Chapter 282
The artillery team, the soldiers looked excited, thinking that each of their squads would control a mortar, they were particularly excited.

For the next shelling of the devils, Liu Gen, the captain, would not speak again, and had to rely entirely on their own abilities to shell the devils.Some fighters who are confident in their abilities will naturally be extremely satisfied when they get such an opportunity. They also want to use this opportunity to prove their abilities and get the affirmation of the captain Liu Gen.

"Everyone, don't be so excited. Considering that the devil's fighter plane is likely to come, this time our artillery team also dispatched the Type 81 infantry gun and [-]mm mortar. As for the mountain gun, it was brought back by some soldiers in advance. to the base." Liu Gen said again.

The soldiers were taken aback for a moment. They knew the power of the mountain cannon, and they also knew that with the mountain cannon, they could gain a certain advantage when dealing with the devil's artillery.And now?However, Liu Gen chose to transfer the mountain artillery back to the base area in advance, which made the soldiers a little incomprehensible. Without the mountain artillery, what should they do if they encounter the devil's artillery again?
Devils are not fools either, after the artillery team used the mountain cannons, they will definitely notice something, and when they send artillery again, they will definitely bring the mountain cannons with them.Now that Liu Gen chose to transfer the mountain cannons in the artillery team back, didn't that mean that the initiative in the battle was returned to the devils? The soldiers' eyes were full of doubts, they couldn't figure out why Liu Gen did this.

"I know that everyone doesn't understand, but you just need to know that this battle will not last for too long, and the devil's raid this time is just a test." Liu Gen said.

Immediately, some soldiers of the artillery team understood that this time the devil was a temptation, which meant that the battle would not expand again.What's more, once more devil troops come to support, then the troops of the 386 brigade will retreat decisively.If the retreat is too hasty, the mountain artillery carried by the artillery team will become a burden, dragging down the soldiers' progress.

"Let's act! There won't be too much time left for you! Prepare a corresponding camouflage and try to avoid being spotted by the devil fighters. Also leave me a mortar, I will be of great use." Liu Gen's expression was a little bit Seriously, no one is sure when the devil fighter will arrive, the soldiers of the artillery team need to move quickly.

The soldiers acted quickly, and after leaving a mortar behind, they each took their mortars and prepared to find a sufficiently concealed location to hide.Only a small number of fighters chose to stay. They were very smart and knew that there were very few opportunities to see the captain Liu Gen make a move.Now Liu Gen took the initiative to ask for an 81mm mortar, so he must do it himself. Thinking of Liu Gen's success in shooting down a devil's fighter plane with a mortar, is it possible that Liu Gen will do this again this time? ?

"Why are you staying here? Don't you need to go to the front to fight?" Looking at the remaining soldiers, Liu Gen asked.

The soldiers laughed, but didn't say anything. Zhang Jun and Yungui were all in the team, and they were all very smart.Compared with fighting on the front line, you can definitely learn more things by following the captain Liu Gen.The soldiers made up their minds, unless Liu Gen was really angry and asked them to leave, otherwise they would not choose to leave easily.

If you can see the captain Liu Gen shoot down a devil's fighter plane again with your own eyes, then the harvest will be big enough. Learn something.

"Okay, if you want to stay, then stay." Liu Gen looked at these soldiers and said with a wry smile.

Picking up the remaining mortar, without Liu Gen's instructions, the soldiers picked up two boxes of shells and one box of shells modified by Liu Gen.These shells were enough for Liu Gen, any more would be a waste.What's more, the remaining artillery shells in the artillery team are not too many. If they are used unrestrainedly, no matter how many shells they have, they will not be enough for Liu Gen.

The soldiers followed Liu Gen. They didn't know where Liu Gen was going, and none of the soldiers asked. They knew that following Liu Gen was the best choice. As for other things, they didn't need to care about them.

Liu Gen kept moving forward, he was approaching the frontline position, but considering the possibility of an attack by the Devil fighter plane, he set his sights on the mountain forest about 500 meters away from the position.Staying in the mountains and forests is suitable for Liu Gen and others to hide, so as to avoid being discovered by devil fighters.From this point of view, the mountains and forests are undoubtedly the most suitable location for placing mortars.

When he came to the forest, Liu Gen could see that there were some soldiers on guard here, in order to prevent devils from sneaking in.Before, some devils sneaked around the artillery team's position, which made the brigade commander quite angry. He severely reprimanded Li Yunlong and others, and asked them why there were devils sneaking in.Rebuked by the brigade commander, Li Yunlong and the others had no choice but to send more soldiers to guard against any devils coming in again.

Li Yunlong and others were a little lucky. They were very glad that the devils didn't touch the brigade headquarters, but only around the artillery position.Otherwise, once a small army of devils touches the brigade headquarters, they will definitely be punished to a certain extent.Li Yunlong and the others knew this clearly, so they naturally didn't dare to be careless in the slightest. Now that there was no battle happening, they decisively sent enough battle fighters to guard the surrounding area.

"Captain, are we a bit far away here? Even if the devil fighter planes come, it will affect our vision." Zhang Jun looked at Liu Gen and couldn't help asking.

Zhang Jun knew Liu Gen's character, as long as he did nothing wrong and had a correct attitude, then the captain Liu Gen would not care about his problems.Besides, Zhang Jun didn't think there was anything wrong with him. It was good to stay in the mountains and forests, and he could maintain enough concealment, but for the artillery, it was also very important whether the field of vision was wide enough.At least Zhang Jun felt that staying in the mountains would not be a good choice.

The other soldiers didn't speak, but they all agreed with Zhang Jun's words, but they didn't understand why the captain Liu Gen chose to do this.Since Zhang Jun can see it, then Liu Gen, as the captain of the artillery team, should also know this clearly.

Liu Gen looked at Zhang Jun, and at the soldiers present, he laughed, "Do you think vision is the most important thing for artillery?"

"I want to tell you, it's not. For artillery, sufficient concealment is the most important thing, especially for the artillery of our Eighth Route Army, sufficient concealment should be the top priority!"

(End of this chapter)

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