After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 322 Reserved, the little expert who throws the pot

Chapter 322 Reserved, the little expert who throws the pot
As more and more movies are opened, the number of people watching is also rising.

Especially those born in the 90s, after watching the movie, they were filled with emotion.

Everyone went to write film reviews, and wanted to write out the resonance between themselves and the film.

[Crying enough at the movie theater, my husband and my best friend got married, after the cruel divorce, I took care of the children alone, and I didn’t even have time to watch movies. To my Song Shaoping, a solid shoulder.I was desperate at first, but after watching the movie, I believed in love again. 】

[The girl next door cried and flew off her false eyelashes, I helped find half of the movie~]

[It's a very real story. A girl's ups and downs in her life have been filmed for more than ten years. The heroine played so well that I was so infected that I cried. Standing together, Lian Cheng and Wen Yingdi are really a perfect match. 】

【I'm the only one who noticed, Lian Cheng's various styles?She is simply a queen of change!Everything is under control, I want to save the picture as a screen saver. 】

[The part about the divorce was too exhausting, Lian Cheng is simply a strong woman!The ex-husband never expected that his gentle wife would be so courageous. 】

[The scumbag cried when he regretted it later, and he still has the face to find the heroine. This kind of man should be soaked in a pig cage! 】

[Damn, I just went to check, the scumbag is a newcomer, he was a trainee before, his acting skills are amazing! 】

[The scene where Actor Wen came on stage to pick up the heroine in front of a scumbag is so cool, why are there so few scenes for me, Actor Wen! ! ! 】
The Internet is full of evaluations of "A Life of Tossing and Turning", and the ratings are a little bit on the Internet.

Lian Cheng, Wen Qi, and Yi Chuan had just finished promoting the movie and rushed to the next venue.

While in the car, Jiang Ying laughed and said she couldn't stop.

"This time I met a noble person to help."

Wen Qi took a sip of water, "My lord, are you talking about me?"

"Both the Huangjue Group and the Yun Group have booked our movies!"

Lian Cheng:! ! !
"Sister, where is my cell phone?"

Jiang Ying handed it over, "It just rang several times."

Lian Cheng took it over and took a look. It was all news, so he unlocked it and entered to have a look.

[Old man: Girl, I reserved the movie, and I went to see it too!My daughter's acting is so good, I'm even touched, you are born to be in the entertainment industry! 】

[Shen Xiuyan: Baby, the movie is reserved, when will you watch it with me? 】

Lian Cheng: ...

Do these two hate money?
Jiang Ying was still chattering on the sidelines, "Actually, booking the venue is secondary. The most important thing is to create momentum for us. This matter has been trending. I don't know what these two big groups think, they won't Who is the idol of the group leader in the middle?"

Jiang Ying's eyes wandered between the three of them.

"It should be Film Emperor Wen. Yi Chuan and I are both newcomers." Lian Cheng successfully threw the blame on Wen Qi, not allowing him to refuse.

Yi Chuan assisted, "I think so too, Actor Wen is very popular."

Wen Qi was a little flustered, "I can't, why don't I remember that I have such a powerful fan?"

"It's normal that you don't remember. Rich people are very low-key and don't leave their names behind when they do good deeds!"
"Yes, Actor Wen, you are a pillar in the entertainment industry, and there are many people who like you."

Wen Qi: ...

I just can't believe it!
Why do I feel that it is still a bit fake?

(End of this chapter)

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