Chapter 341 Guess
At the headquarters of the 386th Brigade, Liu Gen was sitting on the bed, and soldiers were feeding him some liquid food.

Liu Gen could feel the hunger in his stomach. He felt that he was so hungry that he could eat a cow, but Doctor Liu refused to let him eat, and only let him eat some liquid food.Being able to eat some liquid food shows that Liu Gen's injury has stabilized and is getting better.

I have to say that Dr. Liu is quite good. He is not only a good western doctor, but also a traditional Chinese medicine family.In order to treat Liu Gen's injury, Dr. Liu personally found a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, and then brewed Chinese medicine for Liu Gen to help Liu Gen stabilize his condition and treat Liu Gen as best as possible.Only limited by the objective conditions of the medical department, Dr. Liu was somewhat restricted when he treated Liu Gen.

If there were enough medicines in the medical department, then Liu Gen's condition would definitely be stabilized and treated faster. During the treatment, Dr. Liu also found that Liu Gen's physical fitness was much higher than that of ordinary soldiers.With Liu Gen's injury, it would take at least a week for an ordinary soldier to stabilize, but what about Liu Gen?However, it only took less than three days to successfully stabilize the injury. According to Liu Gen's recovery speed, half a month should be enough.

Doctor Liu didn't understand why Liu Gen's seemingly thin body had such good physical fitness.After asking Liu Gen several times, Dr. Liu chose to give up. He knew that Liu Gen's daily food and food were exactly the same as those of other soldiers. Regarding this, he could only think that Liu Gen was extremely talented!

"Doctor Liu, I think the soldiers in the brigade headquarters seem to be packing up their things, are they going to be transferred?" After taking a sip of fish soup, Liu Gen couldn't help asking.

The fish soup entered his belly, allowing Liu Gen to feel a little bit of warmth, and this warmth rushed to his whole body, making him feel much more comfortable.

"Yes, it's going to be transferred. In the past few days, all the troops of our 129th Division have gathered to encircle and suppress the Okazaki brigade of the devils. In order to support the Okazaki brigade of the devils, the devil troops around the base area are constantly moving towards the Guanjianao area reinforce."

"You should also know the distance between the Guanjianao area and our place. Whether or not the Okazaki brigade of the devils can be wiped out in this battle, it means that our current station is no longer safe! It is still very necessary to transfer Yes, by the way, the Guanjianao area is located in Panlong Town, Wuxiang County, so you should be clearer." Noticing the confusion in Liu Gen's eyes, Doctor Liu specially explained to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen nodded. He was no stranger to Panlong Town, Wuxiang County. As for the Guanjianao area, without Dr. Liu's explanation, he would definitely not know where it was.Unlike other units, the brigade artillery unit will not leave the brigade easily unless it has combat characters, and naturally it will not know the specific situation in the surrounding area.Unless the artillery team arrives on the battlefield, they will have a certain understanding of the surrounding environment to ensure the safety of fighting against the devils.

"The devil's Okazaki brigade? I seem to have heard of the devil's infantry brigade before, and its combat effectiveness is not weak. What's going on? Didn't you say that our army should keep a low profile? Why did you suddenly make such a big move?" Liu Gen I still don't understand.

Due to the big actions of the Eighth Route Army units and many battles with the devils, many devils were killed, which made the devils quite frightened and angry.The Devil's North China Front Army Headquarters has long been paying more attention to the Eighth Route Army. In order to avoid the occurrence of large-scale battles and surprise attacks by the Eighth Route Army in the future, in the business sharing table of the second section of the General Staff of the Devil's North China Front Army Headquarters, a new A full-time staff officer in charge of communist intelligence!
Now that the devil's Okazaki brigade is being aggressively encircled and suppressed again, it will undoubtedly make the devil pay more attention to the Eighth Route Army. Liu Gen can imagine that the devil will once again launch an encirclement and suppression campaign against the Eighth Route Army that is active in the rear occupied area.It's just that Liu Gen also knew that no matter what actions the Eighth Route Army made, the devils would not allow the Eighth Route Army to exist in the occupied area.With the Eighth Route Army, an anti-Japanese armed force active in the occupied area, it will undoubtedly threaten the devil's traffic arteries at all times, and there will be continuous casualties.

The Eighth Route Army and the devils are completely opposite, and the battle is inevitable. If the Okazaki brigade of the devils can be directly killed this time, then the devils will pay more attention to the anti-Japanese base areas, but it will also make the devils jealous and dare not fight. Then easily send a small group of troops to sweep the base areas of the Eighth Route Army.As for the large army of devils coming, then the Eighth Route Army will naturally have a way to deal with it. The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who are active in the anti-Japanese base areas are familiar with every plant and tree in the base areas. Prepare.

Doctor Liu patiently described the specific situation for Liu Gen. He knew Liu Gen's identity, so he naturally knew that there would be no problem with Liu Gen.Besides, such a large-scale battle was very noisy, and it was impossible to hide it from Liu Gen!After speaking, Dr. Liu could see the worry on Liu Gen's face, which moved him a little. It is precisely because there are a large number of soldiers like Liu Gen in the Eighth Route Army that they can continue to kill devils.

"Captain Liu, don't worry, all the main forces of our 129th Division are encircling and suppressing the Devil Okazaki Brigade in the Guanjianao area. Unless the devils in the Okazaki Brigade grow wings and become birdmen, they won't be able to escape. Yes!" Doctor Liu comforted him.

Liu Gen nodded, relaxed a little, and he sighed, knowing that even if he was worried, it would have no effect.If Liu Gen was not injured and could go to the Guanjianao area to participate in the battle to encircle and suppress the devil Okazaki brigade, then he would definitely be able to do something.But now that Liu Gen was lying on the hospital bed, even if he wanted to do something, he couldn't do it.Even if you move your body, you can clearly feel the incomparable pain. Just like this, how can you kill a devil?
"Doctor Liu, do you know about the devil's gas bombs?" Liu Gen thought of something and asked quickly.

Doctor Liu looked at Liu Gen with some doubts. He didn't understand why Liu Gen would ask this, but he still said: "We have no good way to deal with the devil's gas bombs. We don't even have protective clothing or anything. The devil's Gas bombs, either run against the direction of the wind, or you can only cover your mouth with a towel, and at the same time reduce the exposed area of ​​your skin.”,

"The devil is unable to break through. Under the desperate situation, it is possible to use poison gas bombs, right? Devils are inhuman beasts, they will definitely do this!" Liu Gen said in a deep voice, the worry on his face became heavier a bit.

Immediately, Dr. Liu fell silent. He knew that what Liu Gen said was correct. The devils would definitely choose to do this when they couldn't break through, but he didn't know if the devils' Okazaki brigade had poison gas bombs in their hands!The other is whether to report Liu Gen's guess to the brigade commander.

(End of this chapter)

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