I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 16 The Brigadier Arrives

Chapter 16 The Brigadier Arrives
In the room, Li Yunlong and Liu Gen drank some wine, and they were quite comfortable.

"Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong, get the fuck out of me!" Not long after drinking, there was an angry voice, which made Liu Gen, who was drinking, slightly taken aback.

It seems that no one in the new regiment dares to talk to Li Yunlong, the leader of the regiment, like this, could it be?Before Liu Gen could continue guessing, he saw a man in a black fur coat barging in.The man was holding a horsewhip in his hand, and he was dusty. Seeing this man, Liu Gen's heart trembled, and he stood up quickly.

"Brigade Commander! Brigadier Commander, why are you here? You didn't notify me when you came, so that our Xinyi Regiment can also prepare to welcome the Brigadier Commander." Li Yunlong quickly got off the bed, smiling very doggedly.

"Two little bastards, haven't you met the brigade commander soon? Brigadier, let me introduce to you, both of them played a big role in this battle with the Sakata United. One led the commando Opened the way for the troops, and the other one killed the headquarters of the Sakata Regiment with one shot." Li Yunlong said with a smile.

Liu Gen and the two quickly saluted and shouted: "Brigade Commander is good!"

"It's the two of you. Your good team leader Li Yunlong has asked for credit for you. You have done a good job, and you will continue to work hard." The brigade commander's expression softened a little, and he patted the shoulders of the two of them, encouraging them. road.

Zhang Dabiao was a little excited, and Liu Gen was also very excited. This is the brigade commander. In the eyes of many soldiers, the brigade commander is quite adored by them. The brigade commander is a legendary figure.The same was true for Liu Gen and Zhang Dabiao. Facing such a legendary figure like the brigade commander, they still couldn't bear the excitement in their hearts.

"You two go down first, I will consider the matter of the artillery battalion." Li Yunlong looked at Liu Gen and the two, and ordered.

"Yes!" Liu Gen and the two saluted and left, but when they left, Liu Gen was a little puzzled why Li Yunlong mentioned the artillery battalion. Could it be that Li Yunlong was not worried that the brigade commander would take away all the infantry artillery captured by the new regiment?
Walking out of the room, after Liu Gen and Zhang Dabiao left a certain distance, Liu Gen couldn't help asking.

"Are you worried that the brigade commander will take away all the infantry artillery? Don't worry, this kind of thing will not happen. We should be able to keep two or three guns. There are too many for our new regiment to support."

"According to the artillery shells we have, these infantry artillery can't play their due power. It's a waste to keep them all in our new regiment. It doesn't matter if they are taken away by the brigade commander. The brigade commander has a lot of good things. " Zhang Dabiao said with a smile.

As an artilleryman, Liu Gen was a bit of a fan of the authorities. He wanted the Xinyi Regiment to have enough artillery so that he, an artilleryman, could also play his role.But Liu Gen forgot that the Xinyi Regiment did not have enough ammunition reserves, nor did it have enough artillery, and these artillery pieces would not be able to play their due role in the Xinyi Regiment.

"That's right, Battalion Commander Zhang, you are right. Hey, when will our regiment have enough artillery." Liu Gen was a little depressed.

Zhang Dabiao laughed. Compared with him, Liu Gen is still too young, "Don't worry, with you as such a powerful artilleryman, the regiment commander will definitely use you again. Our new regiment needs a lot of artillerymen .”

"Don't call me Battalion Commander Zhang from now on, call me Big Brother Zhang, if it weren't for you, I might have died long ago."

"Okay! Brother Zhang!" Liu Gen looked at Zhang Dabiao and shouted seriously.

Zhang Dabiao looked delighted, "Hey, good! Good brother! Let's go, let's have a drink!"


In the room, the brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong who was giggling, and his heart was burning with anger. Damn it, Li Yunlong never let himself worry!
"Li Yunlong, are you fucking promising? You can do things like battlefield disobedience? You used to do a lot of bastard things, but it's okay, but now it's better, and it's getting worse. Do you really think that I can't deal with you?" The brigade commander pointed at Li Yunlong with a whip and cursed angrily.

Li Yunlong lowered his head, with a flattering smile on his face, "Brigade Commander, Brigadier Commander, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong."

"I should follow the division's instructions to break out from the direction of Yujialing, but when the division's order came, our Xinyi regiment had already exchanged fire with the Bantian regiment, so we can retreat without any problem. It can cover our retreating 771st and 772nd regiments , you need to face the crazy attack of Bantian United, brigade commander, do you think their two regiments will be the opponents of Bantian United?"


"Have you finished?" The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and said coldly.

Li Yunlong looked up at the brigade commander, and nodded quickly, "It's over, it's over, brigade commander, tell me, what the chiefs want to do with me, I don't care if they push me to the end!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong sat directly on the bed, picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, damn it, is it wrong to beat devils?
"Li Yunlong. Your stubborn temper has come up again? Do you think you have done anything wrong! With your disobedience this time, if the head of the headquarters does not take any action, what if other people follow your disobedience? How can we fight this battle?" The brigade commander said coldly.

Li Yunlong quickly shook his head, "Hey, Brigadier, you know that's not what I meant. I didn't have that many people at the time. The old devils in Sakata were so arrogant. If our new group doesn't frustrate their spirit, I don't know what kind of arrogance they will become. .Besides, the Independent Regiment suffered from them during the anti-mopping up campaign in Yunling, and they are the old enemy of the 129th Brigade of our 386th Division."

"Brigade Commander, if you are put in my place, can you easily let this Sakata United team go?"

The brigade commander laughed, unable to maintain a serious look, "You boy is so fucking wronged! I didn't know you boy, if you don't pay attention, you can turn the world upside down!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk nonsense with you, pull out a few [-]-type infantry guns, I want to take them away! I also want to take a few mortars!"

"No! Absolutely not! Brigadier, if you do this, how will our new regiment live! We finally got a few infantry guns, and you come and take them away. You can still value our property? Let me see, you don’t lack infantry artillery, so don’t forget it, how about I give some [-] caps to the brigade headquarters? There are also captured Zuoguan knives, all of which can be discussed.” Li Yunlong quickly put down the wine bowl in his hand , shouted loudly.

The Xinyi Regiment only had this little possession. They had just bought a few infantry artillery, and the brigade commander was about to take them away before they were warmed up in bed. This is a bit too much!

"Don't you fucking try to fool me! Hurry up! Take me to see my treasure!" The brigade commander kicked Li Yunlong, making Li Yunlong happy, knowing that he was fine.

(End of this chapter)

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