After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 345 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Not an Unreasonable Woman

Chapter 345 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Not an Unreasonable Woman

Shen Xiuyan was a little uneasy, the cleaning department just now was not a good person at first glance.

He heard everything that was said.

No one has the courage to say these words to his woman!

Let her go, it's already cheap for her!

Whether Lian Cheng thinks about it or not, he has to explain.

"The employee just broke in by himself, I didn't know..."

Lian Cheng rubbed his stomach, he was full, "Why, are you afraid that I will be angry?"


Lian Chengjiang dug a piece with a small spoon and handed it to Shen Xiuyan's mouth, Shen Xiuyan opened his mouth to eat it.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not an unreasonable woman."

After feeding Shen Xiuyan, Lian Cheng dug a spoonful and ate it himself.

Just after the fever subsided, his face was still a little pale, and he looked weak and weak.

aroused his desire to protect.

and also……

Watching Lian Cheng take small bites of the cake, the cake stuck to the corner of his mouth, Lian Cheng licked it.

Shen Xiuyan bent down again and kissed her.

Sweeping the cake in her mouth.


Lian Cheng was stunned.

I can't push it even if I want to!

Shen Xiuyan has already picked her up and put her on the desk.

Once a person in love gets close, it is easy to lose control.

After finally breathing fresh air, Lian Cheng put his hand on Shen Xiuyan's shoulder, "Ayan, have you forgotten how I caught a cold yesterday?"

He didn't have a fever because he co-authored it, he forgot all about it, right?

Shen Xiuyan stopped, and immediately retreated from Lian Cheng.

He picked him up again and straightened his clothes.

"I'm sorry baby, you're so charming, I couldn't hold back for a moment."

Lian Cheng grabbed Shen Xiuyan's ear, "You are too much!"

"I was wrong, forgive me!"

"Hold me to rest!" Lian Cheng's arms hung around Shen Xiuyan's neck. She hadn't fully recovered yet, and she became softer when Shen Xiuyan made a fuss.

The person returned to the big bed again.

"I'll sleep for a while, go help me with my clothes, don't you have to eat tonight?" She sweated just now and wanted to change.

"not going."

"It's all made up, let's go, I'll recover after another afternoon of sleep."

"Okay, you go to sleep." Shen Xiuyan kissed Lian Cheng's forehead and covered her with a quilt.

He waited until Lian Cheng fell asleep before closing the door and going to work.

In order to prevent what happened just now from happening again, he naturally would not leave the office, and ordered Chen Qi to buy clothes.

Chen Qi is a big man, so he called directly to the mall and asked the person in charge to deliver clothes.

The news that the president brought his girlfriend to the company still leaked out, and the people below are even more refined. The manager of the mall personally sent a row of couple costumes.

Shen Xiuyan carefully chose a casual style that Lian Cheng likes.

Lian Cheng didn't wake up until three o'clock in the afternoon.

She opened the door and poked out a small head.

Shen Xiuyan greeted her after hearing the movement, "Come here."

"Where are my clothes?"

"Here we come." Shen Xiuyan personally sent him into the lounge.

Lian Cheng took out a black sweater from the package, "Isn't this too big?"

Shen Xiuyan walked to her side and began to undo his tie and buttons.

Lian Cheng:! ! !
Take two steps back, hug yourself, "What do you want?"

Soon, Shen Xiuyan took off his shirt.

He picked up the sweater Lian Cheng had just pulled out and put it on.

Immediately afterwards, his hand was on the belt, and Lian Cheng was so frightened that he turned around and hid in the corner, drawing circles.


The corners of Shen Xiuyan's mouth curled up, and his smile gradually grew.

(End of this chapter)

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