After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 380 The winner of the actress, join hands on stage

Chapter 380 The winner of the actress, join hands on stage

The heavyweight award presenters have already taken the stage.

Lin Shimeng in the audience anxiously grabbed Si Chen's arm, so nervous that she didn't dare to breathe.

As long as she can get the best actress, then all men will have it!
She is no longer young, if Lian Cheng defeats her, it would be ridiculous.

She even started to pray to God to bless her once!
As for Jiang Qiuqin, she was expressionless.

She glanced at Lian Cheng in the first row, could she sit in the first row just because she was Shen Xiuyan's female companion?
She always felt that there was something she didn't know!
The situation in the entertainment industry is getting more and more wrong, it's like a cloud of fog, and I can't see clearly.
Even the host couldn't believe that the award presenter lineup is so strong.

Even the wealth of the richest man and the third youngest, Shen Xiuyan, can almost control the economic lifeline of the entire capital.

Many people even began to speculate why they appeared in such a high-profile manner.

This is not their style!
The two came in high-order black suits.

Shen Xiuyan is young and handsome, and Lian Qingyun is mature and steady, neither of them announced any marital status.

Celebrities expect them to be single.

The young one wished to be favored by Shen Xiuyan, even Qingyun.

The older ones stared straight at Lian Qingyun.

No matter what the meeting, you have to get up and show your face in front of the two of them!
Everyone is getting ready to touch up their makeup!
In Shen Xiuyan's hand was the envelope given by the staff when he first came on stage, and inside was the name of the winner of the Best Actress.

The competition at the film festival was absolutely fair, but his instinct told her that it was Lian Cheng.

His baby is so good, it is necessary to win the actress.

"It's unexpected that the two of you can come to present the awards. I don't know how the organizer invited the two of you? I can't figure it out..." The host boldly asked this question.

Shen Xiuyan smiled, and made a gentlemanly gesture of invitation.

This is his father-in-law, let him say whatever he says first!

Lian Qingyun said, "For an important person."

Well, yes, it's my daughter!

The host understood that it was not easy to make such a point, and he made it clear that he didn't want to say who it was.

The host's eyes turned to Shen Xiuyan again, "Mr. Shen, how about you?"

"It's also for an important person."

Audience: wow~

If it's not the same person...

Did the two become hostile for the side they supported?
"Okay, without further ado, I would like to invite you two to announce..."

The camera swept back and forth between Lian Cheng, Jiang Qiuqin, and Lin Shimeng, intending to capture all the expressions of the three.

Lian Qingyun signaled Shen Xiuyan to come.

Shen Xiuyan opened the envelope, his eyes lit up, "I announce that the best actress in this film festival is Lian Cheng's "Life of Life". Lian Cheng has performed a warm life change with his excellent acting skills, and has been recognized by the audience. Congratulations Lian Cheng!"

Shen Xiuyan's magnetic voice spread throughout the audience through the microphone.

There was applause everywhere.

Lian Cheng got up and walked towards the stage.

In her eyes, there is only the man on the high platform.

Shen Xiuyan handed the envelope to Lian Qingyun and stepped off the stage himself.

Audience: ? ? ?
What operation?
I do not know!
Shen Xiuyan walked down the stage and extended his hand to Liancheng.

Lian Cheng's hand fell on his, and the two stepped up the steps hand in hand.

It was obviously a normal action, why did someone smell the smell of dog food.

Shen Xiuyan took Lian Cheng's hand and walked to the center of the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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