I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 383 Lack of Steel

Chapter 383 Lack of Steel
In March 1941, the winter passed, and after entering the spring, the temperature in the ground rose a lot.

In the past few months in the arsenal, Liu Gen has not forgotten to practice Bajiquan. Unless he is too busy to spare time, Liu Gen will definitely practice Bajiquan every day.Liu Gen knows that no matter what he wants to do, he needs to have a good enough body.Staying in the arsenal, it is naturally impossible to carry out professional training. The only thing Liu Gen can do is to practice Bajiquan constantly, so as to improve his physical fitness.

The Bajiquan he learned from the monk was very good. The more he practiced Bajiquan, the more Liu Gen felt the breadth and depth of Bajiquan. It would take a long time to really master this boxing technique.

In order to avoid the occurrence of devils touching the arsenal again, the Eighth Route Army headquarters specially dispatched a regiment to protect the safety of the arsenal. In this regiment, there were also some Lianjiazi.Liu Gen didn't have much contact with them, but he also knew that these Lianjiazi were quite good. With Liu Gen's achievements, as long as he wanted to, he would definitely be able to learn various boxing techniques from these fighters.

But Liu Gen did not choose to do this. He chose to concentrate on practicing Bajiquan. When he can engrave Bajiquan into his bones, it will not be too late to learn other boxing techniques.

After several months of study, Liu Gen has improved a lot and has become proficient in all aspects.Every department Liu Gen has stayed in, they all have a good evaluation of Liu Gen, they are patient, serious, and able to endure hardships, plus Liu Gen's strong learning ability, how could he not improve?It's just that in these departments, Liu Gen didn't come up with too many things.

After staying in various departments in the arsenal, Liu Gen found that there were still many problems in the arsenal. For example, the division of various departments was too rough, and it could be more detailed.However, Liu Gen also knew that there was no way around this situation. The arsenal was only so big, and if it wanted to be more detailed, it was undoubtedly necessary to expand the size of the arsenal.

As far as the arsenal is concerned, expanding the scale means that the probability of being discovered by devils will increase a lot, which is an important factor restricting the development of the arsenal.

Like Huangyadong, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there are not many places that are difficult for devils to find. What's more, the establishment of the arsenal needs to consider various factors such as transportation, water sources, resources, etc. If you want to expand the arsenal, you need to find Just the right place.Even though there are many mountains and hills in Shanxi, it is too difficult to find a suitable place.

During this period of time, the workers in the turning department were not idle. They were busy manufacturing various machine tools. After Liu Gen left the turning department, Kong Jue and Chief Engineer Qi each produced a machine tool designed by themselves. .Liu Gen also went back to the lathe department to check. The machine tool designed by the two was a bit crude, but it had all the necessary functions and could be directly put into production.

The machine tools designed by Chief Qi and Kong Jue made up for some defects of the lathe department and provided more convenience for workers to manufacture and produce machine tools.However, due to the increase in machine tools in the lathe department and the high enthusiasm of the workers, the steel reserves in the arsenal decreased rapidly.

If Director Cheng hadn't discovered this in time and stopped the lathe department from wanting to manufacture machine tools, then the steel stored in the arsenal might have been used up directly.You must know that the steel stored in the arsenal is not a small amount. These steels were sent to the arsenal after the troops dismantled the devil's railway during the Hundred Regiments War, and steel was sent from time to time later.

According to the previous production efficiency of the arsenal, the steel was enough for the arsenal to use for the first half of the year, but now, in just a few months, all the steel was used up.

For this reason, Director Cheng can only report to the headquarters, hoping that the headquarters can get some steel from the troops and send it to the arsenal.The headquarters knew the arsenal's demand for steel, but at present the headquarters didn't have many ways to solve the steel needed by the arsenal. They only had two ways, one was to buy from the masses, and the other was to dismantle the devil's railway to get steel.

There is not much risk in buying from the masses, but there is not much steel in the hands of the masses, and there is not much steel that can be purchased.

As for the demolition of the devil's railway, it required the soldiers to take a lot of risks. Since the Eighth Route Army organized large-scale troops to attack the railway, the devil has stepped up its patrols near the railway line.The railway that attacked the devils was okay, but it was not easy to dismantle the railway built by the devils and transport them away.

The steel in the arsenal couldn't be replenished, and the workers finally had some free time. With such busy work, it was good for the workers to take a break now.During the Chinese New Year, because there was too much work to do in the arsenal, the workers did not have a holiday, and they insisted on their jobs during the Chinese New Year.

Perhaps the difference between Chinese New Year and usual is that you can eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year, and the Arsenal also eats dumplings during the Chinese New Year. There are three for each person, and there will be no more.There is no way, the base area has been mopped up by devil troops, and the supplies of the Eighth Route Army troops are not very sufficient, and the same is true for the arsenal.

During the Chinese New Year, if Director Cheng hadn't used the food reserves in the arsenal on purpose, the workers might not be able to eat dumplings?And Director Cheng did this to let everyone eat something good during the Chinese New Year. Even if each person only has three dumplings, at least the New Year is over.

In just one year, Liu Gen has experienced too many things. He was busy working in the arsenal, so Liu Gen did not have the leisure to pay attention to the passage of time. During the Chinese New Year, Liu Gen only knew when he was eating dumplings. It's New Year's time.

"Genzi, Director Cheng is looking for you." A worker came to inform Liu Gen, and he looked at Liu Gen with obvious respect in his eyes.

Workers in all departments knew Liu Gen's performance in the arsenal, and they respected Liu Gen, a young man.In addition, Liu Gen will seriously answer the questions that everyone asks during the day, helping everyone to improve themselves, which naturally makes Liu Gen the most popular figure among the workers in the arsenal.

"Okay, I'll go after polishing this part." Liu Gen raised his head and said with a smile.

The parts in his hand were about to be polished, and in less than 2 minutes, Liu Gen naturally wanted to finish polishing the parts before going to Director Cheng.Of course, this was also because Liu Gen couldn't see too much tension from the worker's face, and he knew that it shouldn't be something urgent for Director Cheng to find him, otherwise Liu Gen wouldn't be so slow.

Liu Gen lowered his head and continued to polish the parts in his hands. There were many calluses on his hands, and the veins on his arms were exposed, making him look extraordinarily powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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