I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 267 1 lesson

Chapter 267 A Lesson

After the cooking team came to inform that dinner was ready, Liu Gen took the soldiers who had washed in the creek towards the cooking team, and Captain Niu followed Liu Gen.

"Genzi, you did a good job. I think the soldiers will pay more attention to unity in the future." On the way, Captain Niu praised him.

Captain Niu knew why Liu Gen chose to do this. He knew Zhang Jun's situation. In the previous battle, Zhang Jun performed well, so he promoted Zhang Jun to be the squad leader.It's just that after Zhang Jun took over as the squad leader, he didn't do well, and compared with the other squad leaders, he was even worse.If Liu Gen hadn't come early, Captain Niu might have chosen to deal with Zhang Jun, at least to make him aware of his own shortcomings.

"Well, for our artillery team, unity is the most important thing. Only through unity can the soldiers develop enough tacit understanding." Liu Gen said with a smile.

Being praised by Captain Niu, Liu Gen was relieved a lot. He was still a little worried that Captain Niu would feel sorry for the soldiers of the artillery team. It seemed that Captain Niu was more wise than he imagined.For Captain Niu's decentralization and cooperation, Liu Gen was very grateful. He knew that it would not have been so smooth for him to take over the artillery team without Captain Niu's assistance.The most important thing is that when Zhang Jun and others asked Captain Niu for help today, Captain Niu did not choose to speak.

Once Captain Niu spoke at that time, Liu Gen's majesty in the artillery team would be affected. Fortunately, Captain Niu knew this and did not choose to speak.

"Genzi, the artillery team will be handed over to you in the future, and I will rest assured that the artillery team will be handed over to you." Captain Niu looked at Liu Gen and said with a smile.

Liu Gen was a little puzzled, but soon he came to his senses, "Captain Niu, do you mean you are leaving? Isn't it still a while? It's too early to leave now, isn't it?"

"Not early, not early."

"Before, the headquarters was in a hurry. I didn't leave because I couldn't worry about the artillery team. But these two days, the artillery team is quite good in your hands, and there is no problem. I can rest assured and rush to the headquarters. "Captain Niu patted Liu Gen on the shoulder and looked at Liu Gen with great satisfaction.

Captain Niu was quite satisfied to see that Liu Gen had the artillery team in his hands in a short period of time. How could Captain Niu be worried if he could entrust the soldiers to someone he recognized?What's more, Captain Niu can see that Liu Gen puts as much energy into the soldiers as he does, or even more.Knowing that Liu Gen attaches great importance to the soldiers, and he also trains the soldiers intentionally to make the soldiers of the artillery team stronger, Captain Niu feels that he has no reason to stay in the artillery team.

Without him, the artillery team will not be affected, and the soldiers of the artillery team can also become stronger under the leadership of Liu Gen, the new captain.

"Then when are you leaving?" Liu Gen asked.

"Have breakfast, let me have another meal with the soldiers of the artillery team." Captain Niu was a little depressed.Captain Niu wanted to stay in the Artillery Corps. Since the Artillery Corps was established, he had been the captain of the Artillery Corps. He had stayed in the Artillery Corps for too long. Now that he wanted to leave, he was naturally extremely reluctant.But as a party member, knowing that the headquarters has more important things to do by himself, Captain Niu can only leave the artillery team and go to the headquarters.

Liu Gen nodded silently. He knew Captain Niu was leaving, but he didn't expect Captain Niu to leave so quickly.Thinking that Captain Niu left so early because he had done a good job after taking over the artillery team, Liu Gen felt a little regretful. If he had known this before, he would not have done so.After this idea flashed in Liu Gen's mind, Liu Gen threw it out of his mind. He would not do this. If he took over the artillery team, he would try his best to do his best.

Even if this will allow Captain Niu to leave early, but doing so will at least allow Captain Niu to leave with peace of mind, without worrying about many other situations that will happen to the artillery team in the future.We can't let Captain Niu still feel at ease when he leaves, then Liu Gen would be a bit too much.

After arriving at the cooking class, the soldiers quickly lined up and started cooking.

The soldiers in the cooking class cook meals. They don't have the hand-shaking problem of the canteen aunts in later generations. These soldiers in the cooking class almost want to put all the food in the soldiers' bowls to make the soldiers full.The cooking class also knew the hard work of the soldiers of the artillery team. Every morning, the soldiers of the artillery team would conduct training. At the beginning, it caused quite a stir in the brigade headquarters.Affected by the artillery team, soldiers in other units of the brigade also got up earlier.

Liu Gen took his own bowl and handed it to the soldiers who were serving rice, and soon Liu Gen's bowl was filled with porridge.It sounds like porridge, but in fact it is almost boiled water. There is no way, the brigade headquarters also needs to control the consumption of supplies, can't they just consume all the supplies?Besides, the brigade commander has also issued an order in the past two days to make the cooking team pay attention to saving supplies. The devil's raid will come soon and will not end in a short time. Corresponding preparations need to be made in advance.

Taking two cakes, Liu Gen quickly ate them, drinking the porridge and nibbling on the cakes. In Liu Gen's opinion, they were quite good.It's just that the food of the artillery team is incomparable with Liu Gen's food in the artillery company. There is no way, who makes the brigade headquarters have other important troops to support?Thinking of the small river next to the brigade headquarters, Liu Gen felt that he could assign the soldiers a task of catching fish, which might improve their food.

Liu Gen ate very fast, and there was not enough room in the cooking class for the soldiers to sit and eat, so when the soldiers ate, they always held their own bowls and found a place to squat down to eat.

Standing up, Liu Gen looked at the soldiers of the artillery team. He could see that the soldiers were eating very quickly. The training in the morning consumed too much energy, so they would naturally eat a lot faster.There are many soldiers who eat fast, and Liu Gen can also see many soldiers get up and leave to wash the dishes. One bowl of rice and two cakes, to be honest, I am not full, but there is no way that breakfast is limited. There are only so many individuals, and so is Liu Gen.

Turning around, Liu Gen was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly saw Zhang Jun's small movement.

Zhang Jun stayed in the corner with a soldier, but out of the corner of his eyes Liu Gen noticed that Zhang Jun seemed to have thrown the uneaten cake on the ground!Noticing this, Liu Gen frowned, and he walked directly towards Zhang Jun, wanting to see what was going on.

"Zhang Jun, pick up the cakes on the ground!" Liu Gen said directly when he came to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun raised his head, his face became a little ugly, he didn't expect Liu Gen to pay attention to him all the time, otherwise, why would Liu Gen come looking for him just after he threw away some pancakes?Zhang Jun didn't say a word, he lowered his head and picked up the dropped cake. The cake was covered with dirt, so he probably couldn't eat it.

The other soldiers noticed the situation here and couldn't help but look over, wanting to know what happened.

"Why did you throw away the cake?" Liu Gen asked.

Zhang Jun shook his head and said with some dissatisfaction: "Captain, this cake is for me, and whether to throw it away is my own business. You can't punish me for this matter, right?"

Liu Gen looked at Zhang Jun with a cold light in his eyes. This was the first time he saw a soldier who wasted food.Whether in the Xinyi Regiment or the Independent Regiment, Liu Gen has never seen any soldier wasting food, but now he saw it in the brigade headquarters, or in his own artillery team!Looking at Zhang Jun, Liu Gen could see that Zhang Jun didn't have any regrets, but felt that what he did was quite good.

"This cake is for you to eat, not for you to waste! Are you full? Even if you are full, you can't waste this cake!" Liu Gen's voice was a little cold.

The soldiers looked at Zhang Jun, and they didn't have much goodwill in their eyes. Many of them didn't have enough to eat, but who knew that Zhang Jun started wasting!The soldiers didn't understand what Zhang Jun was thinking. These soldiers all knew how difficult it was to have enough food, and they rarely chose to waste food, but they didn't expect Zhang Jun to do so.

"So what? I'm tired of eating cakes all the time!" Zhang Jun looked at Liu Gen and said again.

While speaking, the cake held in Zhang Jun's hand loosened and fell to the ground again. Facing Liu Gen, the captain, Zhang Jun didn't mind making Liu Gen even more angry!Seeing Liu Gen angry, Zhang Jun would feel quite relieved. He could clearly remember the punishment Liu Gen gave him.

"It's nothing, just forget it this time, and you can leave the artillery team directly next time. Our artillery team doesn't welcome people who waste food!" Liu Gen said coldly.Bending down, Liu Gen picked up the cake that had fallen on the ground, wiped it with his hands casually, wiped off the dust on it, and ate it directly.Before Zhang Jun could say anything, Liu Gen chose to leave directly. He was a little disappointed with Zhang Jun.

The other soldiers watched all this and chose to leave in silence. Before, they felt that Liu Gen's punishment of Zhang Jun was a bit heavy, but now the soldiers no longer have such thoughts, and Zhang Jun let them down.

The soldier staying beside Zhang Jun silently took his bowl and left. He didn't want to stay beside Zhang Jun any longer. He remembered that Zhang Jun was not like this before. Why did Zhang Jun become like this?
Watching the soldiers around him leave, Zhang Jun remained silent, his expression a little dull, recalling the scene where Liu Gen picked up the cake and ate it, Liu Gen's movements were so natural.At this time, Zhang Jun realized that he seemed to be really wrong, and the mistake was a bit outrageous.

But with Zhang Jun's personality, it was difficult for him to admit his mistakes to Liu Gen and the soldiers.Zhang Jun could only tell himself not to use this method to resist in the future.

Liu Gen didn't say anything, he just picked up the cake and ate it, but for some reason Zhang Jun felt deep guilt, he didn't know whether he was treating Liu Gen or the soldiers.Zhang Jun found that Liu Gen, the new captain, didn't seem to be that bad, and Liu Gen taught him a lesson just now.

(End of this chapter)

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