I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 384 Headquarters Order

Chapter 384 Headquarters Order
In the factory director's office, factory director Cheng was accompanying the brigade commander of the 386 brigade. He knew the record of the 386 brigade on the front line, and chatted and laughed happily with the brigade commander.

To be honest, Director Cheng was a little puzzled. He didn't understand why Brigadier Chen would come to the arsenal. In terms of weapons and ammunition, the arsenal had a certain limit on the number of troops supplied by the arsenal. Even if Brigadier Chen came, there would not be too many big change.It's just that whenever Director Cheng wants to know what Brigadier Chen is going to do here, Brigadier Chen will change the subject, which makes him a little helpless.

The division of positions in the arsenal is a bit embarrassing. In real terms, Director Cheng can only be regarded as a regiment-level cadre. However, since the arsenal is exclusive to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, Director Cheng doesn't have to pay too much attention to division and brigade-level cadres.

While waiting for Liu Gen's arrival, Factory Director Cheng also learned about the battle on the front line. The arsenal can know the battle on the front line, but the arsenal is in the rear after all. After knowing the battle ahead, I don't know how long it has passed.Now that Brigadier Chen is here, Director Cheng is naturally not curious, and keeps learning about the battle on the front line from Brigadier Chen.

Knowing that the battle on the front line was no longer so tense, and that all units of the Eighth Route Army were recuperating, Director Cheng relaxed a little.The units of the Eighth Route Army chose to recuperate, so the arsenal did not have to maintain the state of wartime, and the workers could have more time to rest.Besides, some workers have not been home for a long time, and now they are free, they can also go home and have a look.

There are two words for a country, there is a country and a family. While working hard for this country, we must not forget our own family. If we can't even take care of our family, how can we "take care" of this country?
"Report!" Liu Gen's powerful voice sounded outside the office.

Brigadier Chen's eyes lit up, and he looked out the door expectantly. He hadn't seen Liu Gen for a few months, and he still missed him a little.From Director Cheng's mouth, Brigadier Chen knew that Liu Gen had done a good job in the arsenal, but none of this could compare to Liu Gen's direct expression of his own changes.

"Come in!" Director Cheng noticed the change in Brigadier Chen and became a little nervous. Could it be that Brigadier Chen came this time to take Liu Gen away?

Thinking of this possibility, Director Cheng felt that he couldn't be happier anymore. Damn, he respected Brigadier Chen so much, and Brigadier Chen wanted to take away the treasure in the arsenal?How can this be?Director Cheng knew exactly how much Liu Gen had brought to the arsenal since he came to the arsenal. Now even director Cheng dared to say that he knew the arsenal better than Liu Gen.

After all, Director Cheng has a lot of things to deal with every day, and it is impossible to study in various departments like Liu Gen.At the same time, when he was studying in various departments, Liu Gen did not forget to see that he had borrowed all the books in the hands of Director Cheng, Engineer Qi and others.He has read most of the books in the arsenal.

Of course, Liu Gen was able to do this because there were not many books in the arsenal. He had read a lot of books in the library built by the arsenal for the workers, but for Liu Gen, these books were But it seems too simple and not very useful.

"Director Cheng, what do you want from me?" Entering the office, Liu Gen asked directly.

Suddenly, Liu Gen realized that something was wrong. Director Cheng was not the only one in the office, and his eyes fell on Brigadier Chen. Liu Gen was extremely surprised, "Brigade Commander! Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come? This time I came with orders from the headquarters!" Looking at Liu Gen, the brigade commander said with a smile.

Director Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and quickly asked, "Brigade Commander Chen, what orders do you have from the headquarters? Why didn't I receive a telegram from the headquarters?"

"It's like this. The headquarters knew that I was coming to the arsenal, so they directly gave me the order and asked me to bring it. Director Cheng, you also know that the devil has been monitoring the radio signals of our Eighth Route Army units. There is a small group of devil troops wandering in the base area, just to be on the safe side, the headquarters gave me the order to take me to the arsenal." The brigade commander said with a serious expression.

As the troops of the Eighth Route Army began to recuperate, the unwilling devils always wanted to find the traces of the troops of the Eighth Route Army. Therefore, in order to prevent the troops from revealing their whereabouts, most of the time, the radio stations of the troops remained silent. Avoid being discovered by devils.When there is no urgent military situation, the communication between the various units is through the communication soldiers on horseback or on foot.

"I don't know what the order from the headquarters is?" Director Cheng asked again.

Liu Gen looked at the two of them, feeling at a loss, wondering if he should leave the office.Should he listen to the orders from the headquarters?Continuing to stay in the office is probably not a good choice.

"It's like this. The headquarters ordered the arsenal to be transferred and moved back to Huangyadong."

"Before the devils couldn't find you, it was because in winter, the devils had a limited range of raids in the base areas, and they didn't dare to go too deep into our base areas. Now that it's spring, the arsenal must be moved, and the speed must be fast! "

"The only way is to move back to Huangyadong and rely on the terrain of Huangyadong to defend. The strength of a regiment is enough to ensure the safety of the arsenal!" the best choice.

Now the valley where the arsenal is located is very hidden, but once the devils find it, without the advantage of terrain, it is undoubtedly impossible for the headquarters special task force to protect the safety of the arsenal.It was precisely in consideration of the safety of the arsenal that the headquarters decided to relocate the arsenal and return to the Huangyadong area for development.

The fact that the headquarters can send special missions to protect the safety of the arsenal is enough to show that the headquarters attaches great importance to the arsenal.

"I understand. Today I will summon the cadres from all departments of the arsenal and transfer them as soon as possible." Director Cheng said in a deep voice.

Brigadier Chen nodded, and his eyes fell on Liu Gen, "As for Genzi, you need to come with me to the division headquarters. The division commander wants to ask you about the formation of the Artillery School."

"Now our 129th Division has a temporary respite, and it's time to set up the Artillery School. During this time, you kid is not on the front line, but you still have your reputation among the frontline troops. Several times the devil's fighter planes came, Our brigade artillery team used mortars to deter the devils and greatly relieved the pressure on the soldiers."

While speaking, the brigade commander looked at Liu Gen with admiration in his eyes, Liu Gen is really a good kid.

"It's because the soldiers of the artillery team have worked hard enough to achieve this. I didn't do much." Liu Gen said seriously.

The brigade commander patted Liu Gen on the shoulder, and said directly: "Okay, I say it's your kid's credit, it's your kid's credit! Hurry up and clean it up, and go to the division with me right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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