I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 507 Worship the Strong

Chapter 507 Worship the Strong

"Gen Zi, tell me, what is the actual combat performance of the combat team you trained?" The teacher asked with a relaxed expression.

Whenever the teacher sees Liu Gen, he will always be infected by Liu Gen's self-confidence. He is very aware of Liu Gen's ability and believes that everything can be resolved in Liu Gen's hands.In the entire 129th Division, the division commander should be the one who values ​​Liu Gen the most, and has the most confidence in Liu Gen's ability.

"There are still some problems with the actual combat training of the combat team, but it is still very good to be able to grow to the present level in just three months." Liu Gen said seriously.

After three months of training, the improvement of the soldiers is obvious. Liu Gen believes that with the ability of the combat team, it is still possible to kill an ordinary company.After the soldiers joined the combat team, their strength has improved to a certain extent, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the fighting methods of the soldiers have changed to a certain extent.

The change of fighting style is the key for soldiers to improve their combat effectiveness. With the strength of the combat squad, if they really fight recklessly with a company, then they will definitely not be the opponent of a company.

"Okay, very good, I knew you boy could train this combat team well."

"Is there anything you need? The division headquarters can support some of you. The submachine guns captured from the Devil's secret service team before can give you a few." The division commander asked with concern.

The division commander is still very concerned about the combat team. Even though the combat team's weapons and equipment are limited due to various objective conditions, he still hopes to give the combat team the best weapons and equipment to ensure the combat effectiveness of the combat team. An important combat mission for the Deputy Chief of Staff's revenge.

"Teacher, our combat team is different from the devil's special agent team, and there is not much benefit in being equipped with a submachine gun."

"What's more, if we want to go deep into the ghost county, the submachine gun is too obvious and not very easy to carry. Compared with the submachine gun, the shell gun is the most suitable choice for us. If the division's conditions permit, give us a few more new ones Just a shell gun." Liu Gen shook his head and said.

The division commander was a little surprised. Liu Gen didn't ask the division for a submachine gun before. He thought it was because Liu Gen knew that the division's weapons and equipment were a little tight, so he didn't apply.But now, the division commander didn't understand why Liu Gen didn't choose the submachine gun. You must know that the submachine gun's firepower was much stronger than that of the shell gun.

"The submachine gun is a bit difficult to carry, but judging from the submachine guns we seized from the Devil's Secret Service, it's not too big, and it can still be carried if there is a way."

"Compared to the firepower of the submachine gun, even if there are some shortcomings, it won't have much impact." The teacher said with some doubts.

The rest of the division also looked at Liu Gen curiously, wanting to know what kind of explanation Liu Gen would give. Originally, they were all looking forward to how strong the combat team would be after being equipped with a submachine gun. Now Liu Gen has no idea of ​​​​equipping a submachine gun. , everyone is naturally a little regretful.

"The fighting power shown by the Devil's secret service team is strong. Submachine guns are part of the factor, but its sufficient strength is also a part. A small number of equipped submachine guns will not play a big role in a battle. Only as the devil's secret service team Generally, hundreds of people equipped with submachine guns attack the same target in order to give full play to the advantages of submachine guns."

"With the strength of the combat team, equipped with submachine guns and shell guns will not have much impact. When encountering a large army of devils, equipped with submachine guns will not have any effect." Liu Gen said helplessly.

Limited by the size of the combat squad, submachine guns are not suitable for the current combat squad, unless the combat squad has enough troops and all are equipped with submachine guns.It's just waiting until the combat team has enough troops, I don't know when it will be, by that time, Liu Gen should not be worried about this matter.

Liu Gen knew very well that he would not stay in the combat team for too long. After the combat team completed the combat mission of avenging the deputy chief of staff, he could quit the combat team and not care about the team's affairs.When the combat mission is completed and the division headquarters clearly realizes the role that the combat squad can play in small-scale battles, then the division headquarters will naturally take control of the combat squad in person.

Besides, Liu Gen is an artilleryman, so it is not very appropriate for Liu Gen to be in charge of the combat team all the time.

"I understand. The personnel in our division headquarters are not very clear about the situation of the combat team."

"Genzi, for the time being, you will be in charge of the battle team's next response. I hope you can find a suitable comrade in the battle team and let him do a good job of taking over the battle team. Genzi, you are a talent. I can't keep you in the combat team." The division commander looked at Liu Gen and said very seriously.

Some people looked at Liu Gen with envy. It was rare in the entire 129th Division to receive such attention from the teacher. Now that Liu Gen received such attention from the teacher at such a young age, Liu Gen's future is undoubtedly very bright.

"Master, I will make corresponding preparations to ensure that when I leave the combat team, it will not have too much impact on the combat effectiveness of the combat team." Liu Gen said seriously.

The teacher patted Liu Gen on the shoulder with a smile, and said trustingly: "Genzi, I believe you can do all this well, and the bosses and I will wait for the news of your successful operation."

"Guaranteed to complete the mission! As soon as there is news of Guizi Mashiko's advance to the team, I will take the combat team and set off immediately to kill those devils!" Liu Gen said in a deep voice.

The division commander nodded in satisfaction, "Okay, the division headquarters will notify you as soon as there is any news. You have just experienced a battle. Go down and have a good rest, you must not feel that you are in good health and stop resting."


Leaving the combat command room, Liu Gen quickly walked towards the battle team camp. As for going to rest, he had no such idea at all. The battle team still had a lot of room for improvement, and he was going to spend more on the battle team. energy.After an actual battle, Liu Gen has a clearer understanding of the combat team. In the next time, he hopes to help the soldiers change the problems exposed in the actual battle.

Liu Gen believes that as long as the soldiers are helped to change their own problems, the combat effectiveness of the combat team will be improved again, which is also because the combat team has just been established.The rapid improvement of combat power is only when the combat team is first established. After a long time, it will be much more difficult to improve the combat power.

After another week of training for the soldiers, Liu Gen led the soldiers to conduct a division again, and the target was still the devil's stronghold.Considering that after Liu Gen and others killed the devil stronghold, the devils in the Liao County area became vigilant again, this time Liu Gen simply led the combat team to leave Liao County and attack the devil stronghold in the nearby Yushe County.

In fact, with the current strength of the combat team, even if the devils stronghold in Liao County became vigilant, it would not have much impact, but in order to prevent the existence of the combat team from being noticed by the devils, Liu Gen still chose to act cautiously.At least the combat team must not be noticed by the devils until Mashiko, who kills the devils, advances to the team.

In the case of the battle team, if you want to kill Mashiko's advance team, you have to hide in the dark and not be noticed by the devils, so that the battle team has enough room to play.

The actual combat in Yushe County was not very smooth. Even with the intelligence support of the Yushe County Brigade, the soldiers still made mistakes when attacking the devils stronghold. They were too careless and were successfully shot by a devil in the battle. As a result, there was a little twists and turns in the attack on the stronghold.

It was because of Liu Gen's presence that he managed to bring the soldiers back to the division headquarters. After Liu Gen shot, the soldiers finally saw Liu Gen's marksmanship and realized how far behind Liu Gen was.

The soldiers have always been very curious about Liu Gen's strength. They know Liu Gen's strength in artillery, but they don't know Liu Gen's strength in other aspects.

But in this battle, the soldiers no longer have the slightest doubt about Liu Gen's strength. For the soldiers of the combat team, they will never forget the scene of Liu Gen killing a devil with one shot, especially the extremely fast shooting speed of Liu Gen. quick.At the end of the battle, there were still a few fighters who were a little confused. It was really Liu Gen who shocked them too much.

The shock that Liu Gen, the instructor, brought to the soldiers could not be easily eliminated, which caused the soldiers to adore Liu Gen, even if he was punished by Liu Gen, they would not have any objections.For these fighters, they don't mind being punished by Liu Gen, they only worry that they won't be as strong as Liu Gen.

Faced with the changes of the soldiers, Liu Gen felt a little helpless. He never thought that after showing some of his strength, he would be so admired by the soldiers.Even though Liu Gen knew that the army worshiped the strong, he didn't expect such a situation. He didn't think he was so powerful. There were too many sharpshooters in the Eighth Route Army, and there must be someone better than him.

But it is a pity that the soldiers did not see other powerful sharpshooters, but only Liu Gen, which made people feel helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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