I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 332 Okazaki Kencho's Counterattack

Chapter 332 Okazaki Kencho's Counterattack

On Guanjianao, Okazaki Kenchang was sitting in the position. In the dark night, he couldn't see how many troops the Eighth Route Army had to attack.

"How is the preparation of the Mountain Artillery Squadron? Have you found the artillery positions of the Eighth Route Army?" Kencho Okazaki looked at Hideo Matsushita beside him, and asked in a cold voice.

Okazaki Kencho was a little annoyed by the artillery shelling of the Eighth Route Army. When did the artillery of the Eighth Route Army dare to act wildly in front of the Imperial Japanese Army?Okazaki Kencho is a proud enough person. In his opinion, with the strength in his hands, the Eighth Route Army does not have the strength of a brigade, so it is impossible to do anything to him!Okazaki Kenchang knew very well that during this period of time, the various units of the Eighth Route Army lost a lot of troops.

After losing so many troops, the Eighth Route Army did not choose to hide to avoid being attacked by the Imperial Japanese Army. Now that the Eighth Route Army dare to be so arrogant, do they just underestimate Kencho Okazaki?
"Captain Okazaki, using the mountain artillery squadron rashly will definitely expose our artillery position. Once the Eighth Route Army is ready, our mountain artillery squadron will inevitably be in danger. You should know the importance of the mountain artillery squadron. Then we don’t have the support of artillery fire, so it’s hard to resist the attack of the Eighth Route Army.” Seeing Captain Okazaki in front of him, Hideo Matsushita couldn’t help persuading him.

Hideo Matsushita wants to live. He hasn't returned to his native land for several years. He has his wife and children in his native land. He doesn't want to die here with Kencho Okazaki!When he first came to China, Hideo Matsushita was full of confidence. He believed in the fighting power of the Imperial Japanese Army!The slogan of destroying China in three months seems to be achievable!But as the war continued, Matsushita Hideo became less and less confident about the war.

At the beginning, the combat effectiveness of China's resistance troops was not strong, at least not in Hideo Matsushita's view. In front of the Imperial Japanese Army, the Chinese army could not resist the edge of the Imperial Japanese Army!But now, Hideo Matsushita found that the combat effectiveness of China's anti-Japanese armed forces and troops seemed to be constantly improving, at an unimaginable speed.

And now?His Okazaki Brigade was besieged by the Eighth Route Army in the Guanjianao area. It would take no one to know how long it would take to successfully hold out until reinforcements arrived.Hideo Matsushita looked down at the Eighth Route Army that was attacking below. He could see that these Eighth Route Army soldiers were still maintaining a standard battle formation and doing various tactical actions during the attack. /
Seeing all this, Hideo Matsushita's heart became more and more heavy. Only after fighting the Chinese army at the beginning of the war, can he understand how much the Chinese army has changed.In the early days of the war, the army of the Empire of Japan kept pushing horizontally, and the resisting Chinese soldiers were easily harvested like wheat.

"Huh! Just rely on the artillery of the Eighth Route Army? Look at the artillery of the Eighth Route Army. How high is the hit rate? Even if they find out the location of our mountain artillery squadron, what effect will it have? With the mortars in their hands, the range It can't be achieved at all." Okazaki Kencho said with a look of disdain.Kencho Okazaki is not an idiot either. He has seen that the Eighth Route Army's artillery is not that strong, and he can be sure that the Eighth Route Army's artillery cannot pose a threat to the Mountain Artillery Squadron.

If he didn't know this, then Okazaki Kencho would definitely not easily use the Mountain Cannon Squadron. How could he not know the importance of the Mountain Cannon Squadron?The biggest function of the Mountain Pao Squadron is to repel the attack of the Eighth Route Army and ensure that the Okazaki Brigade can persist in the attack of the Eighth Route Army!Kencho Okazaki understood Hideo Matsushita's situation, and he didn't want to die, and it was precisely because he didn't want to die that he chose to use the mountain artillery squadron.

"Mr. Matsushita, don't worry. The Eighth Route Army's artillery can certainly not pose a threat to us. Besides, I want to let these attacking Eighth Route Army troops know how powerful our Okazaki Brigade is! We are not as soft as the independent 4th Brigade. Egg!" Kencho Okazaki patted Hideo Matsushita on the shoulder vigorously, his eyes flickering.

Okazaki Kencho believes that as long as his mountain artillery squadron can kill these Eighth Route Army artillery, then the Eighth Route Army troops will be afraid in the next battle.It is even said that these attacking Eighth Route Army troops may choose to give up the battle directly. Without the cover of artillery, how can they resist the powerful firepower of the Imperial Japanese Army?
"I hope so! Several infantry squadrons were killed before, it seems that it was due to the artillery of the Eighth Route Army! When the 36th Division and the 4th Independent Mixed Brigade each sent two infantry brigades to sweep the Eighth Route Army's base areas, The two brigades of the 36th Division encountered the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division of the Eighth Route Army, and were directly defeated by the artillery team of the 386th Brigade, and were finally defeated by the Eighth Route Army head-on!"

"Captain Okazaki, the artillery of the Eighth Route Army is not weak, especially the artillery of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division!" Hideo Matsushita had obvious worries in his eyes. Unlike Kencho Okazaki, he was very concerned about this information.Being able to live from the beginning of the war to the present, Hideo Matsushita's ability is not weak. If not, he might have been buried in a corner of the Chinese battlefield long ago.

Okazaki Kencho frowned, with seriousness in his eyes, he was a little shocked to learn this information from Hideo Matsushita.It's just that even if he knew this, Okazaki Ken didn't think how strong the artillery of the Eighth Route Army was, at least the artillery of the Eighth Route Army who controlled mortars was not that strong!

"What you said is true, but our artillery of the Eighth Route Army is not strong. Presumably you said that the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division has not come here yet. Before the 386th Brigade has come here, we should take the initiative to attack! When the 386th Brigade arrives, then our mountain artillery squadron has already completed the transfer, and naturally there will be no major problems." Okazaki Kencho said again.

Hideo Matsushita stopped talking, he chose to give up, he found that he couldn't dissuade Kencho Okazaki at all.In this regard, Hideo Matsushita can only hope that the artillery team of the 129th Brigade of the 386th Division of the Eighth Route Army is really not here, otherwise the Mountain Artillery Squadron will expose its position, and there will definitely be a lot of risk.

"Don't worry! The troops of the Eighth Route Army came in such a hurry that they couldn't carry heavy weapons at all. If it's just mortars, they can't pose a threat to our mountain artillery squadron!" Okazaki Kenchang said again.

Hideo Matsushita nodded, I hope everything is as Okazaki Kencho said, seeing Okazaki Kencho order the mountain artillery squadron to launch a counterattack, I don't know why Matsushita Hideo has a bad premonition.

In the mountain artillery squadron position of the Okazaki Brigade, the artillerymen of the Devils looked relaxed. They also saw the somewhat crappy skills of the artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army. In their opinion, these artillerymen of the Eighth Route Army were nothing at all, and they could easily defeat them!
(End of this chapter)

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