I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 499 Epilogue

Chapter 499 Epilogue
"Captain, we should withdraw. If we continue to fight, we will be left behind by the devils." After cutting down a devil, Zhang Dabiao shouted loudly.

Li Yunlong slashed back a charging devil, exhausting too much physical strength, which made the big knife in his hand look a bit heavier.Li Yunlong took a deep breath and looked at the other soldiers around him. He could see that the faces of the soldiers were very tired, which let him know that it was indeed time to retreat.

"Comrades! Repel these devils!" Li Yunlong shouted.

It is not easy to retreat in the battle with these devils. At least they need to be repelled before Li Yunlong and others can retreat safely.Otherwise, once these devils start chasing Li Yunlong and others, Li Yunlong and others will be extremely passive, and it is even more impossible to retreat easily under the entanglement of devils.

As Li Yunlong opened his mouth, the soldiers who were exhausted immediately exhausted all their remaining strength and rushed towards the devils without fear of death. They needed to repel these devils and kill them. Afraid!In hand-to-hand combat, only by being more fierce than the opponent can one win the hand-to-hand combat.

The soldiers of the first battalion had a lot of energy in hand-to-hand combat. They had extremely rich experience in hand-to-hand combat. In addition, the independent regiment also attached great importance to the assassination training of the soldiers on weekdays. Killed, backed up constantly.

Facing the fierce offensive of the first battalion of soldiers, the devils had no other choice. Even if they fought desperately, they could not stop.When the casualties of the devils reached a certain level, these devil soldiers collapsed, and they no longer had any thoughts of fighting with Li Yunlong and others.

After the first devil chose to give up the fight and escape, more and more devils joined the ranks of fleeing. They always felt that they could easily gain the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat, but after fighting with Li Yunlong and others, these devils never again There is no such thought.

Seeing these devils fleeing, Li Yunlong seized the time to kill some devils again, and then decisively chose to evacuate. If there were no more devils in this area, the firepower of the devil troops would definitely attack.During the retreat, Li Yunlong and the others maintained sufficient vigilance and played at the fastest speed. Before the devils launched a large-scale shooting, they successfully returned to Shiziling.

As soon as they returned to Shizi Ridge, Li Yunlong and others collapsed directly in the position. They were really too tired.The hand-to-hand combat with the devils lasted for half an hour, and there were casualties on both sides every minute and every second. The soldiers were able to persevere until now because of their hard enough training on weekdays.

In the entire independent regiment, only the fighters of the first battalion were able to engage in hand-to-hand combat for half an hour. The fighters of the other two battalions were also good, but compared with the first battalion, they were still a bit worse.

"Lao Li, Lao Li, how are you? Are you injured? Lao Li?" Seeing Li Yunlong collapsed on the ground, Zhao Gang ran over quickly, with a tear in his voice.

Originally, Li Yunlong wanted to tease Zhao Gang, but after seeing the obvious worried look on Zhao Gang's face, he no longer wanted to tease Zhao Gang. He didn't want Zhao Gang to continue worrying.Li Yunlong could feel that he was very tired, but if he was injured, he didn't suffer any injuries.

During the fight with the devils, the soldiers from the first battalion were all around him. If Li Yunlong was in danger, the soldiers would come quickly to help Li Yunlong kill the devils.Of course, it would be impossible for Li Yunlong not to be injured in the hand-to-hand combat for more than half an hour.

"Lao Zhao, don't worry, Lao Li has a hard life, and he can't die easily." Li Yunlong said with a smile.

Immediately, after seeing Li Yunlong's calm voice, Zhao Gang didn't worry too much. It seemed that Li Yunlong really didn't have any big problems.However, in order to ensure Li Yunlong's safety, Zhao Gang still arranged for Li Yunlong to undergo a corresponding examination as soon as possible, so as to prevent Li Yunlong from being injured, but he insisted on it.

After the doctor checked Li Yunlong's body and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him, just some minor injuries, Zhao was really relieved just now.Considering that Li Yunlong and the others were quite exhausted, Zhao Gang simply asked Li Yunlong and the others to rest and join the battle after recovering.

Li Yunlong didn't have any opinion on this. He was very aware of his own situation, and knew that even if he stayed on the front line, he would not have any fighting power and would be quite dangerous.In order to avoid this from happening, it is undoubtedly the best choice to go to rest.

And after Li Yunlong and others went to rest, the devils did not attack for a long time, which surprised Zhao Gang. He didn't understand what was going on with these devils, but he was naturally very happy that these devils did not attack, and he was willing to let the soldiers Have a certain amount of time to rest.For most of the fighters in the independent regiment, rest is a very luxurious thing, and they haven't been able to take a good rest for a long time.

However, the fighters of the Independent Regiment did not have any complaints. They were members of the Independent Regiment, and they should have participated in any combat operation of the Independent Regiment, even if it would be very hard, but they decided that no soldier would give up.The soldiers are very tired, but in the battle with the devils, the soldiers are willing to drag their tired bodies and stick to the defensive position, and they will not easily let the devils step into the defensive position.

Zhao Gang could see that many soldiers fell asleep with their guns in their arms. In less than 10 minutes, all the soldiers fell asleep one after another.On the battlefield, while the soldiers were resting, Liu Gen couldn't hear any snoring sounds. It stands to reason that the soldiers were so tired, so why couldn't they hear any snoring sounds?But in fact, that was the case, and no sound could be heard on the battlefield.

Some soldiers noticed the doubt on Zhao Gang's face, so they explained to Zhao Gang: "Commander Zhao, comrades didn't snore because they slept relatively lightly. If there is any abnormal movement of the devil, everyone can wake up in time and join the battle. .”

Zhao Gang patted the soldier's shoulder vigorously, with a bit of shame on his face. He realized that he hadn't done enough. If he could have a good enough combat command ability like Li Yunlong, or if he could learn from the brigade commander Get some equipment and ammunition there to enhance the combat effectiveness of the independent regiment, so the soldiers don't have to be so tired.

Although Zhao Gang knew that his own abilities were limited, even if he wanted to do something for the independent group, he couldn't do much, but he was still a little ashamed. He found that the more he knew Li Yunlong, the more he was changing towards Li Yunlong.Zhao Gang seemed to understand why when Li Yunlong was in the Independence Regiment, he wanted to fight every day. It was because only through fighting could the Independence Regiment capture enough weapons and equipment and become more powerful.

Only when the fighting power of the independent regiment is strong enough can we avoid the kind of thing we encounter today, prevent the soldiers from falling into a bitter battle, and prevent the soldiers from making too many unnecessary sacrifices.

"You are all good, I, Zhao Gang, did not do enough." Zhao Gang said with a face full of shame.

The soldier shook his head quickly, and comforted him: "Commissioner Zhao, you have done well since you came to our independent regiment, you don't need to be ashamed."

"Since the leader and you came to the independent regiment, the combat effectiveness of our independent regiment has risen in a straight line. We have all the weapons and equipment, and the living conditions have also improved a lot. In the eyes of those of us, the leader and you have done a lot for the independent regiment. There are too many, the only thing we can do is to kill a few more devils on the battlefield, so as not to waste the resources consumed by the independent regiment on us."


The soldier was very excited. He didn't want Zhao Gang to feel ashamed. The independent regiment had changed enough and became good enough, and the change of the independent regiment had an inseparable relationship with Li Yunlong and the others. He didn't want Zhao Gang, the political commissar, to feel ashamed. feel ashamed.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

"Take the time to rest for a while, and let other fighters temporarily observe the devil's movements for you. You are all too tired after fighting so far." Zhao Gang said again.

This time the soldier nodded vigorously without any opinion, if he hadn't seen the political commissar Zhao Gang coming, then he might have chosen to rest a long time ago.It's not that this soldier wants to be lazy, it's that he really can't bear it, he hasn't had a good rest for too long, and the next battle will continue, he hopes that he can have a good enough mental state to kill More devils.

Time passed, and after the soldiers rested for half an hour, the devil launched another attack on Shiziling. The mountain cannon that was not used also chose to fire.Apparently, the devil wanted to attack Shiziling directly in this battle, so that he could win the battle.

The shelling for nearly 15 minutes almost used up all the shells of the devils. It is also these devils who know that the independent regiment still has an artillery company, otherwise they will definitely shoot up all the shells directly, and reduce as much as possible. to the resistance.After the shelling ended, the devils launched an attack from three directions at the same time, with two or three hundred devils in each direction.

It can be said that the charge launched by the devil this time used all his own troops, coupled with the continuous fire of the devil's light and heavy machine guns, it was good that he succeeded in taking Shiziling. Not a small impact, and then the defense of the independent regiment will be much easier.

The devil made such a big move, Zhao Gang decisively notified Li Yunlong at the first time, and asked Li Yunlong to come to the front line to direct the next defensive battle,

"Damn it, these devils are crazy. They just ate the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard. Who gave them the courage to charge like this? Do you really think they are a class A division of devils?" Li Yunlong cursed after the devils rushed over from Lingling.

The devil's strength is not large, and the puppet army has less than 500 people. The independent regiment is not at full strength, but there are more than [-] people.Li Yunlong didn't understand what was going on with the devil commander. He even dared to divide his troops when fighting with these troops.Yes, in Li Yunlong's view, this is the devil looking down on the independent regiment.

"These devils should have something to rely on? The devil commander is not a fool. If he is not sure, how could he launch an all-out attack?" Zhao Gang said.

Zhao Gang stared at the devil soldiers who were constantly charging. He could see some devils falling down under the shooting of the soldiers of the independent regiment, but the speed of the devil's charge was not greatly affected. He stopped, as if he was not afraid of death at all.Zhao Gang felt that these devils were very strange, at least the performance of these devils was a little too fearless.

"No matter what conspiracy the devil has, this is a good opportunity for us to kill the devil's vital force!"

"Pass me an order to order all the active members of the regiment to join the battle and kill as many devils as possible for me! At the same time, order the artillery company of our independent regiment to fire at the devil artillery positions to contain the devil artillery." Li Yunlong directly Two orders were issued.

There are some problems with the division of the devils, but with the fighting power of the devils, there is still a chance to rush to the cross ridge. It is even said that as long as the soldiers of the independent regiment make any mistakes, the possibility of the devils rushing to the cross ridge will be even greater.In order to cut off the possibility of the devils rushing to the Shiziling defensive position, Li Yunlong chose to mobilize all the available troops of the independent regiment. Even the cooks and grooms of the cooking squad had to go to the battlefield to fight the devils.

Because Liu Gen and others killed the devils before and seized a lot of weapons, even if the cooks and grooms of the independent regiment go to the battlefield, they don't have to worry about not having enough weapons to use, and they will never borrow weapons from the cavalry company again. .

Ten minutes later, all the troops of the independent regiment arrived at their respective defensive positions. This time, Li Yunlong had no idea of ​​continuing to launch a counter-charge against the devils. With the performance of these devils, it would be too dangerous to choose to counter-charge rashly. .With the defense of the position, the casualties of the soldiers will be much less, and there is no big opinion about charging now.

If the independent regiment wanted to break through the siege of these devils, then Liu Yunlong would definitely charge without hesitation and defeat these devils head-on.But now that the Independent Regiment wanted to defend Cross Ridge, he naturally would not choose to lead the soldiers to continue the charge, as the soldiers were in a state that was not suitable for charging.

On Cross Ridge, the sound of gunfire continued uninterrupted, and the battle of the Independent Regiment continued. As the wounded, Liu Gen and others were just lying in a hidden corner of Cross Ridge, waiting for the result of the battle.The wounded who were still able to fight had already gone to the front line, and the rest were wounded like Liu Gen and the others who were unable to fight. If the devils really rushed to Shizi Ridge, then Liu Gen and others might not have the slightest resistance.

Five hours later, the sound of gunfire from the front line became less and less, which made Liu Gen, who had been awake all the time, realize that the battle was coming to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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