I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 326 Can't Sleep

Chapter 326 Can't Sleep (Add more for Zhengxiem!)
On the simple stretcher, Liu Gen woke up in a daze. He was awakened by the shouts of the soldiers.

Opening his eyes, Liu Gen looked around, and could see himself being carried by soldiers through the mountains and forests.Liu Gen wanted to get up, but just as he was about to move, he couldn't help but hissed lightly. It hurt so much that he couldn't use any strength at all.Feeling the pain in his body, Liu Gen's face turned ugly. He realized that he was seriously injured this time, and it might take a while to recover.

"Captain Liu is awake! Captain Liu is awake!" The soldier carrying the stretcher saw Liu Gen open his eyes, but the opening was very small, just a crack.

Hong Yong, who stayed aside, became excited, and quickly ordered the soldiers to stop. He wanted to see if Liu Gen really woke up.

"Captain Liu? Captain Liu? I'm Hong Yong, do you remember?" Hong Yong hurried to the stretcher and shouted loudly.

When Liu Gen saw Hong Yong appearing in front of his eyes, he felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that he would be rescued by Hong Yong. Thinking that he had a conflict with Hong Yong yesterday, Liu Gen felt that this world was really interesting. Hong Yong, who had a conflict, saved himself today?
Under Hong Yong's gaze, Liu Gen opened his mouth, wanting to say something.But when Liu Gen opened his mouth, there was no sound legend, and looking at Liu Gen's face, even if he wanted to say something, his face became paler, and his face was even more pale. Visibly tired.

"Stop talking! Stop talking! Captain Liu, stay alert and don't fall asleep. The soldiers and I will take you down the mountain immediately!" Noticing that Liu Gen's condition is not good, Hong Yong said hastily.

Hong Yong led the soldiers forward again, but this time the speed of the soldiers became much faster, and they could all tell that Liu Gen's condition was not very good.Now, the only thing the soldiers want to do is to take Liu Gen down the mountain as soon as possible and receive treatment as soon as possible to ensure that Liu Gen will not have any problems.

Sending a few smarter soldiers down the mountain ahead of time, Hong Yong asked them to notify the brigade's medical staff to prepare, so as to ensure that Liu Gen received corresponding treatment when he first went down the mountain.On the way down the mountain, Hong Yong looked at Liu Gen from time to time. He hoped that Liu Gen could persist until he went down the mountain.

Every time he saw Liu Gen's eyes close, Hong Yong would get nervous. He was worried that after Liu Gen closed his eyes, he would never be able to open them again.But Hong Yong is a little fortunate that Liu Gen's willpower is strong enough, and he has been working hard to persevere!

"Quick! Faster! Comrades cheer up, don't let Captain Liu fall!" Hong Yong shouted.

The soldiers speeded up again. They were already fast enough, but now they speeded up again!The soldiers were almost running, when suddenly, the soldier carrying the stretcher accidentally stepped on a stone, his body suddenly tilted, and the stretcher also tilted, almost throwing Liu Gen off the stretcher.

But at this time, Hong Yong who stayed aside reacted, and quickly reached out to hug the stretcher in his arms, and the other soldiers also reacted, and lifted the stretcher up again.Blood gushed out from Liu Gen's simply bandaged wound, and the blood dripped on the ground, a little more bloody.

"What's going on? Be careful!" Hong Yong looked at the soldier who made a mistake and said seriously.

The soldier also knew his mistake. His mistake just now almost threw Liu Gen off the stretcher. Once Liu Gen was really thrown off, then Liu Gen's injury would definitely worsen again.The soldier's face was full of guilt, but he didn't have much time for him to feel guilty. Under Hong Yong's order, the soldiers rushed down the mountain again quickly.

On the stretcher, Liu Gen could feel that his wound seemed to be bursting, and blood was gushing out, but because he couldn't make a sound, he couldn't tell Hong Yong and others at all.Coupled with the fact that Hong Yong and the others were rushing down the mountain, they couldn't pay attention to Liu Gen's open wound.

As time went by, Liu Gen only felt that he was getting weaker and weaker, and his consciousness became a little blurred, as if he couldn't hold on anymore.Liu Gen felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and his willpower was very strong, but he was very tired if he persisted like this.In Liu Gen's ear, there seemed to be a voice whispering, "Close your eyes, you can take a good rest and never be tired again!"

Hong Yong looked towards Liu Gen on the stretcher, and could see Liu Gen's eyes closing and closing more frequently than before, which made him realize that something was wrong with Liu Gen!Seeing this, Hong Yong shouted quickly, he knew he couldn't let Liu Gen close his eyes.

"Captain Liu, don't close your eyes! Open your eyes wide! You can't sleep!"

"Don't forget, you still want to kill devils! You also want to avenge the sacrificed soldiers of the artillery team!"


Hong Yong yelled loudly, and the other soldiers also realized that Liu Gen's situation was wrong. They yelled loudly, not caring about their own fatigue.After a day of searching on the mountain, the soldiers didn't eat much, so they were naturally quite exhausted!But even though the soldiers were quite exhausted, they still shouted with all their strength, Liu Gen can't die!As a hero, how could Liu Gen die?
The voices of the soldiers fell into Liu Gen's ears, and Liu Gen reacted, yes, he can't die!He also avenged the soldiers who died in the artillery team!Liu Gen could imagine the casualties of the artillery team. Even with such a strong physique, he was seriously injured. The chances of the other soldiers surviving were not high.Coupled with the devil's machine gun fire, the casualties of the soldiers must not be small, Liu Gen can't die!He also wants to avenge the dead soldiers!
"I! I can't die! I can't die!" Liu Gen's lips moved slightly, trying to reach out, and he could clearly feel the severe pain coming from his body.

The severe pain hit, which made Liu Gen sober up a little bit, but just doing this was not a cure for the symptoms.Every time too long, Liu Gen could feel that his consciousness became tired again, he could only try to reach out again, and suddenly felt severe pain again.

Hong Yong and others didn't notice Liu Gen's small movements. The only thing they could see was that Liu Gen didn't close his eyes, which let them know that Liu Gen was trying to persevere.The closer they were to the foot of the mountain, the more Hong Yong and the others could hear the shouts of the soldiers below. When they successfully brought Liu Gen down, they could see many soldiers waiting here.

The remaining sixteen soldiers of the artillery team were waiting, the brigade commander was waiting, the chief of staff was waiting, and most of the soldiers in the brigade were waiting!The soldiers of the artillery team were a little apprehensive. They didn't know whether the captain, Liu Gen, had survived. These veterans, who had experienced many battles, felt a little timid at this moment. They were very worried about seeing Hong Yong and others bring them down All that was left was Liu Gen's body.

Seeing Hong Yong and others appear, the soldiers of the artillery team quickly ran towards them, and they wanted to see Liu Gen's condition as soon as possible.

 ps: Thank you so cold ice and zhengxiem for your tip!Thank you so much!Since Comrade Zhengxiem directly rewarded the leader, three more chapters will be added!Thank you so much!

(End of this chapter)

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