Chapter 266
As soon as Liu Gen's words fell, Zhang Jun and the others quickly moved into action. It was only a hundred push-ups, which was not difficult.

The soldiers looked at Zhang Jun and the others, counting silently in their hearts. They were no strangers to push-ups. During these two days of training, the soldiers learned push-ups from Liu Gen.For most fighters, one hundred push-ups is not difficult, and excellent fighters can do more than two hundred.Under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, Zhang Jun and the others felt a lot of pressure, and they could also see that after Zhang Jun and the others did [-] push-ups, their speed slowed down.

His eyes fell on Zhang Jun and others who were slowing down, and Liu Gen's eyes were shining brightly. It would be relatively easy for Zhang Jun and others to do a hundred push-ups on weekdays, but after doing early training and running five kilometers A hundred push-ups, how can Zhang Jun and others still feel relaxed?Of course, since Liu Gen chose to give Zhang Jun and others such an opportunity, he naturally knew that Zhang Jun and others still had hope of completing it.After all, Liu Gen didn't ask Zhang Jun and others how long to complete it.

It can be said that as long as the time for Zhang Jun and others to complete a hundred push-ups is not too much, then Liu Gen is willing to give them a chance.

Feeling the eyes of Liu Gen and the soldiers looking at him, Zhang Jun gritted his teeth. There were cold lights in his eyes. He felt that he was being watched like this and he was under great pressure.After doing fifty push-ups, Zhang Jun's body went limp and he collapsed there. The surrounding soldiers were silent, but in Zhang Jun's view, the soldiers were just laughing at him!When had Zhang Jun been so angry?Zhang Jun gritted his teeth and wanted to start doing push-ups again, but his arms without much strength couldn't support his body.

There was obvious unwillingness on Zhang Jun's face. He looked at the other three fighters and could see that the three fighters were not doing push-ups fast. They were saving their energy as much as possible.Noticing this, Zhang Jun had a lot of feelings in his heart. It would never happen that he was expelled from the artillery team, but these three soldiers were left behind, right?Such a scene appeared in his mind, Zhang Jun shook his head suddenly, he could not accept this situation.

Since he was punished for the three of them, he couldn't keep these three soldiers after Zhang Jun left, right?
Zhang Jun tried his best to support his body again, gritted his teeth and continued to do push-ups. He didn't want to lose to these three fighters.His body became weaker and weaker. Zhang Jun couldn't help looking at where Liu Gen and the soldiers were. He could see the extremely calm expression on Liu Gen's face. When he saw other soldiers, Zhang Jun found that he seemed to be really I didn't do a good job and failed to unite with the artillery soldiers.Otherwise, by this time, there would be no soldiers who would intercede for him.

"Continue!" Liu Gen looked at Zhang Jun and said.

Zhang Jun lowered his head, gritted his teeth again and started doing push-ups. His physical exertion slowed down his push-ups a lot.But even so, Zhang Jun is still trying to persevere. He is unwilling to leave the artillery team, and he is not willing to lose to those three soldiers. What others can do, Zhang Jun can do better!

"Captain, we're done." Before Zhang Jun finished his push-ups, the three soldiers said.

Liu Gen glanced over the three fighters and could see the sweat on the faces of the three fighters. After a while, he nodded, "Very good, let's go back to the team!"

Seeing the three fighters finish the push-ups, Zhang Jun felt more pressure. He gritted his teeth and accelerated the speed of the push-ups. Three minutes later, Zhang Jun also successfully completed a hundred push-ups. After successfully completing the push-ups, Zhang Jun collapsed on the ground. He was too tired.Even if Zhang Jun's performance on weekdays is okay, but after going through the five-kilometer running training in the morning and not having breakfast to replenish his strength, Zhang Jun lost his strength directly after doing the push-ups.

The soldiers looked at Zhang Jun, who was paralyzed on the ground, with mixed emotions in their eyes. They knew why Liu Gen punished Zhang Jun. As a squad leader, he failed to do a good job, so the problem was naturally very big.In the artillery team, the other squad leaders did much better than Zhang Jun. What's more, Liu Gen's punishment was not serious, it was just a hundred push-ups.It's just that even if the soldiers knew this, they couldn't help but look at Zhang Gen with more pity.

"Captain, I'm done too!" A few minutes later, Zhang Jun regained some of his physical strength, stood up, and said word by word through gritted teeth.

Zhang Jun's eyes were blood red, and his gaze towards Liu Gen was even colder. He was quite dissatisfied with Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team.But Zhang Jun also knew that he had nothing to do with Liu Gen. As long as he wanted to stay in the artillery team, he couldn't confront Liu Gen, the captain, directly.Zhang Jun looked at Liu Gen in front of him. He knew that he was not Liu Gen's opponent, otherwise he would be very willing to compete with Liu Gen.

Liu Gen frowned slightly, feeling Zhang Jun's gaze on him, a slight smile flashed in his eyes, he was indeed a young man.

"Return to the team." Liu Gen said lightly.

Zhang Jun's expression froze, he looked at Liu Gen, but he didn't understand why Liu Gen was not angry.After a moment of silence, Zhang Jun became more and more annoyed. He realized that Liu Gen didn't take him seriously, and it was precisely because of this that Liu Gen didn't care about him at all.Realizing this, Zhang Jun didn't have the slightest joy, he clenched his fists quietly, one day he would let Liu Gen face him, not as he is now.

"Huh? Still not returning to the team? What's your opinion?" Looking at Zhang Jun who was not moving in front of him, Liu Gen asked with a frown.

Liu Gen didn't care about Zhang Jun's thoughts, as long as he could train according to his own requirements, there would be no problem.As for whether Zhang Jun will have any complaints about himself, Liu Gen doesn't care. He believes that in the next training, Zhang Jun will not have time to do anything. I'm quite tired, so I don't have time to think about other things.

Besides, with Liu Gen's strength, what can Zhang Jun do?

Zhang Jun came to his senses and didn't dare to hesitate any more, he hurried back to the team.Zhang Jun had to admit that just now he could feel the majesty of the captain Liu Gen. He believed that as long as he hadn't acted, it would be really difficult for him to stay in the artillery team, and the stay he finally got The next opportunity, will simply not.

Liu Gen looked at the soldiers lined up neatly, and nodded with satisfaction. These soldiers are not bad, and they haven't let up in the slightest!
"You also saw my punishment for them today. I hope that this kind of thing will not happen to other classes in the future. If this happens again, the whole class will be punished together!"

(End of this chapter)

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