Chapter 508
On December 29, the headquarters of the 129th Division received news that the Guizi's Mashiko advance team was preparing to celebrate in Qi County on the [-]th, celebrating their achievements in the raid.

After the mopping up of the Japanese anti-Japanese base areas by the devils, the Mashiko advance team returned to the 36th division, huddled inside the division, and never set foot in the anti-Japanese base areas. What a great way, with the current strength of the Eighth Route Army, it has not been able to directly rush into the inside of the Devil's 36th Division and kill the Devil's advancing team.

Masuko's advancing team retreated to the inside of the Devil's 36th Division. Nearly half a year passed, and after everything outside became calm, these devil soldiers had the idea of ​​holding a banquet in Qi County to relax.

According to intelligence personnel of the Eighth Route Army, December 36th is the birthday of Mashiko Shigeo, the commander of the Mashiko Advancement Team. It is precisely because of this that the Mashiko Advancement Team left the [-]th Division and came to Qi County to celebrate.In order to ensure the smooth progress of the banquet, some devils from Mashiko's advance team took over the security of Qi County, and the puppet troops in Qi County were also mobilized.

Before Qi County's vigilance was strengthened, it was very simple for the intelligence personnel to convey information, but after the devil's vigilance was strengthened, it became much more difficult to convey the information.This time, the intelligence personnel inside Qi County were able to successfully transmit such important information, but at the risk of being discovered by the devils. After the information was transmitted, the intelligence personnel entered a deep latent state and would not conduct further investigations in a short time. The transmission of information.

After receiving such information, the 129th Division Division Headquarters and the Eighth Route Army Headquarters attached great importance to this information. During this period of time, all units of the Eighth Route Army were looking for the whereabouts of this Mashiko advance team. After arriving in Qi County, it is no wonder that the various units of the 129th Division failed to find any relevant traces of this small army of devils.

Due to the frequent raids by the Japanese and puppet troops, the anti-Japanese environment in Qixian County is very harsh. Qixian County is a county with relatively weak anti-Japanese armed forces. The traitors openly worked for the devils in Qixian County, and all the original party and government organs in Qixian County had to be transferred to Yushe County.In Qixian County, our personnel are very weak, with only a few intelligence personnel.

But even so, after learning the news of Guizi Yizi's advancing team, the bosses and division commanders decided to send a small group of troops to Qixian County, trying to kill this Guizi Yizi who dared to leave his lair on the night of December [-]th. Team.Considering that Liu Genxin's recently established battle team was short of troops, the bosses specially ordered Ou Tuan, the head of the special task force at the headquarters, to lead some elite fighters of the special task force to assist the battle team in completing this combat mission.

Although the combat team was formed by Liu Gen himself, the bosses and division commanders still had some doubts about the combat team before the combat team had fought such a large-scale battle. The shame of the moment depends on this combat operation.It was precisely because of this that the bosses ordered Head Ou to bring soldiers to assist Liu Gen and the others to make sure that there would be no accidents in this combat mission.

In the combat command room of the 129th Division, Liu Gen was a little helpless when he heard the news from the division commander. He didn't expect that the bosses still didn't have enough trust in the combat team.It's just that Liu Gen also knows that the combat team has not yet proved that it has enough strength, so it is very necessary to let the head of the Ou team lead people to assist.To be honest, Liu Gen felt a little relieved when he learned that Head Ou would bring soldiers to assist him.

The battle team is good, but Liu Gen also knows that the battle team has not really grown to its peak, and it is the first time to carry out such a large-scale combat mission, and it still needs a certain guarantee.

"Genzi? What's the matter? Do you have any comments?" The teacher asked with some doubts when he saw Liu Gen who was distracted.

The teacher felt that Liu Gen should be able to understand this matter. Why does Liu Gen seem to be a little incomprehensible now?The division commander attaches great importance to Liu Gen, and he doesn't want Liu Gen to be confused about this matter. No matter how good the fighting force of the combat team is, its strength is limited after all. It is also difficult to break out from Qixian County.

The reason is very simple. The combat team has limited strength, so it is impossible to deal with the devils in Mashiko's advancing team in the shortest time, and they will even shoot themselves to expose themselves.Once a gun battle broke out in Qixian County, it would be very difficult for Liu Gen and others to successfully escape from Qixian County.

"Teacher, I don't have any opinions, I promise to complete the task!" Liu Gen reacted and said quickly.

The division commander nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I believe in you! In this combat mission, your combat team will be the main force, and Commander Ou and the others will only play a supporting role. I hope you can fully demonstrate the combat effectiveness of the combat team! "

"The performance in this combat mission determines whether the combat team you formed with your own hands can survive."

Immediately, Liu Gen's face became serious, and he knew it would be like this.If it was before, then Liu Gen might still be a little nervous, worried that the soldiers of the combat team would make some mistakes in this combat mission, but after several actual combat trainings with Liu Gen and the soldiers, the soldiers We have all improved significantly, at least some low-level mistakes will not be made.

After leaving the combat command room, Liu Gen gathered the fighters of the combat team and asked them to prepare for the battle and check the weapons and equipment they needed to carry.At the same time, Liu Gen is also considering the weapons and equipment he needs to carry. A pistol is a must, and a dagger is also needed. After serious consideration, he decided to bring an 81mm mortar. , it is very simple to bring a mortar.

As for the shells, Liu Gen didn't plan to bring too many, five or six rounds would be enough, and there was no need for too many.With Liu Gen's technology, even five or six shells failed to deal with the enemy, so it would be useless to bring more shells, not to mention that Liu Gen was going to carry them by himself, and he didn't want the soldiers to help him. The increase in load affects the marching speed of the soldiers.

After the battle team was ready for the battle, Captain Ou of the special task force at the headquarters brought the soldiers to the camp of the battle team. He needed to discuss with Liu Gen some battle plans against the Guizi Mashiko's advance team, and try to be as foolproof as possible.

It's just that when Captain Ou saw the weapons and equipment that Liu Gen prepared for himself, the shock on his face could not be concealed. He never expected that Liu Gen's weapons and equipment would be so different!
(End of this chapter)

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