I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 379 Verification Data

Chapter 379 Verification Data
In the lathe department, a group of people with relatively high technical level were gathered together.

At the beginning, everyone was still a little puzzled as to why Foreman Qi gathered everyone together, but after seeing the blueprint of the machine tool that Foreman Qi brought out, they no longer had any doubts.

"Qi Gong, these two drawings should not be the drawings of our lathe department's machine tools, right? I have carefully compared them several times, and they are all different from the drawings of our lathe department." After careful inspection, someone said.

Others also looked at Chief Qi with doubts. During the inspection process, they all found that the drawings were wrong. Like the worker who spoke, they all secretly compared them and found that the two drawings were completely owned by the lathe department. Machine tools are different.Everyone has some guesses about these two drawings, but they can't believe it. They can't believe that someone has designed these two machine tools.

"It is indeed not the drawing of the machine tool of our lathe department. There is no machine tool similar to the drawing in our lathe department." Foreman Qi gave the answer directly, with a particularly obvious smile in his eyes.

Although the workers were able to confirm this matter, they were still a little excited to hear the news from Foreman Qi.The technical level of the workers present is very good. They can all see what the two machine tool drawings mean to the lathe department. Judging from the drawings, they can more or less see the function of the machine tool.

"Don't get too excited, everyone. The purpose of bringing everyone together is to let everyone check the data on these two drawings to make sure there will be no problems, so that we can directly start manufacturing these two machine tools."

"I have seen these two drawings. As long as there is no problem with the data, then with the technical level of our lathe department, it can be successfully manufactured within two or three days." Chief Qi looked at the people present and said very seriously. .

Foreman Qi did not directly point out that these two machine tool drawings were designed by Liu Gen. He wanted to protect Liu Gen. After the data on the two drawings had no problems, he would order Liu Gen to point them out. doubts.On these matters, Chief Qi thought very clearly that Liu Gen was a genius, but Liu Gen had not been in the lathe department for a long time, and he designed two machine tools rashly, which was easily questioned by the workers.

When the data on the two drawings were correct, and the workers knew that the two machine tools were designed by Liu Gen himself, then Liu Gen would not be questioned, but would feel that Liu Gen was a genius worthy of his name.

"Qi Gong, you come with us, and we will definitely go all out. These two machine tools are also very important to our lathe department. You don't need to tell Qi Gong, everyone will carefully calculate the relevant data." Kong Jue, a top student present said. .Kong Jue used to be a top student at Yenching University. After graduation, he chose to join the Eighth Route Army, and finally entered the arsenal and became a member of the Turner Department.

In the lathe department, Kong Jue did very well. In terms of technical level, apart from Qi Gong, Kong Jue may be the most powerful.But maybe because Kong Jue was a top student at Yenching University, he didn't have many friends in the arsenal.Ordinary workers felt that they had nothing to say to Kong Jue when they saw Kong Jue, while other high-achieving students from their respective universities feared Kong Jue as a tiger because of Kong Jue's temper. Will go to Kong Jue's side!
Chief Qi looked at Kong Jue in surprise. Kong Jue was usually silent most of the time, why did he suddenly speak now?

However, when Chief Qi noticed Kong Jue's gaze on Liu Gen, he understood why Kong Jue was so active today.Apparently, Kong Jue had sensed something, and guessed that these two blueprints were inseparable from Liu Gen.

"Okay, then let's start calculating directly! Try to determine these data in the shortest possible time." Chief Qi said solemnly.

Following Chief Qi's order, everyone present moved quickly, and Liu Gen did the same.Liu Gen knew that there would be no problem with the data on the drawings, but he naturally would not choose to speak out easily. He is not a fool, so he naturally knew why Chief Qi didn't directly state that he drew these two drawings at the beginning.

Apart from some workers with good skills, those who can enter the lathe department are top students from various colleges and universities.The workers may not have too many ideas, but after these high-achieving students from various colleges and universities know that Liu Gen designed these two machine tools, they will definitely make things difficult subconsciously.Even if Liu Gen can deal with them, it will waste a lot of time.

Under such circumstances, it is better to let these high-achieving students verify the accuracy of these data, and when everything is a foregone conclusion, then naturally there will be no more problems.

Two hours later, the results of the verification by Liu Gen and others were obtained, and there was no problem with the relevant data on the machine tool.But even so, it is necessary to modify several data on the machine tool. The reason is very simple, and the modification is only to be more suitable for the environment of the lathe department.There is nothing in this valley, but when we leave this valley and return to Huangyadong?At that time, the space occupied by the lathe was too large, so it was difficult to place it in Huangya Cave.

In order to avoid this situation, the data of the machine tool will be modified without affecting the proper performance of the machine tool.

"Now everyone is sure that there is nothing wrong with the data on these two drawings, right?" Chief Qi put away the two drawings with a serious expression on his face.

Liu Gen and the others nodded one after another, saying that they were sure that there was no problem with the data of the two machine tools, at least they did not find any problem with the data.

"Very good! There is no problem with the data of these two machine tools. After reporting to the factory director and getting permission, our lathe department will immediately organize the manufacture of these two machine tools. I believe that with the addition of these two machine tools, our arsenal will reinstall them. The speed of the bullet will be significantly improved, and I will ask for credit for everyone!" Chief Qi said excitedly.

Most of the people who were doing it were a little excited, but at this time Kong Jue glanced at Liu Gen, with a flash of light in his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Chief Qi, I don't know where you got these two A blueprint? From the handwriting on the blueprint, it should have been drawn not long ago."

Chief Qi looked at Kong Jue and saw that Kong Jue was very calm, which gave her a headache.

"That's right, Qi Gong, how did you get these two blueprints? Did you design them yourself?"

"It must have been designed by Qi Gong! Besides Qi Gong, how can anyone else in our turning department have such skills?"


Seeing the discussion among the people present, Chief Engineer Qi quickly stood up and said: "Everyone is wrong, I did not design these two machine tools! If I had such ability, I would have designed these two machine tools a long time ago." !"

"In fact, these two types of machine tools were designed by Captain Liu Gen. He has made great progress not long after he came to our lathe department! I believe everyone should be able to see the progress of Captain Liu. Compared with Captain Liu, all of us There is still a lot to learn.”


(End of this chapter)

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