I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 320 The Devil Fighter Plane Arrives

Chapter 320 The Devil Fighter Plane Arrives
"Captain, when will the devil fighter plane come?" Just after dawn, a veteran couldn't help asking.

Liu Gen turned his head to look at the veteran, and could see that his expression was a little excited. He glanced at the other veterans around him, and seeing that they also seemed a little excited, Liu Gen understood.Under Liu Gen's teaching, the soldiers learned how to use mortars to fight devils. Even though it was very difficult, after continuous training by the soldiers, they achieved certain results!The veterans worked hard enough in training, so naturally they all successfully mastered what Liu Gen taught them. Under such circumstances, the veterans naturally wanted to know how they learned!

The devil's fighter plane is undoubtedly the best standard for testing. As long as the veterans can successfully shoot down a devil's fighter plane, it means that they have learned quite well.At the same time, it can also be shown that not only Liu Gen can do it alone, but also other fighters can do it by using mortars to shoot down the Devil fighter planes.

"It's still early! The Devil fighter plane should have just taken off from Taiyuan, and it will take a while to arrive." Liu Gen said with a smile.

The veterans were a little reconciled, and the Devil's fighter plane was too slow. They were still waiting for the Devil's fighter plane to come, and shot down the Devil's fighter plane directly!Compared with the recruits, the psychological quality of the veterans can be said to be quite good, and there is no trace of tension on their faces.Veterans have their own way of relaxing. Before the battle begins, they can always make themselves at their peak to face the enemy.

The pine branches were piled up beside Liu Gen and the others, completely covering their figures, and it would not be easy to see the clues from a high altitude.Only those who are familiar with this high mountain will see the problem at a glance. There are very few pine trees on the top of the mountain.Devil pilots are naturally not comfortable with this high mountain. They are not villagers at the foot of the mountain, so they don't know what's wrong with it.

"Before the devil's fighter plane arrives, let's deal with our respective problems. When the devil's fighter plane arrives, no one is allowed to move without my order! Even if it's shit, you have to pull it into your crotch!" Liu Gen said loudly .

After the words fell, Liu Gen got up and looked towards the brigade headquarters. He could see soldiers carrying various supplies, and most of the supplies and soldiers had withdrawn from the brigade headquarters.Now these soldiers are hurrying to act, hoping to transfer more supplies before the devil fighters come!Withdrawing his gaze, Liu Gen no longer looked at these soldiers. Compared with the soldiers carrying supplies, the soldiers of the artillery team were a little more relaxed.But when the devil fighter planes arrive, as long as these fighters hide well, there will be no problems easily.

This was not the case for the soldiers of the artillery team. They had to risk their lives to kill the devil's fighter plane. Once the devil's pilot reacted, Liu Gen and others would be in danger of life.It's just that even if they knew this clearly, none of the soldiers in the artillery team said they would quit. They all chose to follow Liu Gen, the captain, and were ready to sacrifice today.

"Captain, do you think we can kill the two fighter planes of the Devil?" The veteran came to Liu Gen and handed the cigarette he rolled himself to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen shook his head, "Don't give it to me. I don't smoke. You can take advantage of the devil's unpreparedness to kill one of the devil's fighter planes. However, it is much more difficult to kill the devil's two fighter planes. If the devil pilot gives If there is a chance, then there is hope for killing two Devil fighter planes. Don’t pay too much attention to this, if you can kill one Devil fighter plane, or drive away the incoming Devil fighter plane, it is a victory!”

Seeing that Liu Gen didn't smoke, the veteran put the cigarette in his mouth, took out a match, and carefully lit it.Taking a puff of cigarette, the veteran looked at Liu Gen, the captain, and could see that Liu Gen didn't have much confidence in his eyes, let alone having enough confidence in the past.The veteran was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. He also didn't have enough confidence to kill two fighter planes of the devil at once. Such an idea is crazy!

The Devil's fighter plane would not fly in front of Liu Gen and the others in a daze, and take the initiative to meet the attack of the shells. It would be extremely difficult to hit the fast-moving Devil's fighter plane with a mortar!

"Just work hard this time, don't pay too much attention to the results, play well, and check whether you have learned well! During this period, if you let me see what you did wrong, then don't blame me for punishing you after the end!" Realized The atmosphere was a bit heavy, and Liu Gen quickly pretended not to care much, hoping that the soldiers would not be affected by him.

The soldiers laughed one after another, and quickly expressed that they would be serious enough and try not to make any mistakes.The soldiers all knew how the captain Liu Gen would be punished. Unless he was a masochist, no soldier would want to accept Liu Gen's punishment!Even after accepting the captain Liu Gen's punishment, they can get a certain improvement, but the soldiers are still unwilling to be punished by Liu Gen.

Seeing that the soldiers relaxed, Liu Gen also heaved a sigh of relief. Looking at the smoking soldier beside him, Liu Gen directly took the cigarette he was holding and put it in his mouth.After taking a deep breath, Liu Gen's expression changed immediately, and he coughed involuntarily.It was the first time he smoked, and Liu Gen wanted to show the demeanor that a captain should have. Who knew it would be like this.

Liu Gen could feel that his head was a little swollen, damn it, the veteran beside him rolled a cigarette too vigorously!Not suitable for novices to smoke at all!

"Captain, you haven't smoked before. Shouldn't you take a puff slowly? It's good for you to finish the rest of the cigarette in one puff. According to your smoking method, no amount of cigarettes will be enough for you. "The old soldier patted Liu Gen on the back and said helplessly.For the veteran, the remaining cigarettes are enough for him to smoke for a while, who knows that Liu Gen will kill him directly.

If Liu Gen can smoke, the veteran doesn't mind, but Liu Gen doesn't know how to smoke, which makes the veteran feel that cigarettes are wasted!After experiencing this incident, the veteran understood that it would be better not to smoke in front of Liu Gen in the future. If such a thing happened again, then he would be at a loss!
"Don't you just have a little cigarette? When this battle is over, I will ask the brigade commander for some. In the previous battle, there should be a lot of cigarettes seized." Liu Gen felt a little more comfortable, and raised his head to look at the man beside him. Veteran, said indifferently.

Liu Gen believed that as long as the artillery team could successfully kill the Devil's fighters this time, not to mention two, even one, the brigade commander would be quite happy.At that time, as the hero of this battle, it is not too much for Liu Gen to ask for some cigarettes, right?
"buzzing" "buzzing"

In the distance, there seemed to be a fighter plane flying over. Since the distance was still far away, when I looked up into the sky, I could only see a few black spots.

"Go back to your respective positions immediately! The devil fighter is coming!" Liu Gen gave the order, and the soldiers moved quickly. This time they lay on the ground without any small movements.

(End of this chapter)

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