I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 325 Found it

Chapter 325 Found it

"Brigade Commander, the Division Headquarters asked if we have been attacked by Devil fighter planes." The telegraph operator came to the Brigadier Commander and reported seriously.

The brigade commander was slightly taken aback, but he didn't expect that this matter would attract the attention of the division headquarters. "Last night, the brigade headquarters was attacked by the devil's special agent team. Our department successfully damaged it. Some devils escaped successfully, and our department's position was exposed. In the early morning, The devils dispatched two fighter jets and three bombers to retaliate against our troops, but fortunately our troops moved ahead of time, with few casualties, but our camp was directly destroyed."

"The artillery team of our department bombarded the Devil fighter planes on the top of the mountain and successfully killed three devil fighter planes. Our department moved the wreckage of the two fighter planes in time. I hope the division headquarters will send relevant personnel to receive them!"

"Send a telegram as I said, and give credit to the soldiers of the artillery team!"

Watching the telegraph operator leave, the brigade commander looked at the mountaintop again, with deep worry in his eyes. There was no news from Liu Gen, which made him very worried that Liu Gen had died.It's just that the brigade commander didn't want to believe this. He felt that Liu Gen would not sacrifice so easily, and he believed that Liu Gen would come back alive.

Suddenly, the brigade commander could see a group of people withdrawing from the mountain, and the soldiers carried simple stretchers one after another!The brigade commander quickly walked towards the withdrawn soldiers, but when he came to these soldiers and saw the soldiers on the stretcher, his expression froze. He could see that the soldiers on the stretcher had all died. die.I didn't choose to carry these sacrificed soldiers down because the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers could not withstand too much fluctuation, and only a stretcher could bring them down intact.

"Bury these comrades well." The brigade commander said bitterly.

The soldiers nodded vigorously. At this moment, none of them wanted to speak.Looking at these sacrificed comrades-in-arms, the soldiers didn't know what to say. They were still alive last night, but now they were lying on the stretcher silently, and they could no longer see everything outside.Fighting is very tiring, and daily training is also very tiring. Soldiers rarely have time to rest, but in the future, these sacrificed soldiers can rest well, and no one will disturb them again.

Watching these soldiers leave, the brigade commander looked up the mountain again. Most of the battles of the infantry battalion and the cavalry battalion were searched on the mountain, but Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team, has not yet been found.None of the artillery soldiers found survived, and it was too dangerous to jump off the mountain.It's just that at that time, Liu Gen and others had no choice but to stay on the top of the mountain. They would surely die under the machine guns of the devils.

The brigade commander sighed, turned around and walked towards other places. He still had a lot of things to deal with.The previous devil's retaliatory bombing directly blew up the wreckage of a devil fighter plane that hadn't been transferred in time.At that time, there were soldiers working on the transfer of the wreckage of the Devil fighter planes. Except for some soldiers who escaped quickly enough, the other soldiers suffered heavy casualties under the bombing of the Devils.

The brigade commander felt extremely heartbroken about the casualties of the soldiers, but he had no choice. The devil had learned his lesson and maintained a sufficient flying altitude, so he could not launch a counterattack against the devil's fighter plane.Not to mention, the soldiers of the artillery team were not there at the time, and even if the brigade commander wanted to fight back, there was no one to do it.

After the brigade commander finished dealing with the relevant matters, two hours passed again. During this time, the soldiers who searched on the mountain brought down the bodies of some soldiers of the artillery team. The root captain has not been found yet.

"Damn it! What's the matter! Fuck you bastard!" Back to the chief of staff and others, the brigade commander cursed loudly.

The Chief of Staff's expression was not good. He knew that the casualties of the brigade soldiers, especially the casualties of the artillery team, made him feel very distressed.The performance of the artillery team was seen by everyone in the brigade. They clearly knew the combat effectiveness of the artillery team. Now that the artillery team has suffered such a large loss, they don't know whether they can maintain enough combat effectiveness.

"Have you not found the root cause yet?" the Chief of Staff asked with some concern.

The brigade commander nodded helplessly, "I haven't found it yet, the soldiers are still looking for him on the mountain, hoping to find him before dark. The order from the division headquarters, let our brigade transfer, even if there is no order from the division headquarters , we also need to transfer."

"The devil knows the location of our brigade headquarters, if we don't transfer it, our brigade will always be exposed to the devil's eyes."

Other personnel in the brigade did not speak, but during this period of time, they had already packed relevant materials and were ready to evacuate.It was also to find Liu Gen, otherwise the brigade would have chosen to transfer and stay here for a while, which would mean the brigade would be even more dangerous.

"Pass my order! Let the regiments on the front line make a big move before transferring, and I will make the devil pay for it! Tell Li Yunlong and them to stop thinking about saving their family. If it is not enough, I will make up for them! I'm going to ruin my family and fight with these bastards!" The brigade commander ordered loudly.

Seeing that the brigade commander was so agitated, the chief of staff quickly stopped him, "Brigade commander, this is not how wars are fought! If we really want to do this, we won't be able to hold on for too long."

"Then what should we do? Let's forget about the casualties of the artillery team? This time our 386 Brigade has suffered such a big loss, so let's just forget about it?" The brigade commander looked at the chief of staff angrily, and it was right for the chief of staff to dissuade him Somewhat uncomfortable.Even if the brigade commander knows that the chief of staff is right, in the case of the 386th brigade, it is best not to start a large-scale battle with the devils.

But if he didn't do this, the brigade commander would feel extremely aggrieved. The soldiers suffered so many casualties, but they couldn't do anything.Especially Liu Gen, the captain of the artillery team, hadn't been found yet, and the brigade commander was almost unable to maintain his sanity. Damn, if he didn't kill some little devils, how would he vent his anger?

The chief of staff saw the state of the brigade commander, and was silent for a moment, "If you really want to insist on making a big move, then you need to be prepared to be retaliated by the devil again! Before doing it, I hope you can consider our brigade's ammunition reserves and The strength of each regiment. As a brigade commander, the lives of thousands of people are in your hands, and I believe you don’t want more soldiers to sacrifice for this.”

Immediately, the brigade commander fell silent, he could only sigh, and gave up the idea of ​​attacking the devils.If he really made a big move, not only would he not be able to explain to the division and headquarters, but he would also be unable to explain to the soldiers of the 386 brigade. He could not let the soldiers die in vain because of his orders.

"Found it! Found it!"

"Captain Liu has been found! The medical staff are here!"


There were shouts from soldiers outside. The brigade commander and the chief of staff looked at each other, and they both saw the joy in each other's eyes. They quickly ran towards the foot of the mountain. They wanted to see Liu Gen immediately!I want to know Liu Gen's life and death!

(End of this chapter)

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