I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 299 Gunpowder

Chapter 299 Gunpowder
"Okay! If you're willing to come and eat, then come." The brigade commander glanced at Liu Gen and said with a smile.

Under the command of the brigade commander, Liu Gen found a place to sit down, and patiently waited for the soldiers to bring the breakfast.After packing up, the brigade commander also came to sit beside Liu Gen, holding some documents that needed to be processed in his hands.The agencies of the headquarters are being transferred, and the 386 brigade is deployed in this area to ensure the safe evacuation of the agencies of the headquarters. There are many things that need to be handled by the brigade leader every day.

"Genzi, do you still have enough shells for your artillery team? Enough for several battles?" The brigade commander asked after looking at the information in his hand for a while.

Liu Gen thought for a moment, "The artillery team doesn't have a lot of shells. According to the scale of the last battle, it can only fight three battles at most. If the shells are not captured, I'm afraid there will be no shells for a long time."

"There is one thing. I want to ask you, brigade commander, whether it is necessary to hide a few mountain cannons in advance. If the devils really come with a large force, I am afraid we will not fight them head-on. A few mountain cannons will also be used. So In many battles, I also found that the mountain artillery is not very useful in battle, and it does not fit the combat method of our Eighth Route Army."

The brigade commander nodded, he knew that Liu Gen was right, the mountain artillery was indeed not very suitable for the frontline soldiers to fight.The Eighth Route Army is best at guerrilla warfare and sparrow warfare. It uses small groups of soldiers to continuously harass the enemy and kill the vital forces of the devils.And this kind of fighting method undoubtedly means that it needs enough flexibility, and the mountain artillery is more difficult to transfer, so it is naturally not very suitable for guerrilla warfare.

It is naturally impossible to fight against the devils. There may be tens of thousands of devils who will come to the base area to sweep up. Naturally, with such a large number of devils, they cannot choose to fight head-on.If you don't choose to fight head-on, then the mountain cannon will not be available. It is very necessary to hide it in advance. No one knows when the devil will come.

"Then hide a few mountain cannons in advance. These are the treasures of our 386 brigade, so there can be no problems." The brigade commander said.

Seeing that the brigade commander had made a decision, Liu Gen naturally knew what to do, so he found a suitable hiding place, all he needed to do was hide a few mountain cannons.The location of this hidden mountain cannon is not suitable for too many people to know. Only by maintaining enough secrecy can the safety of these mountain cannons be guaranteed.

"When I return to the artillery team, I will take the soldiers to do this." Liu Gen said seriously.

The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen in surprise, but he didn't expect Liu Gen to find a suitable place so quickly, "So fast?"

"Hey, I've found a suitable location a long time ago. I just need to get your consent, brigade commander. Now that I have your consent, it will be very fast." Liu Gen said with a smile.Liu Gen was very happy to get the consent of the brigade commander. Before asking the brigade commander, he knew that the brigade commander would agree in all likelihood, but he was still a little excited when he actually heard the brigade commander agreed.

The brigade commander laughed, and patted Liu Gen on the shoulder with great satisfaction. With Liu Gen, such a capable artillery captain, he undoubtedly felt much more at ease.When Liu Gen first took over the artillery team, the brigade commander was also a little worried. Liu Gen's ability was good, but compared with an old man like Captain Niu, he undoubtedly lacked a lot of stability.For the brigade artillery team, stability is undoubtedly the most important thing.

Facts have proved that choosing Liu Gen to take over the artillery team is a very wise decision. Under Liu Gen's leadership, the artillery team has not only not declined in the slightest, but has become stronger.Liu Gen's changes to the artillery team were all noticed by the brigade commander, and he had some expectation to continue like this, what kind of changes the artillery team would have under Liu Gen's leadership.

"I'll ask the arsenal to see if I can replenish some shells for the artillery." After pondering for a moment, the brigade commander said.

The brigade commander is well aware of the combat effectiveness of the artillery team. In the ensuing battle, with the fire support of the artillery team, the troops of the 386 brigade will be able to fight more easily.Once there is no fire support from the artillery team, the soldiers are prone to casualties. Naturally, the brigade commander does not want this to happen, and it is imminent to replenish the artillery team with shells.

"Brigade Commander, forget it! The shells produced by our arsenal are not that powerful at all, and they are far behind the shells we captured!" Liu Gen waved his hand and said with some disgust.

The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen with a look of disgust, and felt a little helpless. He knew that the artillery shells produced by the arsenal were not powerful, and most of the shells were successfully reinstalled in the arsenal.But no matter how powerful the shells were, it would be no problem to kill devils, it was just a question of how many to kill.Besides, if the artillery team runs out of shells, can't these shells be used as an emergency.

"Genzi, you guys still dislike the artillery shells from the arsenal. They can't help it. We only have black powder, which is only that powerful. How much more can we ask for?" the brigade commander said.

Liu Gen also knew this. As long as the gunpowder used in the arsenal remained unchanged, the power would definitely remain the same.Liu Gen knew that the experts and related personnel in the arsenal would certainly want to research new gunpowder, but this was not the result of research.But without changing the gunpowder, no amount of shells produced by the arsenal could successfully suppress the devil's firepower.

Compared with the bullets made and reloaded in the arsenal, the soldiers prefer to use the captured bullets. At least the captured bullets are powerful enough to kill the devils directly without any doubt.The bullets transported from the arsenal to the front line are not necessarily the same. Of course, when the soldiers have no bullets in their hands, no matter how bad the bullets are, they can be used.

"In my opinion, we still need to study gunpowder. Compared with devils, the ammunition produced by the arsenal is too weak." Liu Gen couldn't help but said.

The brigade commander nodded vigorously. The rear arsenal has also been trying to study flames, but there are not many talents in the arsenal about gunpowder. It may be difficult to make progress in a short period of time.The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen, his eyes flickering. As an artilleryman, Liu Gen should be no stranger to explosives. Maybe Liu Gen will have a solution?
"Genzi, do you have any ideas about researching gunpowder?" The brigade commander asked with some expectation.

Liu Gen shook his head with a wry smile. He didn't have much thought about the research on gunpowder. He had some experience with gunpowder, but if he wanted to really study gunpowder, he needed to master more relevant theoretical knowledge.

"Brigade Commander, you think too highly of me. Why don't you find more gunpowder talents and experts to come to our base area. With the achievements of our Eighth Route Army during this period, we will definitely get help from many patriots!" Liu Gen Seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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