Chapter 300 Eat Together
"You know a lot, kid. I found out that you are a freak, and you can make continuous progress to improve yourself." The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and said with a smile.

The brigade commander has discovered that Liu Gen can always see something different. Compared with other soldiers, Liu Gen has been improving himself, constantly improving and expanding his knowledge.Many people in the brigade knew that Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team of the brigade, liked reading very much.The brigade commander had quite a few books, but Liu Gen borrowed them to read them all, and even wrote down his experience after reading them.

The brigade commander knew how fast Liu Gen was reading, and also knew that Liu Gen was very serious in reading. How could he be dissatisfied with such a hardworking Liu Gen?
Looking at Liu Gen in front of him, the brigade commander had a strong smile in his eyes. He thought of Li Yunlong. Compared with Liu Gen, Li Yunlong was a complete negative.The brigade commander knew about Li Yunlong's situation, and he wanted Li Yunlong to read more books, but Li Yunlong didn't change at all. Liu Gen remained with Li Yunlong for so long, and he never saw Li Yunlong read a book.

"Hey, Brigadier, I'm a little embarrassed by your praise." Liu Gen scratched his head and said a little embarrassed.

Liu Gen was very happy to be appreciated by the brigade commander. Who doesn't know that the brigade commander has strict requirements on his soldiers, and the entire brigade headquarters may not be able to find a few people who have been praised by the brigade commander.Liu Gen was a little excited. It is true that he has read books, but this has also become his distress. From the books he read, there are no books with strong professionalism.For Liu Gen, the biggest benefit of reading should be that it broadened his horizons and improved his temperament.

"Okay, I don't know about you yet, I can't see it normally, but in fact you are very proud. It's just that your pride is hidden for once, it's arrogance, not arrogance, which makes me very satisfied "Looking at Liu Gen, the brigade commander spoke again.

Liu Gen laughed, and said helplessly, "With you here, Brigadier, how dare I be proud."

"Hahaha, you kid really learned from Li Yunlong." The brigade commander said with a smile.

During Liu Gen's two conversations, Xiao Li also brought back breakfast. In order to take care of Liu Gen's appetite, Xiao Li still brought quite a lot of breakfast.The portion is three to four times the normal amount. The brigade commander was not too surprised when he saw that Xiao Li brought back so much breakfast. He had seen Liu Gen's appetite, but felt that the breakfast that Xiao Li brought back was not enough , may not be enough for Liu Gen to eat.

"Xiao Li, let's get some more breakfast, let's eat together." The brigade commander looked at Xiao Li and ordered.

Xiao Li was taken aback for a moment, and wanted to shake his head to refuse, but after seeing the extremely serious expression on the brigade commander's face, he also reacted, and this time he might not be able to refuse.

"Brother Li, just listen to the brigade commander and eat together." Liu Gen noticed Xiao Li's expression and said quickly.

Seeing this, Xiao Li had no choice but to nod his head. If he couldn't refuse, he could only agree.Normally, the brigade commander asked Xiao Li to eat with him, but Xiao Li was unwilling. Today, because of Liu Gen's opening, Xiao Li couldn't refuse, so he could only agree.Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Li is unwilling to obey the command of the brigade commander, it can only be said that Xiao Li respects the brigade commander too much.

"Genzi, your words are still useful." The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and joked.

Liu Gen shook his head hastily, he didn't want to admit this, besides, he also knew that Xiao Li agreed to come down not because of himself, but because of the brigade commander's attitude.This time when the brigade commander mentioned it so seriously, Xiao Li was naturally shaken in his heart. Liu Gen's opening was just at the right time. Without Liu Gen's opening, Xiao Li would have agreed.

"Brigade Commander, it's not because of me, it's because of you. Otherwise Brother Li wouldn't be like this. He respects you too much." Liu Gen said with a smile.

The brigade commander nodded, he knew that Liu Gen was right, and Xiao Li was like that.Xiao Li followed him for five or six years, and he was the one who watched Xiao Li gradually grow from youth to maturity. During this period, Xiao Li also made many mistakes, but the brigade commander pointed them out and corrected them.The brigade commander was tolerant of Xiao Li who made mistakes, and Xiao Li did not disappoint him. After the brigade commander pointed out his mistakes, he would immediately correct them and would not make them again.

In the past few years of getting along, the brigade commander and Xiao Li have a very deep relationship. As the brigade commander's bodyguard, Xiao Li has saved the brigade commander's life many times.With Xiao Li's ability, I am afraid that he can clearly be the head of any regiment. The brigade commander also wanted Xiao Li to lead the army, but Xiao Li refused. He prefers to stay with the brigade commander as a guard .

Without making the brigade commander and Liu Gen wait too long, Xiao Li came back with his own breakfast. Judging from the portion size, Xiao Li and Liu Gen had about the same amount of food.No way, people like Liu Gen and Xiao Li always eat more. If they want to have enough strength, the amount of training will naturally be greater, and the enough appetite is also to maintain their own consumption.

"Okay! Let's eat! I heard Genzi's stomach growl several times." When Xiao Li sat down, the brigade commander said with a smile.

Liu Gen and Xiao Li looked at each other, and they both picked up the cake and ate it. The speed of the two eating was so fast that the brigade commander was a little confused.Under the influence of Liu Gen and the other two, the brigade commander's eating speed also became much faster, but he quickly realized that he controlled his own eating speed.

In less than 5 minutes, Liu Gen and the others had finished their breakfast, but the breakfast in front of the brigade commander had not been resolved.

After bidding farewell to the brigade commander, Liu Gen walked quickly towards the artillery team. He still needed to lead the soldiers of the artillery team to continue training.According to the information obtained from the headquarters, the little devils around the base area are moving more and more frequently. I am afraid that it will not be long before the devils will launch a raid on the base area again. The 386th Brigade had fought a lot before and captured a lot, but even so, the ammunition of each regiment was still not enough.

If the devils raided too frequently, it would be easy for the soldiers to run out of bullets. At that time, the rifles in the hands of the soldiers might not be as good as fire sticks.In order to avoid this from happening, it is very necessary to kill the little devil and seize enough ammunition from the devil.If there is no bullet, just take it from the devil. The soldiers have long been used to doing this.

In the ensuing battle, the combat tasks of the artillery team are also very heavy. He needs to pay close attention to the training of the soldiers of the artillery team to ensure the smooth operation of the artillery team.Liu Gen does not want any artillery soldiers to die on the battlefield. The soldiers need to work harder in training so that they can survive the battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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