I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 516 Bite off a Bite of Meat

Chapter 516 Take a Bite of Meat

After breakfast, the soldiers of the combat team went to rest first, and Liu Gen and Captain Ou walked towards the division headquarters together.

The combat mission this time was issued from the division headquarters, so naturally it was necessary to report to the division commander first. Given the distance between the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the division headquarters of the 129th Division, if the division commander knew about it, then the bosses at the headquarters would also know about it.Liu Gen held a cloth bag in his hand, which contained the heads of Sugimoto June and Mashiko Shigeo, and the smell of alcohol on them had long since dissipated after such a long time.

There was a bloody smell coming from the cloth bag. If it wasn't for the fact that the soldiers of the division knew the identities of Liu Gen and the others, they would have been stopped directly by the soldiers to determine what was in the cloth bag.

Along the way, the cloth bag in Liu Gen's hand attracted the attention of many people. Some soldiers who knew Liu Gen and the two were a little excited, and they could more or less guess what was in the cloth bag.It's just that there are not many soldiers who know that Liu Gen and others are going to carry out combat missions.This combat mission is a secret operation, without the permission of the division commander and bosses, these soldiers dare not leak it easily.

When Liu Gen and the two found the teacher, they could see that the doctor in the department was checking the teacher's body. During this time, the teacher's physical condition was not very good.The teacher is also getting older, and when he is no longer young, physical problems are inevitable.Of course, the teacher's physical problems are also old problems, and it is still difficult to completely cure them.

This is also no way, who made the medical conditions of the Eighth Route Army limited?
"You two are back? That's great! Mr. Li, don't check me up yet. I have something important to ask about the two of them." The teacher said to the doctor.

The doctor shook his head, "Mr. Liu, the two of them are here, so don't be so anxious, your body is the most important thing. Before coming to check your body, the bosses told me to tell the old man that I must take good care of you." Treat you to ensure that your physical condition will not cause too many problems."

"Two comrades, you should have no objections?"

Faced with the doctor's question, Liu Gen and Head Ou naturally nodded quickly, expressing that they had no opinion.

Looking at this doctor, Liu Gen suddenly realized something. No wonder he was a little puzzled when he first saw this doctor. He had never seen this doctor in the division.But now it seems that this doctor should be entrusted by the bosses, and should be the doctor in charge of the bosses' bodies.

Liu Gen and the two waited patiently by the side. The teacher also understood the reason why he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and he could only hope that the doctor could quickly finish his physical examination.

When seeing Liu Gen and the two returned safely, the division commander knew that this combat mission must have been successfully completed by Liu Gen and the two, but he wanted to know the details of the mission execution, and hoped to learn more from Liu Gen and the two. Information.Looking at the cloth bag Liu Gen was carrying, the teacher was a little puzzled, not knowing what was in the cloth bag in Liu Gen's hand.

"Don't look, just concentrate and don't worry." The doctor reminded.

The teacher nodded quickly, and actively cooperated with the doctor's examination of him. As long as the examination can be completed quickly, he can do whatever he wants to cooperate.

Twenty or ten minutes later, the doctor checked the teacher's body and determined that the teacher had some minor physical problems. Next, he was required to formulate a corresponding treatment plan for the teacher to ensure the teacher's health.

"Hey, Mr. Li, you're here. Let's check these two boys too. They are all excellent talents in our Eighth Route Army." Seeing that the doctor was about to leave, the teacher said quickly.Mr. Li often stays at the headquarters. He is a doctor exclusively for the bosses, and his medical skills are very high.

This time, if it wasn't because of the difficult problem with the teacher, then Mr. Li would not come here. The teacher knows how difficult it is for Mr. Li to invite him. Now that he finally has the opportunity, then he must open his mouth to fight for Liu Gen and the others. Welfare.Especially Liu Gen, the teacher was very worried about Liu Gen's body. He knew that Liu Gen had been injured a lot, and with so many injuries, it was easy to have some hidden injuries on his body.

Maybe before these hidden injuries broke out, Liu Gen's body didn't have any problems, but once the hidden injuries broke out on his body, it would become much more serious.In the teacher's view, Liu Gen is his trump card, a fierce general in the Eighth Route Army, and there must be no physical problems. There are still too many things for Liu Gen to do.

"Oh? These two young men? I do know one of them, he is the head of the special task force at the headquarters, but the other is not very clear."

"I don't know what achievements this young man has made? Old man, I don't easily check people's health. People are old and have limited energy." Li Lao looked at Liu Gen and his eyes, and his eyes fell on Liu Gen. Confuse.

Due to his age, even if Mr. Li stayed at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, he didn't know much about many things, especially about the battle. He was a doctor, so naturally he didn't need to pay attention to these things.Elder Li didn't have any objections to checking the bodies of Liu Gen and the two, but he wanted to know whether Liu Gen and the two were worth checking by himself.

Mr. Li knew that Captain Ou, as the head of the headquarters special task force, shouldered the responsibility of protecting the headquarters bosses. He did a very good job. Under the protection of the headquarters special task force, the bosses were very safe.In Mr. Li's opinion, Head Ou is qualified to have him inspected. A talent like Head Ou naturally cannot cause him to have physical problems.

"Hahaha, Mr. Li. I knew you would ask that."

"Genzi is a talent from our 129th Division. He has made too many military exploits. In the past few days, he went to Qixian County, which was occupied by the devils, to perform a beheading mission to avenge the unfortunate death of the Deputy Chief of Staff! Now Genzi and the others are safe Come back, it means that this combat mission has been successfully completed, and there should be eighty devils who died in his hands, not one hundred." The division commander said proudly.

Immediately, Mr. Li looked at Liu Gen with obvious surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect the seemingly young Liu Gen to leave like this.Mr. Li's eyes fell on the cloth bag in Liu Gen's hand, and with a slight movement of his nose, he realized what was in the cloth bag.

"It's really good. He's a talent. It's worth me to check his body." Old Li said with a nod.

Mr. Li believes that the teacher will not deceive him, and there is no need to deceive himself. Just looking at Liu Gen, Mr. Li is still very surprised. Judging from Liu Gen's situation, I am afraid no one would have thought that Liu Gen would Killed so many devils.

"Come on, young man, let me check for you first." Mr. Li came to Liu Gen and said with a smile.

Liu Gen put down the cloth bag in his hand, traces of blood seeped out of it, stroked his sleeves, exposed his wrist, and sent it to Mr. Li. Liu Gen could tell that Mr. Li was an old Chinese doctor. None so old.

"Huh?" Li Lao put his fingers on Liu Gen's wrist, and after a while, obvious surprise appeared on his face.

"The other hand."

After changing his wrist, Mr. Li paused for a moment, and his gaze towards Liu Gen suddenly became extremely strange, as if he was looking at a monster.As an old Chinese doctor, especially being able to take care of the physical condition of the CEOs, Mr. Li undoubtedly has real skills, but at this moment, he has some doubts about his medical skills.

Ten minutes later, Mr. Li looked at Liu Gen with some headaches. He tried various inspection methods, but he couldn't find any problems with Liu Gen, which is a bit strange.

Mr. Li has treated many people, especially after joining the Eighth Route Army, he has treated many soldiers. He knows that many soldiers will leave some hidden wounds after being injured, and Liu Gen has killed so many devils. He has suffered many injuries, but why is Liu Gen so healthy after examination?Especially Li Lao found that Liu Gen's body was very strong, much stronger than ordinary soldiers.

"Mr. Li, what's the matter? Could it be that the problem with Genzi is serious?" Seeing that Mr. Li hadn't given a result, the teacher asked worriedly.

Head Ou also looked at Mr. Li with some concern. He, who has been staying at the headquarters to take care of the safety of the bosses, is no stranger to Mr. Li and knows how good Mr. Li's medical skills are.Now Mr. Li is frowning tightly, and has not given the inspection results about Liu Gen. There must be something wrong with Liu Gen's body. Head Ou can only hope that Liu Gen's problem is not so serious and will not affect Liu Gen. The next battle.

"No, this young man's body is weird and strong, much stronger than other fighters." Elder Li said.

The teacher breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is nothing wrong with Liu Gen's body, isn't it normal to be strong?If Liu Gen's body is not strong enough, how can he persevere after several injuries?
"Okay, your boy is in good health and there is no problem."

"What did you eat to grow up, boy? Your body is so strong. In ancient times, you are Xiang Yu, a character like Li Yuanba, a natural fighter!" After checking again for a while, Mr. Li still couldn't find anything. Things, that's all I can say to Liu Gen.

Liu Gen scratched his head and showed a simple and honest smile, looking like an honest person.

"Xiao Ou, wait until you return to the headquarters to find me, the old man, and I will check on you at that time." After explaining to Captain Ou, Mr. Li chose to leave directly.

When Mr. Li left and could no longer see his back, Liu Gen and the others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. With Mr. Li around, there was still some pressure, but they didn't understand why an old doctor of Chinese medicine could bring such great pain to others. pressure.

"Okay, Genzi, tell me about your combat mission this time." The teacher asked directly.

Naturally, Liu Gen didn't have any objections, so he started to tell his teacher seriously, from the small hole in the corner of the city wall of Qixian County, Wan Kelai Restaurant, and catching a big fish, he explained in great detail.During the battle, Liu Gen did not attribute the success of this combat operation to himself. He believed that even if the soldiers of the combat team came, they could easily kill Mashiko Shigeo.

Maybe the only advantage of Liu Gen's presence is that he caught a big fish by the way, which can make the devil's heart ache.

"This is the head of Mashiko Shigeo and Sugimoto Junjiang? Very good! I will immediately let the soldiers hang on the gate of the county seat occupied by the devils in the shortest possible time! Damn it! This time I want to let the devils know how powerful our Eighth Route Army is! "

"In the battle with the devils, our Eighth Route Army will inevitably suffer casualties, but if there are casualties, we will make the devils pay the same price! Compared with the devils, our troops are inferior in combat effectiveness and equipment, but we are not afraid of death! If the devil wants to destroy us, he needs a good set of teeth! Otherwise, we will definitely bite off a bite of flesh!" The teacher looked at the heads of the two devils brought back by Liu Gen, and said murderously.

(End of this chapter)

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