Chapter 329 Strong and Lovely

He always remembered the empty eyes of his mother in her final years.

That was proof of hope lost.

His father broke his mother's heart, and he broke with him at that time, never calling him dad again.

If it wasn't for him, my mother might not be able to support it long ago.

But in the end, he still couldn't save her.

As for his father, he brought his mistress and illegitimate son into the house, and the family enjoyed themselves happily. He was an outsider and couldn't integrate into the family at all.

Shen Xiuyan speeded up the car and arrived at the gate of Beijing University early. He parked on the side of the road opposite Beijing University.

The weather in the capital city changed as it said, it was still sunny one moment, and it began to rain heavily the next moment.

When he came, he opened the window, and at this time, the rain came in along the window, but he didn't care.

Shen Xiuyan turned off the car music, listened to the sound of rain outside, and remembered a lot of the past.

When he returned to the capital, one was for the old man of the Shen family, and the other was for Lian Cheng, the two most important people to him!

Even if he lives a new life, some people seem to remain unchanged, such as his father.
Lian Cheng bid farewell to Pan Jiahui and Cui Xinyi after class, and went directly to the school gate.

Shen Xiuyan didn't agree with her as a dormitory student. If she went to live in the dormitory, he would wait at the gate of Beijing for one night.

She is still a dormitory student, and he is about to go to the gate of Beijing to pull up a banner.

Even Cheng was afraid of what he said.

Why can't you get out of the car today?
Lian Cheng approached and found that the car window was still open, so she leaned over and poked her head in through the car window, "What are you thinking?"

Shen Xiuyan was startled.

Lian Cheng suddenly appeared!
The space in the car was not big, Shen Xiuyan blocked Lian Cheng's lips directly.

Lian Cheng:!
Damn, I made a mistake, I can't hide, I can't hide!

Lian Cheng immediately backed out, looked around like a thief, "You're crazy!"

After speaking, she immediately climbed into the co-pilot, "Drive, run!"

The movie theaters of "Tossing and Rolling" are still full, and her enthusiasm is not diminishing. It is a big risk to come to school!
Still kissing on the side of the road, she won't despise her life for too long!

Shen Xiuyan touched his lips, still savoring the sweetness just now.

Lian Cheng patted Shen Xiuyan anxiously, "Hurry up and go."

"it is good."

Shen Xiuyan's mood immediately improved.

"Going to eat supper?"

Holding the milk tea, Lian Cheng touched his waist, "Did you eat too much?"

"will not."

"Let's go then!"

Lian Cheng thought that Shen Xiuyan must have booked a luxurious restaurant similar to Yilian Youmeng, but he took her directly to a nearby food street.

Lian Cheng:?
"Haven't you been here for a long time? I'll buy what you want to eat? You might be recognized when you go out."

"Chicken tenderloin, barbecue, skewers..."

"Wait for me."

Shen Xiuyan unfastened his seat belt, got out of the car and left.

Like Lian Cheng, he is used to wearing a cap and mask when getting off the car.

I was careless when I bought milk tea just now.

Lian Cheng turned on his mobile phone to check the new box office of "A Lifetime", and then read the film reviews.

To be honest, with the box office of "Deep Palace" and "Rolling and Turning", the mess left by the original owner in the entertainment industry has almost been dealt with.

In the future, it depends on her own wishes to take on the show.

This is a good sign.

It can be regarded as the original owner.

On the Internet, the heroine of "Tossing and Turning" is still highly rated.

A woman who is both lucky and unlucky, strong and lovely.

(End of this chapter)

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