I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 200 Come to the Brigade Headquarters as an Artillery

Chapter 200 Come to the brigade to be an artilleryman (sixth update, please subscribe!)
In the early morning of the next day, Liu Gen got up according to the biological clock he had developed in the Independence Regiment. When he walked out of the room, he could see the soldiers of the brigade headquarters training.

Seeing the soldiers in training, Liu Gen showed a trace of surprise on his face. He didn't expect the soldiers in the brigade to get up so early for training.

In the independent regiment, the soldiers will not train so early. It takes a certain amount of time for the soldiers to recover. Without enough sleep, it will easily affect the training efficiency of the soldiers the next day.

Looking at the brigade soldiers in training, Liu Gen could see that most of them were in high spirits, and they thought they had plenty of sleep time at night.Liu Gen quickly understood that in this day and age, there were no entertainment activities at night, and the rest time for soldiers would be very early.The independent regiment is different. Each battalion and company organizes soldiers to learn cultural knowledge, which makes the soldiers go to bed later.

After washing, Liu Gen could see that both Xiao Wang and the monk got up, and the monk was punching and doing his own training.Seeing this, Liu Gen simply practiced with the monk. From the monk, Liu Gen still learned something.

As for the corresponding boxing technique, the monk also wanted to give it to Liu Gen, but because Liu Gen left the first battalion too early, Liu Gen left the first battalion before the monk started teaching her.

"Monk, why don't you teach me a boxing technique while you have time?" Looking at the monk, Liu Gen asked.

The monk nodded. Naturally, he would not have any opinions. The choice to teach Liu Gen a set of boxing techniques was proposed on his own initiative.In fact, the monk felt that Liu Gen's physical fitness was so good that he must be a good boxer.

Although Liu Gen learned boxing relatively late, the monk felt that as long as Liu Gen worked hard enough, he could still achieve certain achievements.Now at the brigade headquarters, there is still time, and the monk naturally doesn't mind teaching Liu Gen.

"I have learned a lot of boxing, including Shaolin boxing, Wuxing boxing, and Bajiquan and Xingyi boxing from others. I don't know which boxing method you want to learn?" the monk asked.

Liu Gen's eyes lit up. He seldom saw the monk boxing on weekdays. He didn't expect the monk to master so many boxing techniques.Well now, Liu Gen can learn a set of boxing techniques from the monk, he is already very satisfied.

It is better to specialize in one boxing than to learn multiple sets of boxing. Liu Gen is still very clear about this.What's more, Liu Gen knew that he would not have much time to practice boxing. As the commander of the artillery company, he was still training the soldiers of the artillery company.

"Let me learn Bajiquan! I heard that there is a saying in Bajiquan that "Wen has Taiji to stabilize the world, and martial arts has Baji to determine the universe". I think Bajiquan should not be bad." Liu Gen thought for a moment and said.

The monk nodded, "Bajiquan is quite suitable for you. If you want to practice Bajiquan well, you have very high requirements on your physical fitness."

"Since you want to learn Bajiquan, Genzi, then I will teach you this set of boxing. I hope you can practice this set of boxing well and kill devils well. I will practice it for you first, and then I will teach you move by move later."

"Okay!" Liu Gen said with a smile.

Under Liu Gen's gaze, the monk waved his fist, hummed and stomped his feet from time to time, so that Liu Gen could feel the strength of Bajiquan.Liu Gen could hear that when the monk swung his fist with all his strength, there was a loud sound of breaking through the air.

After the monk finished practicing a set of Bajiquan, Liu Gen could see obvious footprints on the ground under the monk's feet. At the same time, Liu Gen could see the sweat gushing from the monk's forehead. Physically exhausting.

"Come on, let me teach you one move at a time. Learning Bajiquan is not an easy task. Don't be in a hurry." The monk was very patient, but Liu Gen didn't tell the monk that when the monk was boxing just now, he I memorized the whole set of Bajiquan.


"Liu Lianchang, the brigade commander is looking for you." After breakfast, soldiers from the brigade headquarter came.

Knowing that the brigade commander was looking for him, Liu Gen wanted to take the monk and Xiao Wang with him, but was stopped by the soldiers.The brigade commander wanted to see only Liu Gen, not the monk and Xiao Wang. Liu Gen was also a little helpless about this.

"Genzi, you go alone, the two of us are waiting for you here." The monk didn't care that he couldn't see the brigade commander, and said to Liu Gen with a smile.

Xiao Wang didn't say anything, but waved to Liu Gen, signaling him to leave with the soldiers from the brigade.

Seeing the two monks like this, Liu Gen stopped staying and followed the brigade soldiers towards the place where the brigade commander was.Along the way, Liu Gen could see that there were many soldiers standing guard and patrolling in the brigade headquarters, and it was impossible for ordinary people to get close to the brigade headquarters.

"Report from Liu Gen, commander of the artillery company of the Independent Regiment!" Liu Gen shouted when he came outside the brigade commander's room.


Walking into the room, Liu Gen saw the brigade commander, who was currently processing relevant materials and wrote something on them from time to time.Liu Gen stood on the spot, staring straight ahead, without the slightest desire to know what information the brigade commander was processing.

"Genzi, with you in the Independent Regiment, Li Yunlong really picked up the treasure. The bosses of the division have just seen the flying thunder cannon you developed, and it has also been tested. It is quite good. It is what our Eighth Route Army has been lacking. The firepower has a good supplementary effect."

"In addition, Li Yunlong sent the mortar paper drawn by your kid to the arsenal, allowing the experts in the arsenal to successfully produce a 60mm mortar early. Once it can be popularized, then our Eighth Route Army's combat will once again have a significant improvement. You said , how do you want me to reward you?" After finishing the work, the brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and asked with a smile.

Liu Gen shook his head hastily, "Brigade Commander, I'm just joking around with these things. It's no credit, you don't need to reward me."

"Okay, don't be modest, you boy. If there is no information sent to the headquarters by your independent group yesterday, I can still treat you as a joke. Now, the experts at the headquarters are still waiting for you to explain, you boy You are not kidding, you have the real stuff!" The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and said directly.

Liu Gen could only chuckle, not knowing what to say, he felt that he was not a real material, without a system, he would not be able to get such information.Liu Gen feels that he still has a lot to improve. During this period of time, he has been reading books in order to improve himself more.At least when others ask me relevant questions, I can be meaningful.

"I heard from Li Yunlong, you kid likes to read books? Have you taught yourself Japanese?" The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and asked again.

Liu Gen nodded, feeling a little grateful to Li Yunlong, he is indeed his good team leader, next time he wants to burn sweet potatoes, he will ask for one less bottle.

"Brigade Commander, yes, I have nothing to do on weekdays, so I like to read some books. I can learn Japanese by myself because Japanese is evolved from our Chinese characters. Chinese characters are his ancestors. It is by comparing with Chinese characters that we can learn Japanese. Yes." Liu Gen said.

The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen with satisfaction, this kid is really good, no wonder Li Yunlong always wanted to keep him in the independent regiment, "Genzi, how about coming to the brigade to be an artilleryman?"


(End of this chapter)

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