I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 15 Artillery Battalion

Chapter 15 Artillery Battalion

"Speaking of which, both of you performed well in battle."

"Da Biao, you did a good job leading the assault team. There should be ten little devils who died in your hands?" Li Yunlong said with a smile.

Zhang Dabiao smiled, and shook his head, "Commander, you underestimate me too much. The people who died in this battle may be eight hundred if not one thousand, only ten. Commander, you underestimate me too much." gone."

"Damn you! Speak well. If you are so powerful, I will entrust you as the head of the regiment. When the battle starts, you will rush up and wipe out all the devils by yourself, and the soldiers will be happy. Or, next time You try to charge up alone, let me see if you can kill thousands of devils!" Li Yunlong's eyes widened, his grandma's, according to what Zhang Dabiao said, he is the most powerful in Xinyituan.

"How dare, how dare, I'll brag, head, look at you, why are you so serious." Zhang Dabiao quickly said with a smile.

Li Yunlong laughed, "Your regiment leader, I am an honest person. How dare I not believe what you Zhang Dabiao said? Turn around, I will report your record to the brigade headquarters and ask for credit for you. Maybe the brigade will The leader can still be promoted to your position, when the time comes, the head of the new regiment may not be me, Li Yunlong, but you, Zhang Dabiao."

"Genzi, don't learn from this Zhang Dabiao. You can't learn anything from him." Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen at the side and said with a smile.

Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen and was very satisfied with Liu Gen's performance. Compared with Zhang Dabiao, Liu Gen made him feel much more at ease.Moreover, Liu Gen, the artilleryman, performed quite well in the battle, and several shellings played a big role.

If it weren't for Liu Gen's artillery, it would be very difficult for the Xinyi regiment to break out from the front of the Sakata United, let alone kill the old devil Sakata!
"Battalion Commander Zhang is actually pretty good. He is very brave in battle. He is a fierce general. I think Battalion Commander Zhang may kill thousands of devils." Liu Gen looked serious, as if he really thought Zhang Dabiao could It's like killing so many devils.

Zhang Dabiao joined the army very early, and after the start of the Anti-Japanese War, he did not kill devils less.It can be said that Zhang Dabiao's hands were stained with the blood of too many devils, and his superb shooting skills and bayonet fighting skills were all improved through battles.

"Don't praise him. Zhang Dabiao can't praise him. Do you believe that he can fly to the sky just after you praise him with your front feet?" Li Yunlong scolded with a smile.

"Genzi, look, we have seized six 81-type infantry guns, five 82mm mortars, and one [-]mm mortar we own. We should be able to form an artillery battalion, how about that? Do you want to Become the battalion commander of our new regiment's artillery battalion?" Li Yunlong asked seriously.

Liu Gen was slightly taken aback, and he looked at Li Yunlong in surprise, "Regimental Commander, our regiment directly set up an artillery battalion? Isn't our stride a bit big? Doesn't our division only have one artillery battalion?"

"The division headquarters is too petty. If we want to make it, our regiment will turn it into an artillery battalion. When we meet devils, we will beat him up." Li Yunlong stared with big eyes, arrogant.

"Regimental Commander, this won't work! Besides, brigade commander, the division commander asked, what should we say? They know that our regiment can't be kept." Zhang Dabiao couldn't help but said.

The Xinyi Regiment seized so much good equipment, it won't be long before the brigade commander and division commander will know that by that time, all these equipment cannot be left in the Xinyi Regiment's hands.Keeping good equipment in the hands of the new regiment can only make the new regiment stronger, but if it is handed over to the brigade and division headquarters, it will be able to play a greater role.

"Damn it! Zhang Dabiao, you really don't know which pot to turn on. I still want to set up an artillery battalion, and now it's done! Let alone the artillery battalion, maybe there will be no artillery company! I see, it won't be long. The brigade commander is about to call me!" Li Yunlong said cursingly.

Li Yunlong didn't have much to do. He was the head of the regiment. How could he not obey the orders of the brigade commander and division commander.Just thinking that the artillery that was so hard to seize would be handed over to other people, Li Yunlong felt a little uncomfortable. Damn, I really want to keep all these artillery in the new regiment.

Picking up the wine bowl and taking a sip, Li Yunlong bared his teeth. The sweet potatoes are too spicy and the taste is not very good, but who made Li Yunlong take a good sip?

"Regimental Commander, let's not be in a hurry to set up an artillery battalion. According to the speed of our regiment's development, we might be able to build an artillery regiment in the future. It doesn't matter if we hand over some artillery, and the brothers' troops can be stronger. Let's You can also get more support if you fight the devils."

"It's the leader, have you heard any gossip in the past two days?" Liu Gen looked at Li Yunlong, picked up the wine bowl and took a sip.

Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, he looked at Zhang Dabiao in front of him, he could see obvious worry on Zhang Dabiao's face, and when he looked at Liu Gen, he could also see that Liu Gen's face was not very good-looking.Noticing this, Li Yunlong put down the wine bowl he picked up, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Gossip? What gossip? I don't know anything, what's wrong? What happened?" Li Yunlong picked up the wine bowl and took another sip, and said.

Liu Gen looked at Zhang Dabiao and saw Zhang Dabiao nodded, so he chose to speak again.

"It's like this. I heard a soldier say that the head of the headquarters was very dissatisfied with our disobedience on the battlefield and said that he wanted to rectify it. You may have to bear certain punishment, head of the regiment." Liu Gen said.

Li Yunlong peeled a peanut and put it in his mouth, he chewed it slowly, "Punishment, what kind of punishment? Anyway, it's a breakout. Our Xinyi regiment broke through from the front, isn't it a breakthrough? Besides, our Xinyi regiment defeated the Bantian United team head-on and successfully killed them." One chief and two lieutenants killed the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment!"

"If our Xinyi Regiment hadn't defeated the Sakata Regiment and covered the retreat of the Division Headquarters and large troops, then the Division Headquarters and other troops would have been able to break through so easily. Now it's all right, I've done my work, and the battle has agreed, What's the point of punishing Lao Tzu?"

"Captain, we did a good job. The Sakata United Squad is a stubborn one. We fought head-on and defeated the Sakata Squadron, which is enough to prove the combat effectiveness of our new regiment! However, disobedience on the battlefield is not advisable after all. Well, we really won’t let our Xinyi regiment go easily, regiment leader, you have to be mentally prepared.” Liu Gen was full of worry,

Disobedience on the battlefield is not easy. No matter how powerful Li Yunlong fought, he would be punished if such a thing happened.

"Don't worry, things have happened, there's no point in being anxious now, come and drink, drink."

 ps: There should be another chapter to make up yesterday's, but it should be late, everyone can go to bed early, and read it tomorrow when you wake up.Ask for recommendation tickets and favorites!

(End of this chapter)

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