Chapter 330 Lian Cheng Is My Wife
Because of the new movie, Lian Cheng's popularity has also increased, and the number of fans has reached tens of millions.

Such a rising speed is a miracle in the entertainment industry.

Lin Shimeng, who has more than 900 million fans, has been given a second, and she is already on the verge of approaching the actor Wen Qi.

[In "Tossing and Turning Life", the character of Nuannuan is really a character with positive energy all over the body!She talked about the process of women from youth to maturity, and handled the housework very well. One word to describe it is beautiful. 】

[If every girl can do this, then there will be very few bitter women in society! 】

[No matter how good the character is, it needs to be given words and acting skills to express it. Lian Cheng is too good. 】

[I said before that Lian Cheng is a vase, does her face hurt?Can your vase achieve such a high achievement? 】

[It doesn't matter, when I marry a wife in the future, I will use Lian Cheng as the standard! 】

【Lian Cheng is my wife!Even if I am a woman, Lian Cheng is still my wife! 】

Lian Cheng: ...

There are so many people calling her wife, so much pressure!

If Shen Xiuyan knew about this.

The goosebumps all over Lian Cheng's body trembled in one direction, it was frightening to death.

In the past, she would tease Shen Xiuyan willfully, but now she dare not.

This man will let her bully him, and then he will get back double in bed!
It's too much!

She just can't beat that dog man!
The air after the rain was very fresh, Lian Cheng opened the car window, and the car window blew her long hair, staring dumbfounded at the little gangsters passing by.

"Fucking brother, beautiful girl!"

"my type!"

"As a co-pilot alone, it seems that he has an owner?"

Most of the women in the co-pilot are wives or girlfriends, or romantic partners!
"Why is it just a driver, we are five men, can't we kill him?"

"It doesn't matter, drag it to the alley ahead to solve the problem, let's worry about the driver!"

"Go go go brother!"

"Hey, it's not good to use wine to boost your courage! But I can't help it!"

Five men surrounded the car.

"Beauty, what are you doing?"

"Why don't you brothers have supper with you?"

"Hey little beauty, did someone tell you that you are very similar to the heroine of the most popular movie!"

Lian Cheng: ...

Is she just fine!
Fortunately, she was locked, and they couldn't open the car.

The person who pulled the door also found out.

"Damn, this bitch is locked!"

"I have a solution!" A man went to the side of the road to pick up a stone, and scratched hard on the car door, "If you don't come out, right, I scratched the car for you. This car is not cheap!"

Uneducated punks!
Bentley doesn't even know it.

This is Shen Xiuyan's most frequently used car. Although Lian Cheng doesn't know if it is his favorite, but he drives it very frequently, which shows that this car is not bad for him.

Lian Cheng was angry for a moment, but she didn't dare to show it too much, so as not to scare the other party away.

She showed a pitiful expression, "Could it be that if I come out, you can let this car go."

The five punks were dumbfounded!

So cute!

It's so pitiful, their consciences are a little bit condemned.

He actually bullied such a cute girl.

Brother Shitou even dropped the stone, and coaxed him as gently as possible, "We just want you to accompany us because you look good. If you get out of the car, I promise not to move the car."

"it is good!"

Seeing the beauty getting out of the car so easily, they rubbed their hands excitedly.

It's theirs!
(End of this chapter)

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