Chapter 518 Moved
On the training field of the combat team of the division headquarters, Liu Gen sat on a chair and watched the training of the soldiers.

The fighters trained very seriously. With Liu Gen as an instructor, even if the soldiers clearly knew that Liu Gen could not end, they would still be affected to a certain extent. It can only be said that Liu Gen, the instructor, had too much influence on them.Regarding this, the soldiers didn't think there was anything bad about it, on the contrary, they thought it was very good. As long as Liu Gen, the instructor, was there, the soldiers would feel much more at ease.

During the training, Liu Gen pointed out some problems of the fighters from time to time, as well as areas that needed improvement.

Judging from Liu Gen's strength, the fighters still have a lot to improve, especially in some combat skills, there is still a lot of room for improvement.And for these fighters, they also need to improve their physical fitness. Compared with Liu Gen, their physical fitness is still too weak.

Unfortunately, limited by objective conditions, it is still somewhat difficult for soldiers to quickly improve their physical fitness. It is impossible to improve their physical fitness quickly only by training. Only with enough nutritious food To do this, it means that the soldiers need to be able to eat meat every day, and it is still relatively difficult to achieve this.

As the instructor of these soldiers, Liu Gen also considered where to get enough meat for the soldiers. With the strength of the soldiers' training, the meals prepared by the division's cooking team were still a bit reluctant.

In the end, Liu Gen still felt that it was necessary to give full play to the advantages of the combat team. With the strength of the soldiers, they could definitely get enough food from the enemy.Even if it cannot be obtained from the enemy, some prey can be obtained from the mountains to meet the daily training needs of the soldiers.

After the soldiers' one-day training was over, Liu Gen's body had recovered a lot, and with a little bit of strength, it was still possible to return to the room by himself.The soldiers were very happy after seeing that Liu Gen's condition had recovered a bit. It seemed that Liu Gen was really fine.

At night, Liu Gen stayed in his room, constantly recording his development plan for the combat team.

Although the battle team is still far from his ideal state, Liu Gen knows that he can't stay in the battle team all the time. What's more, now that the battle team has taken shape, it will not be a big problem if it only needs to develop steadily in the future , unless it was due to a major decision-making error that led to the destruction of the combat team, in Liu Gen's view, the chance of this happening was very small.

As for the expansion of the combat team, Liu Gen felt that it was too late. The Battle of Qi County proved the combat effectiveness of the combat team, but this did not mean that the combat team urgently needed to expand in size.For a small unit like a combat squad that needs to perform special combat missions, the running-in between soldiers is very important. Only when the soldiers have sufficient tacit understanding can they quickly form combat effectiveness.

In Liu Gen's vision, when the conditions allow the fighters of the combat team to truly grow up and reach their peak physical fitness and combat skills, then it will be the time for the combat team to expand in size.If the soldiers who join the combat team are not strong enough, even if they have cultivated enough tacit understanding, then they will definitely become a burden to others in the battle with the enemy.

In the notebook, Liu Gen was very full. He put too much energy into the combat team, but unfortunately, he couldn't stay in the combat team forever, and what he was best at was not special operations.Being able to successfully establish a combat team has a lot to do with the information Liu Gen obtained from the system. It has to be said that the existence of the system has helped Liu Gen a lot.

After finishing part of the writing, Liu Gen saw that it was very late. Considering his physical condition, he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to write and chose to go to bed to rest.

After waking up the next morning, Liu Gen found that his body had recovered a lot and he was able to do some simple training. After a simple wash, he went directly to the training ground to supervise the training of the soldiers.After staying in the combat team for such a long time, Liu Gen has long been accustomed to the life of the combat team. Unless there are special circumstances, he will appear on the training ground every day.

When Liu Gen came to the training ground, it was still early and the soldiers hadn't come yet, so he didn't care, and waited for the soldiers to arrive while conducting simple training alone.Liu Gen wants to see if some soldiers are late or lazy when they return today. He was sent to the ward yesterday and failed to supervise these soldiers. I don't know if they have consciously trained.

Time passed slowly. During the training, Liu Gen's breathing was a bit heavy, which made him realize that his condition was not good. With his physical fitness, this kind of training should not have happened at all.After training again for a period of time, Liu Gen stopped training himself. He understood the truth that too much is too much.

No matter how good Liu Gen's physical fitness is on weekdays, he still needs to maintain a certain amount of restraint now. Only in this way can Liu Gen's problems be prevented from becoming more serious.

At six o'clock, the soldiers of the combat team appeared on the training ground. On the way to the training ground, the soldiers came very relaxed and laughed, as if they didn't care about the hard work in the training.It's just that when the laughing soldiers saw the instructor Liu Gen, the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately, and they didn't have any thoughts of continuing to laugh.

From Liu Gen's obviously gloomy face, the soldiers could see that Liu Gen, the instructor, was not in a good mood. Thinking of the current time, the soldiers quickened their pace. Right in battle.

On the training field, the soldiers were in a heavy heart. It was undoubtedly a scary thing for the instructor Liu Gen to see them being late, and they didn't know what kind of punishment they would receive.

"Huh? Where are the two cows and two dogs?" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers present with a stern expression, causing the soldiers to lower their heads involuntarily, not daring to meet Liu Gen's gaze.

After waiting for a while, no fighter came forward to answer Liu Gen's question, which made him very dissatisfied. They were all members of the combat team, and even said that these fighters still lived together, so how could they not know about Ergou Erniu and the others? What about the two?Could it be that these soldiers don't know?Not knowing the situation of the two dogs and two cows is what they shouldn't do.

"Give you another chance, who knows where the two of them are?" Looking at these soldiers, Liu Gen said again.

This time, the soldiers hesitated a little. As members of the combat team, they naturally knew very well what the situation of the two dogs and two cows meant, but after a moment of hesitation, the soldiers still did not choose to speak.

Liu Gen frowned, how long has he not been on the training ground?Could it be that he has no deterrent power against these fighters?

"Okay! You are fine! You live together and don't know their situation? I think you are trying to hide something? Your comradeship is really deep enough!"

"Let's run for me, before I tell you to stop, then you should know what to do." Liu Gen's expression was extremely serious, which made the soldiers realize the seriousness of the problem.Normally, the soldiers might not be able to continue to calm down long ago, but now the soldiers did not make any movement, as if they didn't care about Liu Gen's punishment at all.

Soon, the soldiers started to run fast, not too slow, which made it difficult for Liu Gen to find out some faults.

"What do these little guys want to do?" Liu Gen looked at the soldiers and murmured involuntarily.

Half an hour later, Ergou and Erniu came to the training ground. When they saw the running soldiers and Liu Gen with a stern face, they realized that something was wrong.

"Come on, tell me, where did you two go?" Liu Gen waved his hand, signaling Ergou and the others to come to his side.

Seeing Liu Gen let them go, Er Gou and the others could only walk over with wry smiles. In Er Gou's view, with Liu Gen's physical condition, he would not come for training in the morning, but who knew that Liu Gen would actually come, Judging by Liu Gen's expression, he should have been here for a while.

"What? Are you dumb? If you have the guts not to come to the training, why don't you have the guts to say why?" Liu Gen said bluntly.

In the combat team, Ergou and Erniu have always performed very well. It can be said that Liu Gen has high hopes for them. An accident occurred in the next battle with the devil.

"Huh? Don't say it? If you don't say it, I won't punish you, I will only punish others! They have been running for half an hour. Whenever you say it, I will tell them to stop." Liu Gen looked Two dogs and two people, he wants to see how long they can last.

Hearing what Liu Gen said, Ergou and the others hesitated a little. As members of the combat team, they knew the situation of the fighters in the combat team very well. After running for half an hour, they almost reached the limit of the soldiers, so they continued to run. Well, Ergou and the others won't have any problems, but the other fighters can't bear it at all.

"Instructor, tell them to stop, I say." After waiting for a while, Ergou said helplessly.

Ergou doesn't want these fighters to continue running. If these fighters have problems themselves, then he will not speak up easily, but now it is because of them that these fighters are punished by Liu Gen. Ergou and the others are naturally Can't watch it.

"What's going on? I hope you two won't let me down." Liu Gen said.

Ergou smiled wryly, "Instructor Liu, it's like this. We consider your health is not very good, so we want to get some meat for you to supplement."

"Early in the morning, Erniu and I went to the mountains and caught two rabbits before rushing back, which delayed the morning training."

Liu Gen fell silent. He carefully looked at the two people in front of him, and only then noticed that there was a little dust on the clothes of the two of them, which should be left over after they had dealt with it enough.The reason why he was able to notice this was because Ergou said this, otherwise it would be difficult for Liu Gen to notice this.

"You guys, what should I say about you? My health is fine. I will give you two rabbits to eat. You need them more than I do." Liu Gen said helplessly.

Ergou and the others delayed their morning training in order to catch two rabbits to replenish their bodies. Are they wrong?From the point of view of military law, Ergou and the others were wrong, but from the point of view of human feelings, they did a very good job, which also moved Liu Gen very much.

"Okay, let them stop, this kind of thing is fine once! I hope there will be no next time."

"When the training is over, I will ask the teacher to give the combat team some autonomy, so that you can go hunting in the mountains. Eating more meat is good for your training." Liu Gen waved his hand and signaled Ergou The two of them leave.

After Ergou and the others left, Liu Gen rubbed his eyes, maybe because he got up too early, his eyes were a little bit astringent.

On the training ground, the soldiers stopped, and they finally had time to rest.Running for half an hour was somewhat of a challenge for the fighters of the combat team. In addition, Liu Gen had certain requirements for their speed, which made the fighters exhausted a lot.

On weekdays, the soldiers trained well and were very serious, otherwise it would be difficult for these soldiers to persist until now.

(End of this chapter)

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