After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 328 Come, get engaged to Gong Yun

Chapter 328 Come back and get engaged to Gong Yun
As soon as Shen Xiuyan stopped the car, his cell phone rang.

He pressed the phone, and Shen Chongming's excited voice came from the other end, "What's the matter with you?"

The relationship between father and son has always been bad, Shen Chongming only knows that Shen Xiuyan is fooling around outside.

Old man Shen is so partial to Shen Xiuyan, he must have given him a lot of money, Shen Xiuyan is the same as the average rich second-generation dude, he knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

He had investigated Shen Xiuyan and found that he had no ambition at all.

What an embarrassment to his old man!

Either do not contact, or contact is tit for tat.

"Is something wrong?"

"Come back quickly and get engaged to Gong Yun." Shen Chongming said concisely.

Gong Yun was his favorite daughter-in-law, it was rare that Mr. Shen did not object, she was more than enough to match Shen Xiuyan.

Even if Shen Xiuyan won't be able to succeed the Shen family in the future, he won't be too bad with the Gong family around.

There is no shame in relying on your future wife, relying on her is the key.

He is planning for Shen Xiuyan!

"Did you take the wrong medicine?" Didn't he explain it before?
He only wants Lian Cheng in his life!

Other women are not important in his eyes!
"What's wrong with Gong Yun? It's good to have an education and a good family background. I feel wronged when I match you! You still have the face to pick and choose, do you know that if the old man hadn't appointed you, I would really I want to assign Gong Yun to your elder brother!"

"Why don't I remember that my mother has other children."

As long as Master Shen and Shen Xiuyan don't let go, Huo Shuyuan will never be able to turn around and become a real Mrs. Shen!

She has to bear the infamy of being a mistress all her life, and her child is also an illegitimate child, so she can't see the light.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for this, his half-brother would definitely be even more arrogant.

Bastards have equal inheritance rights, but it is difficult for big families to accept them.

"You!" Shen Chongming became angry when Shen Xiuyan asked this question, "Don't interrupt me, come back and get engaged! I don't care how many women you have played with outside, your wife must be Gong Yun! Those who are not good The little stars who come to Taiwan don't even think about entering the gate of my Shen family!"

Shen Chongming was coaxed around by Huo Shuyuan's mother and son for half his life, as if living above the clouds, always maintaining a sense of superiority.

But he always remembered that Shen Xiuyan was the only child Lu Man left him!
Lu Man, that woman who has been amazing for less than ten years!

It's a pity that Shen Xiuyan is too disappointing!

"You like Gong Yun very much?" Shen Xiuyan asked back.

"Nonsense, she is my daughter-in-law..."

"Since you like her so much, you might as well just marry her. I'm sure your virtuous and virtuous little secretary can help you comfort every woman in your life!"

"Shen Xiuyan, what nonsense are you talking about!" Shen Chongming was really angry with him, and called him by his first name.

"Let me remind you, you have changed a lot of women in your life, they are too dirty. I will not become a man like you, it's disgusting. Also, I don't even want to enter the door of the Shen family, let alone my woman." Perhaps it was Shen Chongming's behavior that gave him the emotional cleanliness in his eyes!

"I'm a man! I..." Shen Chongming took a deep breath and controlled his temper, "You don't have to deal with my affairs, if you are obsessed with your obsession, then don't blame me for taking action against your little star!"

"If you dare, just give it a try! At that time, no one should think about it. Don't forget that I still have evidence of your cheating in my hand. I don't mind showing it to the world."

After Shen Xiuyan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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