After wearing the book, I was spoiled by the boss

Chapter 381 The Richest Daughter: Thank you Dad for presenting me the award

Chapter 381 The Richest Daughter: Thank you Dad for presenting me the award

Lian Qingyun held the trophy in his hand and handed it to him personally, "Congratulations baby."

Host: ...Fuck!What is the relationship between you!
Lian Cheng took the trophy, "Thank you Dad."

host:! ! !

I was so scared that the microphone dropped! ! !
He has hosted for so many years, and he has never missed it!

Moreover, the voices of the two people could not be heard at all.

But I heard it clearly, and it was still two sentences!

Lian Qingyun, Lian Cheng, they can't really be...

The director's call came from the host's headset, and he regained his composure and picked up the microphone.

Nima, he was almost scared to death, wow!
His heart can't stand being so scared!

The host used his whole life's ability to calm himself down, and the next host will have to rely on him to support him, so he must not lose the chain, no!Besides, all his actions and eyesight will be photographed, and Gaiming will definitely make headlines!

Shen Xiuyan thoughtfully adjusted the microphone height for Lian Cheng.

Lian Cheng smiled at him.

The host regained his voice, "Congratulations to the actress. If the actress has anything to say to everyone, the applause from the audience will drown us out."

Lian Cheng held the trophy and faced everyone with a smile, "I really didn't expect to win the award, and I didn't prepare my acceptance speech."

There was a lot of laughter underneath.

"There is only one sentence in a thousand words, thank you everyone. Thank you for giving me the opportunity and those who accompanied me to act. With you, there is only one actress today. And..."

Lian Cheng paused for a moment, then shifted his gaze to Lian Qingyun, "I want to thank one person. Without his dedication and support, today's Lian Cheng would not be able to do whatever he wants."

Lian Cheng turned sideways and bowed slightly to Lian Qingyun.

Straightening his back again, Lian Cheng said, "Thank you, Dad, for giving me the award!"

Audience:! ! ! !

[Fuck!What is Lian Cheng called Lian Qingyun?dad?Is it this dad or that dad? 】

[The surname is Lian!Definitely the real dad! 】

[My god, isn't Lian Cheng the daughter of the Huangjue Group!What the hell is the No. [-] celebrity in the capital? 】

[Fuck me, even the richest man never discloses his family background, never thought his daughter would be in the entertainment industry? 】

[Are you stupid, Lian Cheng is more than just a movie queen, she is also the top scorer in the college entrance examination, No.1 in medical robot advocacy...]

【Oh my god, there are so many vests, I can't count them...】

Lian Cheng and Lian Qingyun embraced.

The host was so excited, "I didn't expect that Lian Ying Queen is Lian Zong's daughter. May I interview you, Lian Zong?"

Lian Qingyun nodded.

"Mr. Lian, are you here to present the award for your own daughter?"

The host couldn't help but didn't dare to ask more, so he had to ask this seemingly nonsense question.

"Yes, I support my daughter's career, but I hope she can inherit the family business..." Lian Qingyun smiled helplessly when he said this.

"Hahaha, the actress is a genius, your family business must be no problem!"

The host joked a few words, and the group was about to step down.

"Wait." Shen Xiuyan called to stop.

His eyes were on Lian Cheng the whole time, and he didn't want to look away, but the little girl seemed to only return a smile, nothing else.

He was completely ignored.

Who made the other party the future father-in-law!
Shen Xiuyan's gaze was too obvious, and many people had already noticed it.

Especially Lian Qingyun and the host who are on the same stage.

(End of this chapter)

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