After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 344 Throw This Woman Out For Me

Chapter 344 Throw This Woman Out For Me
The words are vulgar and the rank is too low.

Does Lian Cheng think being right with her is an insult to his IQ!

She is a smart person, and she doesn't bother to talk to this kind of person.

If it really annoys her, just use your fists to solve it!
Looking past Xiaoqian, who was exhaling fragrance, she fell directly on the tall and cold man behind her.

Shen Xiuyan was still holding milk tea and cake in his hand, but his face was terribly dark, as if he could freeze to death in the next second!

"Are you here?" Lian Cheng said to Shen Xiuyan.

Xiaoqian turned her head in horror.

The man stood behind her, with anger in his deep eyes, and his aura was very strong.

More importantly, he is so handsome that people can't close their eyes!

Xiaoqian was handsomely arrived by Shen Xiuyan, she had never seen such a good-looking man, it seemed that just looking at him was blasphemy.

Could this be Mr. President?

Their president is so young and handsome?
She finally understood why the CEO didn't announce his face. If the company's female employees knew about it, they wouldn't be in the mood to go to work at all, so let's hug the photo and lick it!

Lian Cheng tapped the porridge spoon on the bowl twice, "I'll get angry if you stare at my man like that, it's terrible when I get angry, maybe you'll be beaten to death by me."

Shen Xiuyan picked up the phone and called Chen Qi, "Get over here."

When Chen Qi received the call, he ran over in fright.

Master Xiu has never let him roll around!

As soon as Chen Qi stepped into the office, when he saw Xiaoqian, he yelled that it was not good!

Everyone in the cleaning department has a uniform uniform, which can be seen at a glance!

This woman!

who is it?

"All cats and dogs can come in my office?" As soon as he heard it, he knew that Shen Xiuyan's anger had already risen.

"It should be from the cleaning department."

"Where's the minister?"

Xiaoqian was panicked by Shen Xiuyan's stare, "She asked for leave."

"Since you can't manage the people below, there's no need to come."

"Yes, I will notify the personnel department immediately."

In a word, the minister was laid off.

Xiaoqian was so frightened that her face turned pale.

"Throw this woman out to me, and she will never be hired. If you reveal a word about what happened today, you won't have to hang out in the capital."

Xiaoqian couldn't stand anymore, "President, I..."

Chen Qi saw that Shen Xiuyan's face could no longer be dark, so he persuaded Xiaoqian, "You can still get compensation if you leave now! You said it's fine if you broke into the president's office, and disturbed the president's wife, you It's really..."

Xiaoqian almost knelt down, "I'm sorry, I..."

Lian Cheng smiled and said, "Let's go, I'm in a good mood today, I don't care about it."

Xiaoqian ran away immediately.

The momentary greed almost killed me for the rest of my life!
After offending such a big man, is it possible that he still wants to survive?
After Xiaoqian left, Chen Qi still didn't dare to leave, Master Xiu's eyes seemed to want him to get out.

"What's going on with this?" Has his office become a utility room?

"The leaders of the group heard that your girlfriend was ill and expressed their condolences."

When Shen Xiuyan heard this answer, his face was not so ugly.

Lian Cheng was also very pleasantly surprised, "I didn't expect your subordinates to be so considerate."

Shen Xiuyan patted her head, and put the cake and milk tea on the table, "Is it better?"

Lian Cheng nodded and opened the cake box.

Shen Xiuyan helped her insert the straw, "It's still hot."

Chen Qi backed out silently, and thoughtfully closed the door behind him.

It's like accompanying a king like a tiger.

 Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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