Chapter 385

Hearing the brigade commander's order, Liu Gen wanted to leave the factory director's office and go back to pack his things. He didn't have many things, so it shouldn't take too long to pack them up.

"Genzi, don't worry, it's not too late to clean up later." Seeing that Liu Gen was going to pack things directly, Director Cheng said quickly.

Even with the orders from the headquarters, Director Cheng didn't want to let Liu Gen go easily. The most important thing was that Brigadier Chen appreciated Liu Gen, which made him feel quite threatened.No need to ask, Director Cheng also knows that Brigadier Chen must have the idea of ​​taking Liu Gen away. Talents like Liu Gen can do quite well no matter where they go.

Not to mention that Liu Gen had created the title of "Cannon God" on the front line before, which is enough to prove Liu Gen's ability. As long as it is possible, Brigadier Chen will definitely bring Liu Gen to the front line.

Liu Gen looked at Director Cheng with some doubts, but he didn't understand why Director Cheng called him to stop him. Could it be that there are some tasks in the arsenal that he needs to do?Liu Gen looked at Director Cheng expectantly, wondering what tasks Director Cheng would have. During this time, Liu Gen actually wrote down part of the iron and steel smelting technology and handed it over to Director Cheng.But it is a pity that in the base areas, none of the Eighth Route Army mined iron ore. This is also related to the Eighth Route Army's combat methods.

The units of the Eighth Route Army mainly focus on guerrilla warfare. Only in this way can they continue to be active in the occupied areas of the devils and kill the devils.

If the units of the Eighth Route Army chose to stick to a certain area, then with the combat effectiveness of the units of the Eighth Route Army, they could not resist the devil's attack at all.Besides, the troops of the devils in the occupied area are not strong in combat effectiveness. Once the devils dispatched a type A division to join the encirclement and suppression of the troops of the Eighth Route Army, it would inevitably pose a great threat to the troops of the Eighth Route Army.

However, the troops of the Eighth Route Army did not mine mineral deposits, but there were still mines in Shaanxi, the old rear of the Eighth Route Army, and the iron and steel smelting technology developed by Liu Gen could be employed.

"Director, is there anything you want me to do?" Looking at Director Cheng, Liu Gen couldn't help asking.

Director Cheng felt Liu Gen's gaze, and felt a little helpless. During the time Liu Gen was in the arsenal, Director Cheng already knew that Liu Gen was a workaholic.As long as there is a job for Liu Gen to do, he will do it wholeheartedly and try to finish it in the shortest time.Liu Gen, who has entered the working state, is completely a desperate Saburo, and no one in the arsenal can keep up with his rhythm.

To keep Liu Gen, Director Cheng wanted to directly ask Brigadier Chen what he meant, but now facing Liu Gen's obviously expectant gaze, he knew what he had to say.

"It's like this. Didn't our arsenal always want to form an artillery department? This time you go to the division headquarters and talk to the bosses at the headquarters about the establishment of the artillery department of the arsenal. I have always wanted you to be the artillery department of our arsenal. The person in charge, you boy, don't let me down." Looking at Liu Gen, Director Cheng said seriously.

The establishment of the artillery department in the arsenal has always been in the planning of Director Cheng, but the arsenal had too many things to do before, and it could not recruit too many workers to form the artillery department. In the state of recuperation, the establishment of the artillery department in the arsenal naturally needs to be put on the agenda.

As the director of the factory, Director Cheng is very aware of the importance of the artillery department to the arsenal. All units of the Eighth Route Army lack sufficient artillery.Now that there is enough time, the formation of the artillery department needs to be put on the agenda earlier.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Liu Gen saluted and said loudly.

Liu Gen had a clear look of joy on his face. When he came to the arsenal, the headquarters had already mentioned the establishment of an artillery department.It's just that during this period of time, the various units of the Eighth Route Army have a lot of things to do, and the headquarters also needs to formulate a general development route for the Eighth Route Army. In addition, the arsenal has been in an extremely busy state, and the formation of the artillery department of the arsenal can only be pushed again and again. push.

This time Liu Gen was going to the headquarters of the 129th Division, and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was with the headquarters of the 129th Division. Going to the headquarters meant going to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.It is precisely because of this that Director Cheng gave Liu Gen such a task.

"I'll make you happy. As far as I know, the arsenal doesn't have enough steel. Even if the artillery department is set up, I'm afraid there won't be enough steel to make cannons." Looking at Liu Gen, the brigade commander poured cold water on him. The smile on Liu Gen's face disappeared in an instant.

The purpose of setting up the artillery department in the arsenal is naturally to conduct research on artillery and manufacture more artillery for the front line.Without enough steel, even if the artillery department is formed, it may not be of much use, let alone produce enough artillery to send to the front line.

Unless the problem of steel shortage can be solved now, even if the artillery department of the arsenal is established, it will not have much effect.At that time, even if Liu Gen is in the artillery department of the arsenal, there will be no way. He is not a god, so how can he get enough steel?At the beginning, Liu Gen had some hope that the prestige mall could be exchanged for real goods, but now, he no longer has such thoughts.

Liu Gen discovered that the system he owns is very useless, it may be the most rubbish system.It's just that there is such a system that can provide oneself with various technologies and enable oneself to have a good enough physical fitness. This system is already quite good.If it is not due to this system, then how could Liu Gen have such a strong physical fitness, let alone such a good artillery technique.

"Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely be able to solve your steel problems! Don't worry, even if I go all out with my old face, I can get enough steel for our arsenal." Director Cheng looked at Brigadier Chen After one glance, he said very firmly.Director Cheng was still a little ashamed of his doubts about Brigadier Chen before, but now Director Cheng no longer feels ashamed at all, and he found that his guess was right!

Brigadier Chen came to the arsenal just to take Liu Gen away, he didn't want Liu Gen to stay in the arsenal, otherwise how could he pour cold water on Liu Gen?

Seeing Director Cheng's firm expression, Liu Gen nodded, expressing that he believed in what Director Cheng said, and with Director Cheng's ability, it should be very possible to get more steel.Of course, to get enough steel, Director Cheng must have to pay a lot of money, at least he has to promise a lot of weapons and equipment.

"Genzi, go and pack your luggage. I'll chat with Brigadier Chen for a while." Director Cheng said with a smile when Liu Gen was comforted by himself.

Liu Gen nodded, turned around and left the office, and walked quickly towards the place where he lived. He needed to pack his luggage in the shortest possible time and head to the division headquarters as soon as possible.

As Liu Gen left the office, the atmosphere in the office became a little stiff. Director Cheng looked at Brigadier Chen angrily. He respected Brigadier Chen very much, but who knew why Brigadier Chen came to the arsenal this time? In order to poach Liu Gen?If he had known that Brigadier Chen came to the arsenal for this matter, then Director Cheng might directly refuse Brigadier Chen to enter the arsenal. He believed that if he did this, the workers in the entire arsenal would not have any objections.

"Brigade Commander Chen, did I treat you well when you came to our arsenal? It's better now, you fucking want to poach the treasures of our arsenal? Brigadier Chen, I didn't offend you, did I?" Director Cheng looked at Brigadier Chen and asked a little bluntly.

Factory Manager Cheng has a good impression of Brigadier Chen and admires Brigadier Chen's achievements, but even so, this cannot be the reason for Brigadier Chen to poach Liu Gen from the arsenal!If Brigadier Chen can't give a reasonable explanation, then don't blame him for being rude!In the arsenal, Director Cheng can still call the shots!
Looking at the annoyed Director Cheng, Brigadier Chen was a little embarrassed, but he calmed down quickly. This kind of situation will inevitably happen if he wants to take Liu Gen away from the arsenal.

"Director Cheng, it's not that I want to take Liu Gen away from the arsenal, but that the bosses want to give Liu Gen more room to play."

"Genzi has done well in the arsenal, but compared with you, he is still very young. Does it mean that he really wants to stay in the arsenal? Genzi is very capable, and staying in the arsenal is a waste! Genzi's ability is the most suitable for him, or killing devils on the front line!"


Director Cheng fell silent, and after a while, he could only smile wryly.Director Cheng found that he wanted to keep Liu Gen in the arsenal a little selfishly. He knew Liu Gen's ability, so it was really good to keep Liu Gen in the arsenal?After thinking for a while, Director Cheng realized that Brigadier Chen was right, he was a little too selfish.

On weekdays, Liu Gen behaved very calmly, making Director Cheng feel that Liu Gen was his peers, but now Director Cheng realized that Liu Gen was not a middle-aged man, he was a young man.Young people like Liu Gen still have great potential to be tapped. Director Cheng also wants to see what Liu Gen can do after leaving the arsenal.

"Brigade Commander Chen, I admit that you are right, but no matter what, Genzi will be someone from our arsenal! Genzi is the treasure of our arsenal, and we can't let Genzi leave easily!"

"Besides, I plan to hand over the artillery department to be established in the arsenal soon. With his ability, he will definitely have a good room to play." Director Cheng said seriously.Brigadier Chen was right, but in the arsenal, Liu Gen still had room for him to play. In the arsenal, Director Cheng and others did not have the slightest restriction on Liu Gen.

At this time, Director Cheng also realized that he was almost tricked by Brigadier Chen. Could it be that the arsenal is not as good as the front line?The troops on the front line can give Liu Gen the same treatment, and the arsenal can also give it, or even say more!As long as Liu Gen can stay in the arsenal, Director Cheng believes that the arsenal will definitely grow in the shortest possible time.

In the few months since Liu Gen came to the arsenal, the arsenal has undergone considerable changes. If it continues, the technology of the arsenal will inevitably continue to develop.

"Let's leave everything to the bosses at the headquarters to decide. No matter how much we say now, there is no direct order from the bosses." Brigadier Chen said decisively after seeing that he could not convince Director Cheng.

Brigadier Chen wanted to take Liu Gen away from the arsenal because he was lucky. He felt that Liu Gen might not have made too many achievements in the arsenal and would not have much impact on the arsenal.The arsenal is so big, who is missing, can't it work?I didn't expect that I was a little oversimplified. Brigadier Chen didn't understand how much Liu Gen had done in the arsenal, so that Director Cheng paid so much attention to it.

In the past few months, Brigadier Chen spent most of his time at the front line, urging all the troops to restore their combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.In order to ensure his understanding of the combat effectiveness of the units under the 386th Brigade, Brigadier Chen also went to each unit to check and found that each unit was doing very well.Especially Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, and Ding Wei have developed an army, which is quite good.

And Kong Jie was also the one who satisfied Brigadier Chen the most. After Kong Jie recovered from his injury, he was ordered by the brigade commander to form a new second regiment.During the battle with the devils, Brigadier Chen found that his troops were still not strong enough, and it was imperative to form a new regiment.What's more, with Kong Jie's record, he would be a regiment-level cadre if he was transferred to any regiment. There were no vacant positions in the 386 brigade, so it was better to let Kong Jie establish a new second regiment.

When Brigadier Chen inspected the New Second Regiment, he found that it was an extremely correct choice for him to entrust Kong Jie with the task of forming the New Second Regiment.Under the leadership of Kong Jie, the New Second Regiment has been equipped with various weapons in just a few months, including light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and mortars. These weapons include Li Yunlong and Ding Wei. Thanks to the two.

Needless to say, Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, as the deputy head of the independent group, had to show some empathy when he left.And what about Ding Wei?He and Kong Jie are also old comrades in arms. Now that Kong Jie is going to form a new second regiment, as old comrades in arms, he needs to be more concerned.With the support of all parties, Kong Jie formed the new second regiment very smoothly. The next step is to give the new second regiment enough time to train, so that the new second regiment has sufficient combat effectiveness.

"Report!" Liu Gen's voice sounded outside the office, breaking the silence of the office.

Factory Manager Cheng and Brigadier Chen stood up, somewhat relieved. Before Liu Gen came, the office was quite quiet.Well now, with Liu Gen's arrival, the two of them don't have to continue their stalemate, and the atmosphere can be eased.

"Let's go, Genzi, let's go directly to the division headquarters." Walking out of the office, Brigadier Chen said directly.

Director Cheng glanced at the time. It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon. It would be better to leave for the division headquarters earlier, so that when Liu Gen arrived at the division headquarters, he could still have a hot dinner.

"Genzi, you and Brigadier Chen, you must be vigilant on the road and be careful." Director Cheng explained.

Liu Gen nodded vigorously, and said loudly: "Factory Manager, I understand, I will definitely protect the brigade commander! Arrive at the division headquarters safely!"

"No, what I mean is to protect yourself so that you don't have to worry about running out of firewood to keep the green hills alive. If you encounter an enemy, just retreat and don't be reckless!" Director Cheng said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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