and the ID of the person who posted it was retrieved.

Lian Cheng didn't expect that the person who posted the post was actually Ruan Jingjing from the same dormitory.

She kept the evidence calmly, and then put the evidence on the Beijing University forum.

Ruan Jingjing was well-intentioned. Not only did she post herself, but she also registered many small accounts to post, and all of them were picked up.

What time, minutes, seconds, where, and what equipment is used are all clear.

Lian Cheng also changed the forum system, and the two posts could not be deleted within a week.
Things took a dramatic turn.

Xu Xing'an also posted on the forum

——I am Xu Xing'an
To clarify, I am not in a relationship with the heroine of a certain post, so the first photo proves nothing.

In addition, I was also at the scene when the second photo was taken. I can only say that it is not so exaggerated, it is a misplacement.

Lian Cheng's post and Xu Xing'an's post were posted almost at the same time.

【Depend on!After a long time, Lian Cheng was framed, and Xu Shao was also implicated? 】

[Who is Ruan Jingjing?Is it the legendary quietness? 】

[What kind of hatred is going to do this to Lian Cheng, she will almost be scolded to death, okay! 】

[If a woman can't find a problem with a woman, it's jealousy. Don't underestimate the jealousy of a woman, it's terrible! 】

[Look at all the people who follow and scold Lian Cheng, they don't know Lian Cheng, are they all jealous? 】

【I just want to see how this matter ends. I heard that the commotion is too big and has alarmed Weibo. Will Ruan Jingjing be torn apart by Lian Cheng's fans?If my idol was raped like this for no reason, I would also tear him apart]

[Xu Shaozhen, a man, actually helped Lian Cheng? 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 】

[If you are wronged, you will be wronged. If you apologize, it will be over. Everyone has jealousy, so there is no need to hold on to it and make everyone look ugly, right? 】

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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