I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 342 Don't Take Chances

Chapter 342 Don't Take Chances
In Guanjianao, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment were quickly carrying out the soil work. The brigade commander who was watching from the rear immediately laughed when he saw the actions of the soldiers of the Independent Regiment. This kid Li Yunlong had an idea.

"It seems that Li Yunlong is still going to go! I hope to get rid of this arrogant Okazaki brigade as soon as possible! Retreat early!" Seeing the method Li Yunlong thought of, the brigade commander relaxed, and he believed in following Li Yunlong's method. Come down, then it will only be a matter of time before Master Okazaki kills the devil.

The chief of staff nodded, looking a little dignified.From the information he learned, the nearest devil reinforcements had arrived twenty miles away from Guanjianao, and were fighting against the blocking Eighth Route Army troops!The devils' reinforcement attack was very fierce. In order to reach the attack of the devil reinforcements, the soldiers fought bravely, unless they received orders from the division headquarters, they would never retreat a step!Fight to the last man!
"We don't have much time left. Two groups of devil reinforcements will arrive in the Guanjianao area today. The division headquarters sent troops to stop them. But in my opinion, we have at most one day and one night left. We will delay more More time means that there will be more casualties of soldiers!"

"Let the independent regiment go faster, isn't Li Yunlong and Ding Wei a good relationship? Then let the new regiment be the reserve team of the independent regiment. As long as the independent regiment successfully rushes up, the new regiment will also be in Charge up in the shortest possible time! Try to kill this Okazaki brigade in one fell swoop! Get out of the battle as soon as possible!" the chief of staff said.

The brigade commander agreed with the opinion of the chief of staff. It is indeed the Okazaki brigade that needs to kill the devils in the shortest possible time. Only in this way can the casualties of the soldiers be reduced.The fighting power of the independent regiment is good, but the fighting power of the Devil Okazaki Battalion is also very strong. If we really want to fight, whoever can become the winner!Let the Xinyi regiment be the reserve team of the independent regiment, and be ready to rush up to the Okazaki brigade, which will undoubtedly increase some insurance.

"I'll give an order to the new regiment immediately!" the brigade commander said in a deep voice.

After the voice fell, the brigade commander picked up the phone in the room and directly dialed the number of Xinyituan. The communications soldiers of the 129th Division are very good. In order to ensure the smooth communication, the orders can be delivered to the troops in a timely manner. The communications soldiers of the 129th Division laid the telephone line day and night, and it took a little more than one night to successfully lay the telephone line.The completion of the laying of the telephone line undoubtedly means that the units of the 129th Division can be connected more closely, and thus exert stronger combat effectiveness!

"Ding Wei! I order your new regiment to be the reserve team of the independent regiment, and go into battle lightly. Once the independent regiment successfully rushes to the position of the Okazaki brigade, then your new regiment will also rush up in the shortest possible time! Otherwise, I will take you It's asking!"

"Yes! Guaranteed to complete the task!"


After hanging up the phone, the brigade commander was relieved a lot. He knew Ding Wei's ability, and he also knew that Ding Wei had done a good job after taking over the new regiment!Ding Wei is an old Red Army veteran with rich combat experience. He will not mess around on the battlefield like Li Yunlong.

"Brigade Commander, a telegram from the brigade headquarters!" The telegraph operator walked in and handed a telegram to the brigade commander.

The brigade commander looked at the telegram in his hand, with a hint of surprise on his face. He saw the contents of the telegram, but he didn't expect it to be what Liu Gen said on the hospital bed.After careful inspection, the brigade commander somewhat agreed with Liu Gen's statement. If the Devil Okazaki Battalion could not break through, they would definitely resist to the death. As for surrender, the Devil would never have such an idea!To be precise, as long as there is still a little hope, the devils will not surrender easily!What's more, the Okazaki brigade is the elite of the devils, and the will to fight will not be easily disintegrated.

"What's the matter?" the chief of staff asked with some doubts.

The brigade commander smiled, and handed the telegram to the chief of staff for him to have a look.The brigade commander believes that after the chief of staff reads it, he will definitely agree with Liu Gen's statement. The 386th brigade has fought the devils enough times to clearly understand the character of these little devils. They are all inhuman beasts. Things, they have used them quite a lot.

"The root is still very good. We didn't think it was possible for the devil to do this before."

"Ask the soldiers on the front line immediately, and ask them if they have seen poison gas bombs in the devil's hands!" said the chief of staff with a serious expression.The chief of staff has experienced several battles in which the devils used gas bombs. In such battles, the soldiers suffered a lot of casualties. After being hit by the devils' gas bombs, the soldiers would suffer quite a lot.In addition, the Eighth Route Army did not have a good way to treat poisonous gas, so it is necessary to maintain a certain degree of attention to the devil's poisonous gas bombs.

"The fighters on the front line may not be able to see it. I think the Devils may have it in their hands. When the Devils fighter planes were airdropping supplies, did you see that a Devils fighter plane was flying at a very low altitude, far lower than other fighter planes? a lot of."

"At that time, I didn't think about it. Now that I think about it, this devil fighter plane is probably an air-dropped poison gas bomb! Otherwise, the devil would not be so cautious. You must know that the materials dropped by the devil's air did not successfully land on their positions. ! Only weapons like poisonous gas bombs can make the devil pay so much attention to it!" The brigade commander's eyes flashed, and he quickly thought of the abnormality of the little devil.

The chief of staff frowned, and the Okazaki brigade had poison gas bombs in their hands, which meant that it would be a lot of trouble to deal with the devil Okazaki brigade. Once the devils used the gas bombs, the soldiers would inevitably suffer certain casualties!But the chief of staff also knows that casualties are inevitable, unless the Eighth Route Army is willing to withdraw from this area and stop the attack on the Devil Okazaki Brigade!

"Report this news immediately! Also notify the independent regiment and order Li Yunlong to make corresponding preparations! Don't take chances!" The brigade commander quickly ordered.

Soon, the news that the Devil Okazaki Brigade had poison gas bombs spread to the division headquarters, and the division commander and others looked very unhappy when they learned that the Okazaki Brigade had poison gas bombs.With gas bombs, it means that the soldiers of the attacking Eighth Route Army units are prone to casualties. Facing the devil's gas bombs, the Eighth Route Army has no good way to deal with them.

In the independent regiment, after Li Yunlong knew that the devil Okazaki brigade had poison gas bombs in his hands, his face became serious.Li Yunlong had fought the devils quite a few times, so he naturally knew the lethality of the devil's gas bombs. Now that the Okazaki Brigade has gas bombs in their hands, it means that the independent regiment launched an attack, and the soldiers are likely to suffer a lot of casualties!But if the Okazaki Brigade wanted to stop the independent regiment's attack with gas bombs, it would be impossible, and Li Yunlong wouldn't care about it!

(End of this chapter)

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