I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 333 Artillery Squad Attack

Chapter 333 Artillery Squad Attack

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The devil's mountain artillery squadron moved into action, and the devil soldiers who controlled the mountain artillery looked relaxed. They did not regard the artillery of the Eighth Route Army as their opponents.To be precise, the devils of the Mountain Artillery Squadron did not think that the artillery of the Eighth Route Army could threaten them!

The artillery shells crashed into the Eighth Route Army mortar positions 2000 meters away. The 75mm mountain cannons were not weak, and the six kilogram shells fell, directly blasting an obvious pothole.The soldiers in the mortar positions reacted quickly. They had been paying attention to the devil's movements. As soon as the shells fell, the soldiers hid directly in the cat's ear holes.

Knowing that there is a mountain artillery squadron in the Devil Okazaki Brigade, the soldiers built cat ear holes at the same time when they built the mortar field.But now the Guizishan Cannon Squadron's attack made the cat ear holes built by the soldiers useful, hiding in them, as long as the luck is not too bad, then there is hope for survival.

Hiding in the cat's ear hole, the soldiers could hear the continuous shells falling from the mortar positions, and the loud explosion sounded, buzzing in the ears of the soldiers.Feeling the density of the devil's shells falling, the soldiers couldn't help cursing, don't these devils know how to save shells?
The Okazaki Battalion has experienced a lot of battles during this period, but the Mountain Cannon Squadron has not had many shots, which makes the Mountain Cannon Squadron have enough shells.In order to guarantee the destruction of the mortar positions of the Eighth Route Army, the Devil's Mountain Artillery Squadron did not have any idea of ​​saving shells.
At this time, at a position 500 meters behind the mortar position, the brigade commander was getting ready with a dozen soldiers of the artillery team.In order to be able to find the location of the Guizishan Artillery Squadron, the brigade commander chose to use the mortar position in front as a bait. Now that the location of the Guizishan Artillery Squadron is exposed, the artillery soldiers naturally have a chance to make a move.

It is worth mentioning that this time the brigade commander brought not many mountain artillery shells, only about fifty rounds.For the mountain artillery squadron used to deal with the devils, the brigade commander can only let the soldiers use [-] shells at most, and the remaining shells need to support the combatants' attack on Guanjianao.

With Guanjianao's easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain, without the support of artillery fire, it would be difficult to kill the devil's Okazaki brigade in a short time!There are many mortars in the 129th Division, but the power of the mortars is too weak, and it is difficult to destroy the fortifications built by the devils.

The 75mm mortar is different. The six kilogram shells ensure that it has enough power to easily destroy the devil's fortifications!
"The position of the Devil's Mountain Artillery Squadron is exposed, and we need to rely on you next! Get up! Kill the Devil's Mountain Artillery Squadron directly!" The brigade commander looked at the artillery soldiers in front of him and said loudly.

The soldiers of the artillery team looked dignified. When the Guizishan Artillery Squadron revealed its position, they were already calculating the corresponding data.The fighters can't tell the specific distance with the naked eye like Liu Gen, but the fighters also have their own methods. They compare the data they see and find the closest one!

At the same time, the soldiers are also ready for the test firing. Without Liu Gen, the captain, the test shooting is quite necessary. At least it can let the soldiers know whether the data they calculated is correct. If there is a problem, make adjustments immediately!

And after choosing to test fire, the Devil's Mountain Cannon Squadron will definitely find that the Eighth Route Army also has mountain artillery, which means that the soldiers' lives are in danger!But there is no way, the soldiers can use limited shells, they need to have enough accuracy!

"Prepare for test firing!" A mountain cannon is ready to fire!

With one order, the cannonball flew out of the mountain cannon, and attacked the Devil's Mountain Cannon Squadron on Guanjianao!
Ten seconds later, the shell fell, and there was a loud explosion. The soldiers who were paying close attention could see that the shell landed a little to the right of the Guizishan Artillery Squadron!As for the distance, it was just right. If it wasn't because the angle was a bit to the right, then this shell would definitely land directly on the position of Guizishan Artillery Squadron.

"Adjust one degree to the left! Fast! Six bursts! The fastest speed!" The soldier in charge shouted loudly!

The soldiers who had been prepared all the time acted quickly. In the shortest time, they adjusted the shelling angle of the mountain cannon and pushed the shell into the barrel!In less than ten seconds, the five doors roared in unison, and shells flew out quickly, heading towards the position of the Guizishan Artillery Squadron.

The shells flew out, but the soldiers of the artillery team did not stop their movements. They pushed the shells into the barrel again, and flew out of the barrel in the shortest possible time.Under the guidance of the captain Liu Gen, the soldiers clearly understood the importance of speed, especially when they were going to attack the Devils' artillery units.

If the speed is not fast enough, and the Devil Artillery unit reacts, then the Devil Artillery will inevitably usher in a counterattack.No matter whether the devil can hit or not, there will be no small risk. Only when the shelling speed is fast enough can one's own safety be guaranteed.

The brigade commander watched all this from the sidelines with shock written all over his face. He knew that the artillery team was very powerful, but he didn't expect that the soldiers of the artillery team would cooperate so tacitly, as if they were one person!If the artillery in each army can achieve this level, then what can the devil's artillery be?

The soldiers are still on the move. After firing on the Guizishan Cannon Squadron, they become machines, machines that won't make any mistakes!Unless they complete a six-shot burst, they will not stop their actions at all.


A shell exploded when the soldiers of the artillery team went 100 meters away, but the brigade commander could see that the soldiers of the artillery team were not affected at all, and their movements did not stop at all, as if they hadn't seen the shell at all The shells are average.

Seeing the devil's counterattack, the brigade commander sweated for the soldiers. He didn't expect the devil's artillery to launch an attack in such a short time!This shell failed to fall on the soldiers of the artillery team. If it hit the soldiers of the artillery team accurately, the soldiers would definitely suffer certain casualties.

In order to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of the shelling, more than a dozen soldiers of the artillery team controlled five mountain cannons. The brigade commander wanted to transfer artillery from other troops, but was rejected by the soldiers of the artillery team.The soldiers of the artillery team understood the brigade commander's good intentions, but the artillery of other troops couldn't keep up with their rhythm at all. If they really wanted to call in other artillery, it would only affect their combat effectiveness!
Without the help of other artillery, a dozen soldiers of the artillery team can only rely on their own strength to control the mountain cannons. It will undoubtedly be much more difficult for a dozen people to control five mountain cannons!Due to the injuries on these soldiers, choosing to do this will undoubtedly increase their burden!
(End of this chapter)

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