I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 283 Waiting patiently

Chapter 283 Waiting patiently
The soldiers were thoughtful, and they quickly understood what Liu Gen meant. Indeed, what the artillery needs most is enough concealment.Only if you have enough concealment to avoid being discovered by the enemy, can you have a chance to kill the opponent.What's more, compared with the devils, our own artillery is at a disadvantage, easily exposed, and will only be directly killed by the devils artillery.

Liu Gen looked at the reactions of the soldiers, and he was relieved after noticing the reactions of the soldiers.Liu Gen didn't want the soldiers to despise the devil's artillery because he easily killed the devil's artillery, thinking that the devil's artillery was like that.Once the soldiers had such thoughts, the artillery team would be in danger. Liu Gen didn't want the soldiers to lose their vigilance because of him.Luckily for Liu Gen, these soldiers are not bad, and they can understand without Liu Gen saying too much.

"Captain, what are we going to do next?" Zhang Jun asked.

Liu Gen laughed, "The next step is very simple, that is to wait, just wait patiently."

"Let's find a place to sit down. With the speed of the Devil's fighter plane, it should be coming soon. When the Devil's fighter plane arrives, follow my command and don't make any moves. Take those two boxes of shells away, just in case We were blown up by devils, so we have to confess here."

The soldiers acted and were reminded by Liu Gen that they took away the two boxes of normal shells, leaving only the shells modified by Liu Gen.After the soldiers finished their work, they each found a place to hide, but the places they were looking for were all very close to Liu Gen, so they could clearly see Liu Gen's every move.It is also because Liu Gen's psychological quality is strong enough, otherwise ordinary people would definitely not be able to bear the eyes of so many soldiers.

Feeling the eyes of the soldiers looking at him, and considering that there is nothing to do now, Liu Gen took this time to talk to the soldiers about their problems in the battle.Especially with regard to the calculation of the shelling angle, there are many problems. Using the shelling angle calculated by the soldiers themselves, it will not be so simple to kill the devil's artillery.Before, as long as the Devil Artillery reacted and did not lose their combat power immediately, then the Devil Artillery's dying counterattack would definitely injure or even directly sacrifice the soldiers of the Artillery Team.

Half an hour later, there was the sound of a fighter plane in the sky, and it was the arrival of the devil's fighter plane.

As soon as they heard the sound of the Devil's Fighter, Li Yunlong and others ordered the soldiers of all regiments to withdraw from their positions and go into the forest to hide. It was quite unnecessary to continue to guard the position, and it was completely a living target for the Devil's Fighter.Besides, when the devil fighter planes attacked, the devil would not dare to take any action. In the current state of the devil, if he wanted to reorganize and attack, he would undoubtedly need the assistance of artillery.

Now even if Li Yunlong and others saw that the devils were ready to attack, they didn't care at all. They didn't care about these devils who attacked. With the cover of devils' fighter planes, Li Yunlong and others naturally wouldn't let the soldiers continue to resist the attacks of devils.Under the firepower of the Devil fighters, letting the soldiers stay in the position is completely a joke with the lives of the soldiers.Besides, even if these devils successfully regained their positions and advanced a certain distance, so what?Without the presence of artillery, unless there is fire support from devil fighter planes, how many positions these devils have taken will be returned in the end.

In the eyes of Li Yunlong and others, the devil commander is a bit stupid. If the artillery is destroyed by the artillery, then he should retreat directly instead of choosing to stay here.Of course, if all the commanders of the devils are so brainless, Li Yunlong and others are still very happy, so that the devils can be driven back to their hometown in Japan earlier.

The Devil fighter planes buzzed in the air, and the Devil infantry brigade, which had been prepared for a long time, quickly advanced towards the Eighth Route Army's position under the order of the captain Hideki Yamanaka.The Devil fighter planes were very arrogant. The three fighter planes kept firing bullets at the position, and it was the soldiers who withdrew from the position in time. Otherwise, soldiers would inevitably be killed or killed in the face of the Devil fighter planes' strafing.

Knowing that the Eighth Route Army had no anti-aircraft weapons, the Devils flew very low in order to better cover the infantry brigade's attack.Facing the arrogant fighter jets, some soldiers chose to shoot. They aimed at the fighter planes and wanted to shoot them down.However, the speed of the Devil's fighter plane is not slow, and it is very difficult for the soldiers to hit the Devil's fighter plane. Coupled with the Devil's fighter plane's own defenses, it is undoubtedly impossible for ordinary bullets to penetrate the fighter plane.

In the woods, Liu Gen looked in the direction of the Devil's fighter plane. He could see that the Devil's fighter plane was flying fast over the position, and bullets were constantly hitting the position like a storm.However, the devils are not fools. After realizing that there was no Eighth Route Army in the position, the Devils stopped shooting. They flew towards the back of the position, trying to find the hidden Eighth Route Army soldiers.

The devil noticed the soldiers who had just fired, found a general area, and directly fired with a machine gun. Even though the devil pilot couldn't see the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, he still frantically shot at the areas where the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army might be hiding.Facing the strafing by the Devil fighter planes, some soldiers were unfortunately shot, but the soldiers who were shot did not make the slightest sound. They gritted their teeth and endured the pain from their bodies.

The soldiers don't know whether they will be heard by the devil's pilots when they shout out. Even if the chance of being discovered by the devil's pilots is very small, the soldiers are unwilling to shout out. They prefer to endure this pain and do not want to affect the Brothers around.

"Captain, the devil's fighter plane is too arrogant, should we do something?" Zhang Jun looked at the fighter plane in the sky, with angry flames burning in his eyes.

Anyone who sees the arrogant devil fighter planes will be extremely angry. In the sky above the Eighth Route Army soldiers, these devils have no fear at all, and even keep provoking by shooting at low altitude.Even if some soldiers fired with light machine guns, they failed to have any impact on the Devil fighter planes. At this time, the soldiers realized how difficult it is to take down a family of Devil fighter planes.

"I'm calculating, waiting for the opportunity! Devil fighters are not so easy to shoot down. Now the flight trajectory of these devil fighters is very uncertain. Even if I shoot at the devils, it will be difficult to hit the devil's fighters." Liu Gen said calmly.

Looking at Liu Gen with a calm expression, the soldiers calmed down under the influence of Liu Gen. At the same time, they also realized that it would be useless to be anxious, and everything depended on Liu Gen.The soldiers who calmed down stared at Liu Gen closely. With today's experience, the soldiers had the idea of ​​learning from Liu Gen how to take down the devil's fighter plane. Without anti-aircraft weapons, if they wanted to deal with the devil's fighter plane, then only Liu Gen's method.

Even though the soldiers clearly knew the difficulty, and knew that it was very difficult for them to successfully take down the devil's fighter plane, they still wanted to learn, at least after they learned it, there would be no other way to take down the devil's fighter plane!

"Yungui! Get ready!" Liu Gen said suddenly.

Yun Gui, who was staying behind Liu Gen, had a serious look on his face. The shells in his hands became more secure, and his attention became extremely concentrated. He knew that Liu Gen was about to make a move!

(End of this chapter)

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