I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 201 Link to Radar Network

Chapter 201 Link to Radar Network (first update, please subscribe!)

"Why? Don't you want to join the brigade headquarters as an artilleryman?" Looking at Liu Gen, the brigade commander asked.

Liu Gen shook his head hastily, "No, it's just that you asked too suddenly, brigade commander, and I wasn't prepared. Isn't our division going to make a big move soon? Even if I come to the brigade headquarters, I will rashly join the brigade's artillery It is also not easy to form combat power in the team."

"In this case, it is better to let me stay in the independent regiment. With me, the combat effectiveness of the artillery company can be better displayed."

The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen, who was full of confidence in his eyes, and laughed, "You are so confident? You must know that your independent regiment only has one artillery company, and its combat effectiveness is limited. Once you encounter a large army of devils, your artillery company will not be able to fight at all." It can’t do much.”

"Brigade Commander, have you forgotten? This time, the troops of the division headquarters act together. If they really encounter a large army of devils, can the division headquarters not take action? Even if the division headquarters does not take action, won't there be your brigade commander?" Liu Gen Said with a grin.

Immediately, the brigade commander was stunned, mother, this kid is worthy of being Li Yunlong's soldier.

"Li Yunlong really saw Bao, how about this, after this battle is over, you will come to the brigade headquarters. Then I will tell Li Yunlong personally that he dare not let him go! Genzi, is there a problem?" Looking at Liu Gen, the brigade commander said.

Liu Gen nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Everything is subject to the organization's arrangement!"

"Very good, by the way, you haven't joined the party yet, have you? Go back and ask Zhao Gang to teach you how to write an application for joining the party and send it up. Join the party early!" the brigade commander explained.


"Go to the telephone room. The experts from the headquarters have already called. I hope you don't disgrace the independent regiment." The brigade commander patted Liu Gen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

A trace of firmness appeared on Liu Gen's face, and he said: "Brigade Commander, don't worry, I will definitely do a good job, and I won't lose face to our independent regiment or our 386 brigade!"

"Well, that's good, Xiao Li, take company commander Liu to the telephone room." The brigade commander shouted, and a young soldier trotted over.

Liu Gen saluted and reincarnated and left, followed the young soldier towards the telephone room, and the brigade commander looked at Liu Gen's leaving figure with a hint of a smile in his eyes, this Liu Gen is really good.After a short conversation, the brigade commander can be sure that Liu Gen is a talent.

If ordinary soldiers faced the matter of wanting to transfer them to the brigade headquarters, their emotions would definitely change, and not many would choose to refuse.But Liu Gen was different, he chose to refuse.In the eyes of the brigade commander, Liu Gen has enough sense to join the artillery team of the brigade headquarters rashly, but he can play little role.

After all, Liu Gen is now joining the artillery team of the brigade headquarters, and there is not much time left for him. If he wants to help the artillery team improve their artillery skills, it will not be possible in a short time.Staying in the artillery company was different. Liu Gen devoted a lot of energy to the soldiers of the artillery company and led the artillery company. Liu Gen was sure to compete with the devil's artillery.

What's more, if Liu Gen is transferred to the brigade headquarters, he may not be able to become the captain of the artillery team of the brigade headquarters.

On the way to the telephone room, Liu Gen was thinking about his meeting with the brigade commander, and he could feel that the brigade commander still admired him very much.Liu Gen can feel the kindness of the brigade commander towards him, and the brigade commander is still very tolerant to the soldiers, such as Li Yunlong.

If it weren't for such a brigade commander, then Li Yunlong would have long since disappeared and still be the brigade commander?Of course, it is also because Li Yunlong has enough ability that every regiment he leads can quickly develop and form combat effectiveness.

This kind of ability should be popular in any army, and so is Liu Gen.Whether it is the artillery technology mastered by Liu Gen, or the radar warning technology written by Liu Gen yesterday, both are of great value, and it is quite normal for experts at the headquarters to pay attention to them.

When they came to the telephone room, after Xiao Li explained the relevant situation, a telephone operator called the headquarters.

In the headquarters, several radar experts waited patiently. Last night, the experts slept very late, studying the materials written by Liu Gen.Under the research of these experts, they agreed that the things written by Liu Gen are quite valuable, and there are many things in them that they think are quite novel.

"The call is connected." The telephone operator directly handed the phone to Liu Gen. There was a little curiosity in his eyes, and he didn't understand why such a young soldier called the headquarters.

Liu Gen answered the phone, "Hello, chiefs, I am Liu Gen, commander of the artillery company of the Independent Regiment."

"You are Liu Gen? You are a talent. The blueprints of the flying thunder cannon and 60mm mortar you developed have been sent to the headquarters. You have done a good job! Continue to work hard!"

"The experts want to talk to you now, let's chat." Over there, a boss from the headquarters answered the phone, said a few words, and handed the phone to the experts on the side.

Although the boss was quite curious about Liu Gen, facing the eager eyes of several experts, he decisively chose to pass the phone to the experts.There are many ways to understand Liu Gen, and there is also a lot of time. It will be troublesome to delay the time of these experts.

"Hello, I'm Liu Yun (fictional), a radar expert at the headquarters. You can just call me Lao Liu. Can you tell me about your thinking when writing materials?" Over there, an old expert answered Called and asked directly.

Liu Gen was taken aback for a moment, he thought the expert would be polite?I didn't expect this expert to go straight to the topic. That's right, experts and scholars like Mr. Liu always speak straight to the point, which can save a little time and improve work efficiency.

"I'll call you Old Liu."

"It's like this. Our regiment has seized several books on radar from the devils, including improving Britain's achievements in radar. I don't know much about the development of radar in the United Kingdom in the past two years, but I can be sure that the United Kingdom Will choose to build a link to the radar network."

"So I thought that we can also build a chain-to-link radar network, and build it at the base points behind us. With the radar base station as the chain, the high-altitude link-to radar station and the low-altitude link-to radar station complement each other. Even if we have human and material resources , it is impossible to build a complete chain-to-radar network, but we only need to build radar base stations in a few directions, and once the movement of Japanese aircraft is captured, our losses and casualties can be greatly reduced.” Liu Gen seriously described his relevant train of thought.

The radar early warning technology that Liu Gen obtained from the system is naturally not that simple, but he knows that the radar early warning technology is too advanced and cannot be used at all, even if it is used, it cannot be applied.In this case, it is better to directly use a relatively simple and achievable solution.

"You're right. The chain-to-radar network you mentioned, as far as I know, is being built in the UK, and the effect is not bad. It can detect fighter planes flying at an altitude of 90 meters 1500 kilometers away in advance."

"Building a link radar network is good, but the investment is a bit too high. All we can do is build radar base stations in a few key directions." Over there, Elder Liu was in a low mood.

What Liu Gen said is good, but limited by objective conditions, it cannot be realized.

"Did you design the idea about the high-altitude radar base station and the low-altitude radar base station that you wrote in the information? Several experts in our headquarters are serious about it, and the possibility of making it is quite high. It would be even better if there are blueprints." .” Over there, Elder Liu asked again.

Liu Gen naturally knew what Mr. Liu was talking about. What he wrote included the construction of the radar base station. It was written in great detail, but because of the telegram, there were no corresponding drawings on it.The construction information of the two radar stations that Liu Gen chose to write is what he got from the system.

"Yes, I designed it myself." Liu Gen replied directly and positively.The two radar stations written by Liu Gen were not formally researched until 1942, and now they naturally belong to Liu Gen's own research.

"Is there any blueprint?" Elder Liu asked again.

Liu Gen confirmed again, and the old Liu over there immediately became excited. He wanted to see the blueprint in the shortest possible time. Only after he had the blueprint, they could further understand the relevant information written by Liu Gen.During the conversation, Mr. Liu also asked Liu Gen some questions about radar. Liu Gen's answers were all quite good, which made him very satisfied.

When he learned that Liu Gen learned all this knowledge by himself, Mr. Liu could only lament that Liu Gen is a genius!
 ps: After reading some information about radar, I really want to bury myself in it!Cried!

(End of this chapter)

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