Chapter 321
In the air, the Devil fighter planes were approaching quickly. The soldiers who were transporting supplies at the brigade headquarters heard that the Devil fighter planes had arrived, and hurriedly carried some supplies, and walked towards the outside of the brigade headquarters as fast as they could.At this time, the soldiers showed their fastest speed, they didn't want to be seen by the devils.

When the devil flew over the brigade headquarters, he could see that the 386 brigade headquarters below was quiet and there were no figures!It's just that even so, the bomber that the devil came to dropped the aerial bombs it was carrying after lowering to a certain altitude.In order to ensure the accuracy of bombing, the Devil's 97-heavy bomber dropped 1000 meters before starting to drop bombs.

The 97 heavy bomber was tested in 1936. At that time, it was a bomber with advanced performance, and it was produced by Mitsubishi for the Japanese army! The performance of the 97-heavy bomber is advanced. When the Sino-Japanese War began, the devils used the 97-heavy bomber to bomb Chinese cities indiscriminately. It was the main type of bombing by the devil.

The 97-heavy bomber has a length of 16 meters, a wingspan of 22.5 meters, a height of 4.85 meters, an empty weight of 6070kg, a maximum weight of 10610kg, an exhibition area of ​​69.6 square meters, a maximum speed of 478 kilometers per hour, a range of 2700 kilometers, and a maximum height of 10000 meters.There are also four 91mm caliber Type 4 machine guns on the 7.7 heavy bomber, and a 12.7mm caliber Ho-103 heavy machine gun, plus a 1000kg bomb!
It is worth mentioning that the Ho-97 heavy machine gun of the 103 heavy bomber is due to the fact that in the confrontation with the Chinese fighter, the original equipment configuration of the 97 heavy bomber was unable to parry the American-made Browning on the Chinese fighter M2 heavy machine gun, this is why I chose to add this heavy machine gun.

On the top of the mountain, Liu Gen looked at the three 97 heavy bombers of the Devils who were dropping bombs, with a cold light in his eyes.Looking at the other soldiers, Liu Gen could see the obvious anger on the faces of the other soldiers. Seeing the brigade headquarters being bombed by devil fighter planes like this, the soldiers couldn't stand it!Even though the soldiers knew clearly that the soldiers in the brigade headquarters had already evacuated, and the devils bombed, it was only an empty bombing, and no soldiers died, but the soldiers were still extremely angry!
Looking up at the sky above the three 97-heavy bombers, Liu Gen could see two devil fighters circling, guarding the three 97-heavy bombers.Obviously, the devils are still very vigilant, even though they know that the Eighth Route Army does not have an air force, they still maintain enough vigilance.

Of course, the devil was so vigilant because Liu Gen shot down the devil's fighter plane with a mortar and let the devil know that the Eighth Route Army had means to deal with the fighter plane, which made the devil's fighter plane so vigilant.Before the 97 heavy bombers bombed the 386 brigade headquarters, the Devil pilots checked carefully to make sure that there were no anti-aircraft weapons around. It was precisely because of this that the three 97 heavy bombers of the Devils fell to 1000 meters the height of!
The Devil Fighter circling in the sky let Liu Gen know that once he took the soldiers of the artillery team to make a move, he would be spotted by the Devil Fighter!And if Liu Gen and the soldiers of the artillery team can kill the three 97-heavy bombers of the Devils, then the two fighters of the Devils who came to protect them will definitely go crazy!Just choosing to do so will put Liu Gen and others in danger. The machine guns on the Devil fighter jets are not weak, and if they hit the soldiers, they will either die or be injured!

His eyes fell on the Devil bomber that was dropping bombs, Liu Gen gritted his teeth, and there was a deep firmness in his eyes, so what if his life was in danger?Now is a good opportunity to take action against the three Devil bombers. If you miss this opportunity, it will be impossible to kill the Devil's fighters!
"Brothers! Get ready! After five bursts, retreat immediately!" Liu Gen whispered to the soldiers around him.

The soldiers staying beside Liu Gen became solemn, and they quickly conveyed Liu Gen's order. They all knew that they needed to let other soldiers know Liu Gen's order quickly.After five bursts, retreat directly. After reaching the top of the mountain, Liu Gen had told the soldiers such an order, but before preparing to make a move, he chose to notify the soldiers, hoping that the soldiers could do this.It is not an easy thing to do something to the Devil fighter. Liu Gen and others are risking their lives to do this. He hopes that the fighters will not have any problems!
"Cannonball!" After 1 minute, Liu Gen's order was conveyed to the soldiers' ears. Knowing this, he didn't have the slightest hesitation, and if he wasted any more time, the Devil fighter might run away!
At such a juncture, Liu Gen can only report the corresponding data for the soldiers on the top of the mountain. If the three 81mm mortars are really good, it is enough for the devil to drink a pot.As for the four mortars deployed in other places, it depends on the soldiers' own abilities. They need to use the knowledge they have learned from Liu Gen during this period to calculate the corresponding data by themselves, and then launch an attack on the devils. .

Liu Gen didn't know whether the fighters controlling the four mortars had calculated the corresponding data. He couldn't wait for these fighters, and he couldn't know the situation of the other four mortars.

"Get ready! Release!" Liu Gen gave the order to attack after the soldiers manipulating the other two mortars were ready!As soon as the voice fell, the shell in Liu Gen's hand also fell directly into the barrel, and with a bang, the shell flew out of the barrel.At the same time, there were two other shells flying towards the so-called position of the devil's three 97 heavy bombers!

The shells flew out, and Liu Gen and others didn't have time to see if the shells could hit the Devil fighter plane. With the cooperation of the soldiers, the shells flew out quickly one by one.In less than 15 seconds, all the shells in the hands of the soldiers were fired.Looking up at the two fighter jets circling in the sky, you can see that the two devil fighter jets seem to be crazy, rushing towards the top of the mountain crazily.

The devil pilots reacted very quickly, and the devil pilots flying the fighter jets did not expect that it was under their noses.The Eighth Route Army even directly launched an artillery attack on three 97 heavy bombers, and successfully hit them!The ghost pilot's incomparably cold eyes fell on Liu Gen and the others fleeing on the top of the mountain, but he directly controlled two 7.7mm caliber Type [-] machine guns and fired wildly!
The densely packed bullets formed an obvious line of fire, attacking towards Liu Gen and the others who were frantically fleeing. The speed of the Devil fighter dive was too fast. How far is it?Some bullets fell on the fleeing soldiers. Under the dense bullets, no soldier could survive.

"Damn it! Goofy devil! Jump! Jump from here, whether you can survive or not depends on everyone's luck!" Liu Gen shouted loudly.The bullet flew past Liu Gen, and some bullets hit Liu Gen's thigh directly, making his body tilted, and under the inertia, he fell directly from the top of the mountain!
Seeing this scene, the other surviving fighters didn't dare to hesitate. The bullets constantly flying around let them know that if they continued to escape like this, it would only lead to a dead end!The soldiers held their heads and jumped directly from the top of the mountain to the bottom. During the period, the only thing they could do was to protect their heads to avoid hurting their heads during the fall.

(End of this chapter)

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