After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 275 Enemies Gather and Dispute

Chapter 275 Enemies Gather and Dispute

In the dormitory, Ruan Jingjing was sitting and drinking a drink.

Pan Jiahui and Cui Xinyi just came in, even though Cui Xinyi was pulling Pan Jiahui, Pan Jiahui was still very angry.

"Ruan Jingjing, Lian Cheng didn't offend you, right? Do you deserve to hurt her like this?"

Ruan Jingjing knew that Dong Chuang's incident had happened, so she simply didn't hide it, "Isn't it just a post, how did it harm her? I didn't hit her anymore!"

"You don't know that Lian Cheng is a public figure. If you post this kind of thing, it will ruin her! What kind of enmity do you have with Lian Cheng? Don't you think it's too much to stir up public opinion?"

Ruan Jingjing stood up, pulled her chair away, and made a loud noise, "I ruined her? She ruined me! She clearly knew how much I liked Xu Shao, and she was alone with him! I praised Xu in the dormitory When I was young, you and Lian Cheng were laughing at me behind my back!"

"Are you sick? Even if Xu Shao is your boyfriend, he is also qualified to get along with other girls. This is his freedom. Are you going to kill every girl who talks to Xu Shao? It doesn't matter to Lian Cheng, you don't have to make things difficult for her!" Pan Jiahui blushed, she was usually submissive, but she protected Lian Cheng without ambiguity at all.

They came from one place to take care of each other.

Ruan Jingjing was completely enraged, she picked up the ceramic cup and threw it on the ground.

The fragments hit the arm of Pan Jiahui who was closest to her.


Ruan Jingjing was out of breath, and slapped her across the face, "Call you a ghost!"

Pan Jiahui got to the end and got to pieces.

Cui Xinyi pushed Ruan Jingjing away, "How could you hit someone!"

"Just hit me. I will pay you twice the medical expenses. Don't keep talking. If you offend the Ruan family, you will never get a foothold in the capital!" Ruan Jingjing threatened the two of them.

Cui Xinyi helped Pan Jiahui up, "Are you okay?"

Pan Jiahui burst into tears from the pain.

"No, I'll take you to the hospital." Cui Xinyi helped Pan Jiahui out.

As soon as Lian Cheng arrived at the bottom of the dormitory, he saw two people. Pan Jiahui had blood on her arms and legs, and her face was still red and swollen.

Lian Cheng's eyes sank, "What's going on?"

Neither of them dared to speak.

"Xinyi, tell me."

"Ruan Jingjing did it, she..."

"Go to the hospital first."

Lian Cheng called Wang Xu while walking, "Jiahui is injured, bring someone here."

Wang Xu leaned against him, and rushed over as fast as he could, meeting at the gate of Peking University.

Lian Cheng is a doctor. She quickly checked Pan Jiahui's wounds, "There is nothing serious. To prevent infection, Wang Xu, take Jiahui to the hospital for treatment. Be careful not to leave scars."

"Let's go." Young master Wang Xu bought a car early even if he arrived in the capital.

Lian Cheng turned his head and left.

Pan Jiahui pulled Wang Xu, "You follow Lian Cheng, I don't worry about her."

"Don't worry, Sister Cheng is amazing!"

"Wang Xu!"

"But you..."

"It doesn't matter if Xinyi is here."

"Okay." Wang Xu handed over the car keys to the classmate he brought, "I'll leave it to you."

He ran to chase after Lian Cheng.

Ruan Jingjing knew something was wrong and planned to go home to avoid the limelight.

She also packed a suitcase, walked downstairs to the dormitory, and met Lian Cheng.

Those passing by and those in the dormitory all poked their heads to look.

Is this a gathering of friends?
Now who doesn't know that Ruan Jingjing framed Lian Cheng?
Fortunately, Lian Cheng is also a formidable person, otherwise his reputation might be ruined.

(End of this chapter)

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