I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 265 Admitting Mistakes

Chapter 265 Admitting Mistakes
Seeing Zhang Jun rushing out, Liu Gen looked calm. He was quite dissatisfied with Zhang Jun and others.

But if Zhang Jun and others can really make it to the top [-], he will still choose to let Zhang Jun and others stay, and if they can't do it, he will do what he says.Since Zhang Jun and the three soldiers made mistakes, they naturally need to take responsibility for their own mistakes. In Liu Gen's view, Zhang Jun's mistakes were more serious.

As a squad leader, Zhang Jun can't unite the soldiers and be responsible for the soldiers of the whole squad, so there is no need to continue to be a squad leader.If the soldiers in a squad don't have enough good feelings, tacit understanding and cooperation, it is impossible to control the artillery well.

Liu Gen knew this very well, which is why Liu Gen didn't have much affection for Zhang Jun and others. Knowing that this would affect the combat effectiveness of the artillery team, Zhang Jun, the squad leader, had not changed at all. How can you be satisfied?In the notebook recorded by Captain Niu, Liu Gen also saw some information about Zhang Jun, which recorded an evaluation given by Captain Niu, which was carelessness.

It's also because Zhang Jun didn't have too many problems in the artillery team, otherwise, with Zhang Jun's character, he couldn't stay in the artillery team at all.Artillery is a branch that requires carefulness, calmness, and discipline, as shown by Zhang Jun's character.In Liu Gen's place, it is impossible to pass.When he was in the artillery company of the Independent Regiment, Liu Gen hadn't seen a single soldier who dared to be careless, and even if there was, he was corrected by Liu Gen.

Taking off his shirt, Liu Gen ran quickly. As the captain of the artillery team, he naturally needed to train with the soldiers.Today is also to deal with the affairs of Zhang Jun and others. According to Liu Gen's usual speed, he may not know how far he has gone.It was nearly 5 minutes before the soldiers of the artillery team set off. For ordinary soldiers, it was difficult to catch up in 5 minutes, but for Liu Gen, it would not have much impact.

Liu Gen's speed is very high, and he has a strong enough physique. He doesn't have to worry about running out of stamina. One minute later, Liu Gen caught up with the three soldiers who set off early. After 1 minutes, he successfully caught up with the soldiers of the artillery team.

When the soldiers saw the captain Liu Gen catching up and were affected, they also subconsciously accelerated their speed. In front of the captain Liu Gen, the soldiers didn't want to be the one to be easily surpassed.It's a pity that even if the soldiers speeded up, they still couldn't prevent themselves from being overtaken. Seeing Liu Gen keep overtaking them, the soldiers felt a little frustrated.

Liu Gen set out so late, but still caught up with them, and even surpassed them. Doesn't this mean that they are too weak?Facing such a perverted captain, the soldiers of the artillery team were under a lot of pressure. Many soldiers missed Captain Niu a little bit. At least in the hands of Captain Niu, they would not feel so much pressure.

More and more fighters were overtaken by Liu Gen. After 15 minutes, Liu Gen had already run to the front of the team. At this time, Liu Gen was dripping with sweat and his pants were wet.After running to the front, Liu Gen maintained his own speed, did not speed up again, and led the soldiers to run around the brigade headquarters.

Under the leadership of Liu Gen, nearly 300 soldiers of the artillery team formed a long khaki-colored dragon, which ran around the brigade headquarters ten times before stopping.When the soldiers ran down the five kilometers, Liu Gen could see that the soldiers were covered with dust. There was no way, the brigade headquarters was surrounded by dirt roads, and it was inevitable that they would be contaminated with dust when they ran five kilometers.

Besides, even if there is a road, Liu Gen dare not take the soldiers to run.

After the large-scale battles launched by the Eighth Route Army in North China, the protection of roads, railways, tunnels, bridges and other transportation networks has been greatly improved.If Liu Gen dared to take the soldiers forward, then in less than 10 minutes, several groups of little devils would come and surround Liu Gen and the soldiers tightly.What's more, the devil's transportation route closest to the brigade headquarters is tens of kilometers away, and it is impossible for Liu Gen to take the soldiers there.

There is a small river near the brigade headquarters. After the training, what the soldiers most want to do is to rush into the small river and have a good wash. There is so much dust on their bodies, it is really a headache!It's just that at Liu Gen's request, the soldiers couldn't rush directly into the creek. They had to wait until the sweat disappeared before entering the creek to wash. With Liu Gen as the captain, no soldier dared to disobey Liu Gen's order.

After the five kilometers ended, the soldiers assembled again. Many soldiers looked at Zhang Jun quietly. Their physical fitness was not outstanding, and none of them could complete the goal set by Liu Gen.

"You four can leave now." Looking at Zhang Jun and the others, Liu Gen said expressionlessly.

Zhang Jun was not reconciled. Being able to enter the artillery team was an honor in the eyes of many soldiers, and he felt the same way.Now that Liu Gen has just taken over the artillery team, he is going to drive him out. Maybe he has something to say about him?Zhang Jun looked at the three soldiers behind him, wanting them to speak with him, so as to put enough pressure on Liu Gen.What made Zhang Jun a little speechless was that the three soldiers behind him had no intention of speaking and chose to give up.

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it! You are deliberately targeting me!" Zhang Jun shouted directly.

Zhang Jun didn't think he made a mistake, he just didn't notice the situation of these three fighters, he also had his own things to do, how could he waste his energy on other people?Besides, after Liu Gen came to the Artillery Corps, Zhang Jun has been very cooperative, and he is also very serious in training. Now Liu Gen directly asks him to leave, how can he do it?He won't leave easily!From Zhang Jun's point of view, even if the trouble came to the brigade commander, he was justified!
"Dissatisfied? Ha ha." Liu Gen looked at Zhang Jun, not in the mood to explain to Zhang Jun.

Looking across the other soldiers, Liu Gen saw Yungui, who was also a squad leader in the artillery team.

"Yungui, tell him what a qualified squad leader should do! Also, find out the other squad leaders and ask them how they do it!" Liu Gen said directly.

Yun Gui walked out from the team and saluted, "Yes!"


Without wasting too much time, Zhang Jun fell silent, and he found that he was really unqualified.The other squad leaders of the artillery team are much better than him. As a squad leader, Zhang Jun is quite unqualified!But thinking that he was leaving the artillery company, Zhang Jun was a little bit reluctant. He didn't need to be the squad leader, but he wanted to stay in the artillery company.

"Captain, I was wrong! But I hope to give us a chance to stay in the artillery company." Zhang Jun lowered his head and said.

The other three soldiers also hurriedly said: "Captain, we were wrong, please give us another chance to stay!"

Liu Gen frowned slightly. He looked at Captain Niu and wanted to know what Captain Niu would think. If Captain Niu spoke, he would definitely give Zhang Jun and others a chance.

After a while, Liu Gen withdrew his gaze. He could see that Captain Niu had no intention of speaking, which meant that Captain Niu was not going to intercede for Zhang Jun and others.

"How about this, I will give you one last chance to do a hundred push-ups as fast as you can! If you finish it successfully, then stay! If you can't finish it, don't tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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