I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 517 Obey orders

Chapter 517 Obey orders
After reporting to the division commander, Liu Gen and the two left. They don't need to participate in the next thing. The division has many excellent fighters who can well complete the tasks assigned by the division commander.

As for the heads of Sugimoto Junjiang and Mashiko Shigeo, the master kept them. The heads of these two devils will appear on the devil's city gate in the shortest possible time. By then, the faces of the devils will definitely be quite Wonderful.

After bidding farewell to Head Ou, Liu Gen returned to the room alone, and after washing up, he lay down on the bed to rest.

The soldiers may not have noticed that during this combat mission, Liu Gen has never rested. Liu Gen, who seems to be very energetic, has already reached the point where he needs to rest. It is entirely due to Liu Gen's ability to persist until now. Because the will is strong enough.Only Tuan Leader Ou noticed this. He stayed by Liu Gen's side all the time because he was worried about Liu Gen's health problems.

After lying on the bed for less than half a minute, Liu Gen fell into a deep sleep. He was so tired, his previously tense nerves suddenly relaxed, endless exhaustion surged up, and he couldn't hold on anymore.

After sleeping in the dark, when Liu Gen woke up again, it was the night of January 1943, 1, but after waking up, he found that it was not his room, but in the ward of the division headquarters. The soldiers with combat teams were waiting by his side, and he could see the obvious worry and exhaustion on the faces of the soldiers.

Liu Gen realized that he had been sleeping for a long time, and the soldiers had been by his side for a while, otherwise they would not have looked so tired.

"Instructor, you are awake, I will notify the doctor." Er Niu saw Liu Gen opened his eyes and woke up, and ran out to notify the doctor.

After Er Niu's reminder, the other soldiers all reacted one after another, seeing that Liu Gen had woken up, which made them feel relieved, as long as they can wake up.

"What time is it now?" Liu Gen glanced outside the ward, and found that it was pitch black, and he couldn't tell what time it was.

Ergou quickly replied: "Instructor, it is ten o'clock in the evening on January 1rd, and it will be almost two days and one night before you go to sleep."

Immediately, Liu Gen understood why he was sent to the ward. The soldiers of the combat team must have found out that Liu Gen did not continue to train them, so they found Liu Gen's room and found that Liu Gen hadn't woken up.Liu Gen tried to get up, but found that he had no strength in his whole body, as if he was sick.

But Liu Gen was sure that he was neither injured nor ill. What's going on?

"Instructor, how do you feel now?" Ergou asked worriedly seeing that Liu Gen couldn't get up.

Liu Gen shook his head, "I don't really know what's wrong with me. Let's wait for the doctor to check it out. There shouldn't be any major problems."

The soldiers became more and more worried, and at the same time, they felt extremely self-blame and guilty. During the mission, they ignored Liu Gen, the instructor, who never took a break.At that time, these soldiers didn't feel anything. In their eyes, the instructor Liu Gen was synonymous with strength.There will be no problems and mistakes.

But at the moment when Liu Gen was sent to the ward, the soldiers of the combat team realized that their instructor Liu Gen was also a human being, not a god, and his body would also have problems.At that moment, the soldiers were extremely regretful. They thought that if they hadn't rested and could replace Liu Gen's vigilance, then there would definitely be no problems with Liu Gen's body.

It's good that Liu Gen's health is fine, but if something goes wrong and it's very serious, then the soldiers will probably keep blaming themselves.

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your problem, don't worry, I know my body well, and there won't be any problems easily." Liu Gen saw that these soldiers blamed themselves, and comforted him with a smile.

The soldiers were silent, not knowing what to say. At this moment, they didn't want to hear Liu Gen's comfort, which would only make them feel more guilty and guilty.How much the soldiers hoped that Liu Gen, the instructor, could scold them a few words, so that they could relax a bit, and they wouldn't have to blame themselves so much.

"Okay, the doctor is here, you all go out, so as not to affect the doctor's examination." Seeing the doctor walk into the ward, Liu Gen directly smiled and started to chase away people.

The soldiers didn't move, they all wanted to stay in the ward and know what's wrong with Liu Gen's body immediately.

"What? You don't even listen to my order? Get out of here!" Liu Gen glared at the soldiers in the ward, even if he was lying on the hospital bed, he still had enough deterrent power.

Facing Liu Gen's glaring glare, the soldiers were unwilling and knew that they could not stay in the ward any longer. They didn't want to anger Liu Gen, the instructor.What's more, Liu Gen was lying on the hospital bed, how could the soldiers have the heart to make Liu Gen, the instructor, angry?

After all these soldiers left the ward, Liu Gen breathed a sigh of relief. If these soldiers really had to stay in the ward, he might not have any good solutions. Who made him lie on the bed now?Now it seems that Liu Gen's training for them is still very good on weekdays. At least even if Liu Gen is lying on the hospital bed, the soldiers will still obey his orders.

The doctor looked at all this and said nothing. The soldiers might not understand why Liu Gen did this, but he was able to guess some of it.There are many comrades like Liu Gen. Even if they have physical problems, they don't want to let others know, and they don't want to make themselves a burden on the team.

"Doctor, I'm sorry to trouble you." Liu Gen said with a smile.

After the doctor nodded with a smile, he began to examine Liu Gen seriously. Due to the limitation of medical conditions, the division hospital did not have too many medical instruments, and more examinations were performed by traditional Chinese medicine methods.During the examination, the doctor was a little nervous. He really didn't know if there would be any problems with Liu Gen's body, which he didn't want to see.

Unlike Mr. Li, the doctors who have been staying in the division hospital are very aware of Liu Gen's abilities, and also know how many military exploits Liu Gen has made.Not to mention anything else, just saying that the captain of the Guizi Mashiko advance team Shigeo Yimasuko and a large number of Japanese and puppet army officers were successfully killed in the past two days is enough to illustrate Liu Gen's ability.Coupled with the fact that the captain of the Guizi League was successfully killed by Liu Gen, everyone in the division headquarters knew Liu Gen's name.

Half an hour later, the doctor finished examining Liu Gen. The reason why it took so long was because the doctor was very serious about repeated examinations.

"Comrade Liu Gen, there is nothing wrong with your body. The reason why this happened this time is probably because you haven't rested for too long and are too mentally exhausted."

"I hope you will pay attention to rest in the future. If you are tired, take a rest for a period of time. Don't force yourself. If you continue to force yourself, you will easily have problems with your body." The doctor said with a serious expression.

After the examination, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief. He was sure that there was nothing wrong with Liu Gen, which reassured him a lot. As long as there is no problem with Liu Gen's body, everything will be fine.The doctor looked at Liu Gen lying on the hospital bed with some admiration. Liu Gen was not the first one to be so tired, but he must be the youngest one.

"Thank you doctor, I will pay attention to it, please."

"It shouldn't be a problem if I go back to rest, right? There are many wounded soldiers. I can't occupy this hospital bed for nothing. There are many soldiers who should lie on this hospital bed more than me." Liu Gen said seriously.

The doctor fell silent. He had seen many patients, and he had also seen many patients who were willing to let others receive treatment first, but for some reason, Liu Gen's actions at this time moved him even more.If there are more young people like Liu Gen in the Eighth Route Army, why not drive away the little devils who dare to invade China?

"No problem, Comrade Liu Gen, you must pay attention to your health. There are too many people like me who want to see you keep killing devils." The doctor said again.

Liu Gen nodded with a smile, indicating that he would pay attention, and called the soldiers outside the ward in. Within two seconds, the soldiers appeared in the ward.No need to ask, Liu Gen could guess that these soldiers must have been lying on the door of the room just now, and the conversation between himself and the doctor was clearly heard by these boys.

"You bastards, motherfuckers, are you still eavesdropping on other people's conversations? Who taught you? Shame on you!" Liu Gen scolded with a smile.

The soldiers laughed, lowered their heads, and didn't look at Liu Gen at all. They knew that what they did would make Liu Gen angry, but they still chose to do so. Who made them worry too much about Liu Gen, the instructor's body? What about the situation?Even if they will be punished, the soldiers will admit it.

"Let's go, my body is fine, I don't need to lie here." Liu Gen said with a smile.

Liu Gen knew that these fighters were worried about his health, so naturally he didn't have any intention of punishing them. Having been with these fighters for such a long time, Liu Gen had long regarded them as his brothers. His big brother , How can they be punished for these small things?
After receiving Liu Gen's order, the soldiers took action one after another. They supported Liu Gen to slowly get up from the hospital bed, and the strongest Er Niu carried him away.

"Go to the training ground. In this combat mission, you bastards have done a good job, but there are still many problems. You need to hurry up and train." Seeing the soldiers preparing to send themselves back to the room, Liu Gen said quickly.

Liu Gen didn't want to continue lying on the bed. There was nothing wrong with his body, but he was too tired, so he could rest for a while, and it was not a serious injury. He had to lie on the bed. Compared with lying on the bed, he would rather be on the training ground Watching the soldiers in training.

"Instructor Liu, given your physical condition, it is not suitable for you to go to the training ground. Don't worry, even if you are not here, we will train seriously." Ergou said quickly.

Liu Gen shook his head, "Don't worry, my body is not that weak, obey orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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