After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 321 The girlfriend's chapter is an imperial decree, unconditionally enforced

Chapter 321 Girlfriend's words are imperial decrees, unconditionally carried out
When Lian Cheng moved his mouth, Shen Xiuyan had already done everything.

The girlfriend's words are imperial decrees, and they must be carried out unconditionally!

The next day, YUN Group sent special personnel to find Jingda Medical Laboratory and Jingcheng Hospital to discuss the introduction of medical equipment.

Not only provide machines, provide equipment maintenance, but also provide start-up capital.

This is simply a great thing, no different from winning the lottery!

It made both parties think they were dreaming.

I have seen investment, but I have never seen such a rush to invest!
So weakly asked the other party, do you have any requirements?

As a result, the representative sent by Yun Group asked cautiously: Can you give our employees an experience every year, okay?

The dean quickly shook the other party's hand and nodded wildly.

Say yes.

Could this man have been smoked!
So he sent the person away with such a hanging heart.

The dean and director Wang took a sip of water to suppress the shock.

"You said this is absurd. I was still thinking about my reasons and went to visit the Yun Group in person. Speaking of which, it would be worth it if I got rid of my old face in exchange for such a good equipment. In the end, the person sent it up. What a surprise. ..."

Maybe it's smoke coming from his ancestral grave!

Director Wang wiped off his sweat, "It must be a shock!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you have the equipment! This thing can save a lot of people. Let's arrange it later and follow the people of Yun Group to learn code and machine control."

"Dean..." A doctor ran in, "We have a distinguished guest."

The dean drank water unhurriedly.

Is there any honorable guest that can compare to the people from the Yun Group?

He has experienced all good things, and he is confident and calm at this time.

"Huangjue Group sent people to send us medical robots..."

"Pfft..." The dean spat out a mouthful of water.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of the Huangjue Group, I'm here to fund medical robots for you..."

"I'm sorry, our dean fainted from excitement..."


"Tossing and Rolling Life" was released, and as a modern drama that cost the most investment, it got everyone's attention as soon as it came out.

For nothing else, let's see how good the scene paved with money is in the future!

The actors of the crew are all promoting this play together.

The popularity of Lian Cheng's top scorer in the college entrance examination has not yet passed, and Rang has once again been on the hot search.

On the day of the premiere, it was even sold out.

The Yun Group and Huangjue Group in the capital are like crazy, inviting employees from all over the country to watch movies, all of which are reserved.

There are quite a lot of employees in the two big family businesses!

And you can bring your family!
Drinks and popcorn are also included.

[My god, am I blind? I went to the movie theater to buy a ticket. There were people in employee uniforms holding popcorn. I almost said that the movie theater was acquired, and all the tickets I bought were yellow. 】

[It's okay for you upstairs, the movie theater here is not easy to park, people watching movies today blocked the parking lot directly! 】

[I heard internal news that both the Huangjue Group and the Yun Group have booked out the venues for employees and their families, and it would be better to go to a big company to work! 】

[Isn't it an urban emotional drama, and it's not an inspirational drama in the workplace, why does the group show this to employees? 】

[It's very simple. Employees can only devote themselves to work if their families are happy. This is a warning to employees to live a good life, and they will be cast aside if they cheat! 】

[Yes, this is caring for the physical and mental health of employees! 】

[Your focus is off!Didn't you realize that the heroine is Lian Cheng? 】

(End of this chapter)

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