I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 386 Heading to Division Headquarters

Chapter 386 Heading to Division Headquarters
After leaving the arsenal, Liu Gen couldn't help but glanced at the valley again. He was still a little bit reluctant to leave the arsenal suddenly.

"What? Don't you really want to leave?" The brigade commander looked at Liu Gen and asked with a smile.

Liu Gen nodded with a smile, "Yes, I have learned a lot during these few months in the arsenal, and I also know that we still have a lot to improve."

"If you want to win the battle against the devils on the front line, logistical support is very important. In order to ensure the supply of ammunition for the frontline soldiers, the workers in the arsenal had less than six hours of rest every day. The frontline soldiers were fighting Why aren't the workers in the rear arsenal fighting?"

The brigade commander fell silent. He knew that Liu Gen was right. After a while, he patted Liu Gen on the shoulder vigorously, and he no longer had the idea of ​​forcibly taking Liu Gen away from the arsenal.

No matter where you are, no matter where you are, with Liu Gen's character, you will definitely do your best and work hard for the victory of the War of Resistance!Wherever Liu Gen can contribute his own strength, maybe he can do better than on the front line!For Liu Gen, the brigade commander still sees it very much, he believes in Liu Gen's ability!

"Okay, let's go!" The brigade commander said again.

Several soldiers came, they were the guards brought by the brigade commander, and they were responsible for protecting his safety.Due to the mopping up of the base area by the devil troops, the brigade commander also had to pay attention to his own safety.

Liu Gen looked towards these soldiers, his brows were slightly frowned, and he found that Xiao Li was not among them.Immediately, Liu Gen had a bad premonition, could it be that something is wrong with Xiao Li?With Xiao Li's skills, problems shouldn't easily arise.

"Brigade Commander, why didn't you see Brother Li?" Liu Gen asked directly.

The expressions of the guards beside him became serious. Xiao Li often stayed by the side of the brigade commander, so he could be said to be the captain of the guard.On weekdays, Xiao Li also taught them a lot of things, and the team members got along very well with Xiao Li. They all knew Xiao Li's situation clearly, so naturally they couldn't be happy.

The brigade commander was silent for a moment, and said bitterly: "When I went to inspect the various regiments of our brigade, I encountered a small army of devils. The devils are very powerful. In order to protect me, Xiao Li was shot in the heart by the devil's rifle. Sacrifice on the spot."

"If Li Yunlong's independent group hadn't come to support in time, maybe you wouldn't have seen me at all."

Liu Gen froze in place, thinking about the time he got along with Xiao Li in his mind, his eyes gradually got wet.The last time Liu Gen and Xiao Li met was when Liu Gen bid farewell to Liu Gen and went to Guanjianao at the brigade commander. At that time, Xiao Li didn't say much to Liu Gen. , and the two will discuss again.

Who would have thought that the last farewell would become a forever farewell?

"During the battle on the front line, there were many casualties. On January 27, Su Jingcheng, the director of the political department of our 386 brigade, also died unfortunately. That night, some devil troops went straight to the brigade headquarters of our 386 brigade. Director Su checked at night During the sentry, he found the enemy, and he shouted that the enemy is coming, ready to fight! Let the soldiers in the brigade wake up in time and go into battle, so as to prevent our brigade from being directly killed by the devils!"

"It's a pity that Director Su's yelling was also discovered by the Devil's troops. The Devil's light machine guns fired at Director Su. Director Su was shot down on the cliff by the roadside, and unfortunately rolled into a 200-meter-deep ravine to die."

"Director Su was only 29 years old when he died. At that time, I thought, why not me? I am almost forty, and I have lived most of my life. Even if I die, it will be nothing."


The brigade commander had a sad expression on his face, and tears glistened in his eyes. The man did not flick his tears easily, but they did not reach the point of sadness.The brigade commander was extremely saddened by Director Su's sacrifice, but he still insisted that he was the brigade commander of the 386th brigade, and he couldn't fail!
Looking at the sad-faced brigade commander, Liu Gen didn't know how to comfort him, but he also knew that the brigade commander didn't need his own comfort.

On weekdays, Liu Gen rarely sees the brigade commander showing the slightest sadness and depression, it seems that this man will never be able to beat him, but now looking at the brigade commander, Liu Gen finds that the brigade commander is just an ordinary person, he will also have To be sad is to feel pain too.

It's just that as the brigade commander of the 386th brigade, the brigade leader cannot fall down. He needs to maintain enough self-confidence at all times and not let himself show the slightest sadness.Only in this way can the units of the 386th brigade maintain sufficient combat effectiveness and the belief in victory.Being the brigade commander is very tiring. Liu Gen doesn't know what it would be like if he stood in the brigade commander's position. He probably couldn't be like the brigade commander.

The brigade commander rubbed his eyes vigorously to keep the tears from streaming down. It was also because there were few people here. It was not in the 386th brigade that the brigade commander would show such emotions.

"Let's go, let's go, we can't waste too much time." The brigade commander said.

Before Liu Gen could answer, the brigade commander directly twitched the horse under him vigorously, and quickly rushed towards the division headquarters.Seeing this, Liu Gen naturally did not dare to hesitate, and quickly chased after him.

Along the way, Liu Gen kept observing the surroundings, and from time to time he could see the remaining bomb craters on the ground, which made him understand that the raids of the devil's base area were quite rampant.In order to ensure the order in the occupied area, the devils invested more devil troops in the occupied area. Coupled with the stalemate between the frontline devils and the national army, they set their sights on the Eighth Route Army troops in the occupied area.

When Liu Gen and others successfully arrived at the headquarters, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, just in time for dinner.

After a simple dinner, Liu Gen followed the brigade commander and walked towards the division headquarters.At this time, the division commander and others have not rested yet. All units of the 129th Division need to have corresponding plans. The 129th Division is a thorn in the side of the devils. How to continue to develop under the eyes of the devils is a question that needs to be solved.The devils continued to increase their troops in the occupied area, which made the troops of the Eighth Route Army feel a lot of pressure, and the same was true for the 129th Division.

On the way to find the division commander, Liu Gen could see that the patrolling soldiers of the division headquarters were very vigilant. The division headquarters of the 129th division and the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army were integrated, so the soldiers naturally did not dare to slack off in the slightest.Coupled with the incident that shocked China and the world in January, all units of the Eighth Route Army silently raised their vigilance and strengthened their defenses.

"Brigade Commander Chen, the division commander has explained that after you and Captain Liu come, let the two of you go in directly." The soldier in charge of the guard said so when he first arrived at the combat command room.

The brigade commander nodded with a smile, and took Liu Gen directly into the combat command room. Even at night, there were still many people working in the combat command room, and the division commander was discussing with the chief of staff how to Respond to the raids of the devils in the base area.The devils raided the base area very aggressively, but due to the depletion of troops and weapons and ammunition of each unit, the units of the Eighth Route Army could no longer organize large-scale battles.

What's more, the devils' continuous raids on the base area also let the headquarters know that the Eighth Route Army has attracted the attention of the devils, and large-scale battles cannot be carried out easily, otherwise the devils will only usher in more fierce revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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