Chapter 498

The charge began, and Li Yunlong led a battalion of soldiers to charge the infantry squadron attacked by the devils.

Under the leadership of Li Yunlong, the soldiers of the first battalion were prosperous, and they were even more fearless when they charged. In addition, in order to cover the charge of Li Yunlong and others, the independent regiment fired with full firepower, directly hitting the devils by surprise, and making the devils feel that the independence The regiment's fire suppression has eased a little.

The devils didn't have any precautions. After Li Yunlong led a battalion of soldiers to successfully rush into the devil's infantry squadron and started a hand-to-hand battle with this devil's infantry squadron, the devil's commander reacted.

Devil commander Tada Wanli looked coldly at Li Yunlong and the others who were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the infantry squadron. There was a cold light in his eyes. He did not expect that Li Yunlong would lead the troops to launch a countercharge, which was beyond his expectations.In Tada Wanli's view, Li Yunlong and others hid on Shizi Ridge, and they could hold on for enough time.

Now, Li Yunlong took the initiative to launch a charge, which was undoubtedly sending him to death.Just looking at the ghost soldiers who kept retreating in the hand-to-hand combat, Tada Wanli's face was a little ugly. The performance of this infantry squadron in the hand-to-hand combat was a bit too bad.Soon, in the devil's reserve team, a devil infantry squadron quickly rushed out, rushing towards the position where Li Yunlong and others were.

Tada Wanli didn't want to fail in hand-to-hand combat, but hoped to encircle and wipe out Li Yunlong and others who dared to charge. He was a little curious about Li Yunlong and others. Until now, he still didn't know which unit of the Eighth Route Army was on Shiziling.During the attack on Shizi Ridge, the devils hadn't caught any fighters from the independent regiment. Even if they were unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the devils, the fighters from the independent regiment would take the initiative to seek death and would not give the devils any chance to understand the independent regiment.

"Koizumi-kun, haven't you found out which army is defending on Shizi Ridge?" Tada Wanli said to Koizumi Ichiro, the staff officer beside him.

Koizumi Ichiro had thick eyes and looked a little old, but from the light in his eyes, it could be understood that he had enough combat experience to take on the position of a staff officer.In fact, this is exactly the case. In the entire First Army, Koizumi Ichiro is somewhat famous, even if he is only a small staff officer.

"Your Excellency Zhongzuo, this Eighth Route Army unit has not been caught yet, but judging from its uniform, it should be a unit of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army. Judging from the firepower displayed by this Eighth Route Army unit, this Eighth Route Army unit should be the Eighth Route Army The main force of the 129th Division has strong firepower, and an ordinary infantry brigade may not be an opponent when it encounters such an Eighth Route Army unit." Ichiro Koizumi said.

Although he failed to learn more information, Ichiro Koizumi also observed carefully enough in the battle. Whether it was from the firepower shown by the independent regiment or the fighting will shown by the independent regiment fighters, he could see The combat effectiveness of the independent regiment is not weak.Coupled with the fact that the independent regiment still has an artillery unit, the ordinary infantry brigade will really not be the opponent of this Eighth Route Army unit.

"The unit of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army? I remember that among this unit, the unit of the 386th Brigade is the most famous and the most powerful. It is deeply feared by the units of our First Army."

"Mr. Koizumi, is it possible that this unit is from the 386th Brigade? Judging from the escape route of the Eighth Route Army during the previous sweep, their 386th Brigade should be the closest to Liao County." Tada Wanli thought for a moment, then speculated.

Immediately, Koizumi Ichiro was stunned. After being reminded by Tada Wanli, he found that there is really such a possibility, and the possibility is very high!
Koizumi Ichiro suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Yunlong and others who were engaged in hand-to-hand combat. He could see that the hand-to-hand combat was very fierce, and people on both sides were killed all the time.Looking at those Liu Gen and others who were guarded by the ghost soldiers, Ichiro Koizumi found that such a scene seemed a little familiar. Under the circumstances of being surrounded, this Eighth Route Army unit dared to charge back. The 386th Brigade seemed to have such an Eighth Route Army Commander is such a style.

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo, maybe I know the origin of this Eighth Route Army unit." Koizumi Ichiro said suddenly.

Tada Wanli was a little surprised, he frowned, looked at Koizumi Ichiro beside him, wondering what kind of inference Koizumi Ichiro had made.Tada Wanli couldn't figure out what was the basis for Koizumi Ichiro's inference. At the same time, he also wanted to know the origin of the Eighth Route Army troops defending Shiziling.

"Mr. Koizumi, you can directly state your inferences. I really want to know more information about this Eighth Route Army." Tada Wanli said in a deep voice.

500 meters away, Li Yunlong and others were constantly fighting with the devil soldiers. The soldiers of the independent regiment were not afraid of hand-to-hand combat, not to mention that the first battalion was the strongest battalion of the independent regiment. In hand-to-hand combat, they would not be much weaker than the devil soldiers.In addition, Li Yunlong and others had long been prepared to fight hand-to-hand with the devils. The moment the soldiers came into contact with the devils, they killed many devils.

Even if the devils have increased the infantry squadron again now, due to terrain constraints, the infantry squadron reinforced by the devils cannot easily approach the position of Li Yunlong and others. It seems that Li Yunlong and others are surrounded, but in fact, Li Yunlong and others still have a way out , That is to return to Cross Ridge.

The firepower of the two sides was still constantly contesting. Due to hand-to-hand combat, Li Yunlong and others were entangled with the devil soldiers, so the devil's firepower could only continue to attack the independent regiment's defensive position.As for shooting at Li Yunlong and others, the devils couldn't do it unless they wanted to give up those devils who were fighting with Li Yunlong and others.

But on such a battlefield, it is impossible for the devils to do this, and it is impossible for the devil commander to issue such a battle order. Shooting at Li Yunlong and others will inevitably lead to the death of many devil soldiers.Devil soldiers can die in the hands of Li Yunlong and others, but they can't fall under the guns of other devils. Otherwise, how can devil soldiers dare to charge next time?

During the hand-to-hand battle, Li Yunlong and others had no intention of retreating for the time being. Li Yunlong was very clear about the situation at this time. As long as the devil soldiers did not retreat, he would not easily lead the first battalion of soldiers to retreat.What's more, hand-to-hand combat with these devils is still within Li Yunlong's acceptable defense. With the combat power of a battalion, there is no need to worry that the soldiers will be afraid of hand-to-hand combat with the devils.

On the cross ridge in the rear, Zhao Gang has been paying attention to the situation of Li Yunlong and others. When he saw that Li Yunlong and others temporarily stabilized their footsteps and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the devils, he became more worried about Li Yunlong.Li Yunlong's strength is good, but Li Yunlong is too old to compare with young fighters at all.After participating in the Eighth Route Army for so many years, Li Yunlong was injured many times. He is old and cannot maintain his physical fitness.

However, in order to avoid problems with Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang specially prepared the artillery company for combat. Once the situation is critical, the artillery company will resolutely launch shelling on the devil's artillery positions and firepower points to attract the devil's attention and cover Li Yunlong and others retreat.

Zhao Gang is very clear about the consequences of doing so. He hopes that he will never let the artillery company fire. With the devil's performance and the number of artillery of the devil, once the artillery company fires, the devil's artillery will definitely find the artillery company in the shortest time. position, and then launch a counterattack against the artillery company. At that time, the soldiers of the artillery company will be in danger.

The location of the devil command post, Tada Wanli learned of his deduction from Koizumi Ichiro, and after listening to Koizumi Ichiro's deduction, his face was a little clear, but he did not expect that he would meet the 129th division 386 brigade independent Regiment this army.

In the entire First Army, there were quite a few people who didn't know about the Independent Regiment, but as long as they were devil officers who paid attention to the battle, they would definitely know about Li Yunlong, or have a certain impression of the name Li Yunlong.This is the case with Tada Wanli. He knows Li Yunlong, and he knows the achievements of Li Yunlong's independent regiment.

The secret service team failed several raids, and the Sakata United Team, Yamazaki Brigade, and the field observation team all suffered a big loss at the hands of the independent team.Especially the secret service team, several times due to the failure of combat missions due to the independent regiment, this made Tada Wanli always want to fight Li Yunlong, proving that he is no worse than Kazuki Yamamoto!

In the devil's first army, there are not many people who can easily become a general officer like Kazuki Yamamoto, and even if there are some, they have very good military exploits.Only Kazuki Yamamoto did not have enough military exploits. After entering the First Army, Kazuki Yamamoto became the chief directly, which made many officers in the First Army very unconvinced.

If the special agent team formed by Kazuki Yamamoto can achieve a certain record in several combat operations, proving the ability of the special agent team and himself, then the officers of the First Army will not have any ideas, but it is a pity that Kazuki Yamamoto fought several times The actions all ended in failure, especially the performance of the special agent team that came to observe the battle before, but it led to the annihilation of the field observation group by the 386th Brigade Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

The failure of several battles has long made the secret service team need to prove its own ability, but the incident of the destruction of the field observation group has become the last straw that overwhelms the devil secret service team.After that, it was difficult for the secret service team to get another chance to prove their abilities, and the secret service team became a laughing stock in the eyes of many officers of the First Army.

For most of the officers of the First Army, the secret service team's record under the leadership of Kazuki Yamamoto, they will definitely do it, which makes them have some opinions on Kazuki Yamamoto.In the eyes of these officers, as long as they prove that they are more capable than Kazuki Yamamoto, then maybe they can also be promoted to Colonel.

Since the lucky one Yamamoto Kazuki could appear in the First Army, why can't this lucky one be them?Tada Wanli is one of them. He is eager to find the Eighth Route Army unit that has defeated the secret service team in order to prove his ability. Even if he cannot be promoted in a short time, he can still get more attention.

The independent regiment is undoubtedly the best target for Tada Wanli. During the raid, Tada Wanli wanted to find the traces of the independent regiment, and then successfully killed the independent regiment.It was only because the 36th Division had other arrangements for Tada Wanli that Tada Wanli could not get away to find the traces of the independent regiment, which made him always regret it.

Now, Tada Wanli doesn't have any regrets, his face is ferocious, and there is deep surprise in his eyes, anyone can see his ambition.

"Mr. Koizumi, you did a good job. If it wasn't your reminder, then I wouldn't have realized that this Eighth Route Army unit defending on Shiziling would be an independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army! Very good! Really good!" Tada Wanli arrogantly said with a smile.Tada Wanli didn't take the Independence Regiment seriously. Even though the Independence Regiment had always performed well, he didn't think the Independence Regiment would pose much of a threat.

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo, all this is just my guess. For the time being, we are not sure that this unit is the independent regiment of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army! If it is really this unit of the Eighth Route Army, then the strength in our hands may still be somewhat insufficient." Koizumi Ichiro was not too happy, he still kept calm.

Koizumi Ichiro has never seen the special service team fight, but he knows that the devil soldiers in the special service team are the best of the elite. The advantage, at least in terms of flexibility, is unmatched by infantry brigades.

Coupled with the fact that the secret service team is equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment from Germany, and collides at close range, perhaps an infantry brigade will not be an opponent.

In any case, for the sake of prudence, in order to be able to kill this unit that is likely to be the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army without fail, choosing to call for reinforcements would not be the best choice.In the current battle, their side has the upper hand, but who knows what else this Eighth Route Army will do?If it is really an independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army, then I am afraid it will be even more troublesome.

"No! With the strength of our infantry brigade, it is enough to kill this so-called independent regiment!" Tada Wanli directly refused,

Koizumi Ichiro wanted to say something, but just as he was about to speak, he felt a cold gaze on himself, and immediately he had no idea of ​​persuading him.Koizumi Ichiro was sure that if he said something again, Tada Wanli would definitely reprimand him directly.

After following Tada Banli for so long, how could Koizumi Ichiro not know his character?In this regard, Koizumi Ichiro can only hope that the battle will go smoothly as Tada Wanli thought, without any opinions,

Looking at Li Yunlong and others who were engaged in hand-to-hand combat, Koizumi Ichiro hesitated. He felt that Li Yunlong, the leader of the independent regiment, might be among them, but thinking of Tada Wanli's character, he finally gave up the idea of ​​speaking. It's better to say.

At this time, Li Yunlong, who had just killed the devil, was rushing towards the other devils. He didn't know that someone had guessed the identity of the independent group, and guessed that he was probably in the charging team.During the battle, Li Yunlong didn't have time to think about this matter, hand-to-hand combat was too dangerous, even if Li Yunlong had rich combat experience, he didn't dare to be distracted.

The devils were constantly hacked and killed by a battalion of soldiers, and some soldiers died in the fight.The hand-to-hand combat continued, and after a full half an hour, the outcome of the hand-to-hand combat was somewhat clear.

(End of this chapter)

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