I am an artillery soldier

Chapter 529 The long-lost panel

Chapter 529 The long-lost panel (updated)

During the past few days in the Artillery School, Liu Gen had a fulfilling life, which left a deep impression on the students.

In the past few days, the students asked Liu Gen a lot of questions, and learned too much knowledge from Liu Gen that they didn't know before, which made them very happy.Liu Gen's teaching made the students discover the erudition of Liu Gen, the instructor and the principal. There is no problem that can stump Liu Gen. I am afraid that the only thing that makes Liu Gen a little difficult is how to make the students understand his explanation.

Compared with Liu Gen, the theoretical knowledge of the students is much limited, which makes Liu Gen need to consider the situation of the students every time he explains, so as to make the students understandable.

As the instructors, Wang Chao and others also learned a lot, and felt that they had gained enough. They listened to Liu Gen's teaching with the students, and they were deeply aware of the awareness between themselves and Liu Gen.If Liu Gen can stay in the artillery school to teach these students, then these students will definitely have more improvements.

It's a pity that Liu Gen's ability is too strong, it is impossible for him to stay in the artillery school, there are too many things that Liu Gen needs to do.

The only hope of Wang Chao and others is that Liu Gen can spend a certain amount of time every year to teach the students of the Artillery School, so that the students can get more growth and improvement.For Wang Chao and others, these students have grown up little by little before their eyes. They don't want the students to not have enough ability to deal with it when they step on the battlefield. They all hope that these students can go through battles After that, he was still alive and well.

When Liu Gen knew what Wang Chao and others were thinking, Liu Gen agreed after serious consideration. He felt that he would still have a lot of time, and even if he didn't have time, he could find time.If it doesn't work, Liu Gen can come to the artillery school to teach the students and help them get more improvement if they sleep less at night.

Seeing that Wang Chao and others were so anxious for the students, Liu Gen was still very happy. Being able to do this for the students showed that Wang Chao and the others really took the students to heart, and it also showed that Liu Gen would When the Artillery School was handed over to Wang Chao and others, they were right.Liu Gen believes that with Wang Chao and others present, the Artillery School will definitely develop steadily and train enough artillery talents for the 129th Division.

At the beginning of February, Liu Gen, who was teaching the students in the Artillery School, received an order from the division headquarters, asking him to return to the division headquarters as soon as possible, with tasks entrusted to him.

After receiving the order, Liu Gen stayed in the Artillery School for another day before choosing to return to the division headquarters. The reason why he chose to stay for one day was also because that day was the day when the graduation ceremony of the second phase of the Artillery School was held.On this day, the teacher also came from the division to attend the graduation ceremony of the students, which made the students very excited.

The division commander originally wanted to take Liu Gen to leave together, but considering that the next day was the beginning of the third period of the Artillery School, he did not let Liu Gen go back to the division headquarters with him, but asked Liu Gen to stay and encourage the third. term students.On the second day after the students of the second batch graduated, the students of the third batch of artillery school entered the school and devoted themselves to training immediately.

It can be said that the second and third phases of the Artillery School are seamlessly connected. There is no way to do this. No one knows how long the relatively stable situation can last. The division also hopes to take advantage of this time to train the Artillery School More qualified artillery to prepare for the next battle with the devils.

The bosses of the headquarters have carefully studied Okamura Ningji, the commander of the Devil's North China Front Army, and Iwamatsu Yoshio, the commander of the Devil's First Army in Shanxi. go down.The outbreak of the Pacific War put the devils under great pressure. In order to relieve the pressure in Japan, the devils in China will inevitably launch the next attack.

In the case of the devils, if they want to attack again, the first thing to do is to ensure the stability of the occupied area. With the presence of the Eighth Route Army troops, the devils must attack the Eighth Route Army troops if they want to maintain the stability of the occupied area.

The bosses expected that the devils would launch raids against the Japanese bases again, so they ordered the troops of the Eighth Route Army to take advantage of this stable period of rapid development to ensure that they had enough capabilities to deal with the devils' raids.It’s just that the bosses also know that even if the development speed of the various troops is not slow, it is very difficult to face the raids of the devil’s troops against the Japanese base areas. Vigorous development can only allow the troops of the Eighth Route Army to have enough strength to protect themselves and reduce casualties .

Under such circumstances, the artillery school naturally had to work hard to train more qualified artillery to prepare for the mopping up of the devils' anti-Japanese base areas.With enough artillery, if it is not possible, the 129th Division can also fight against the devils, let the devils know how powerful the Eighth Route Army is, and fight against the arrogance of the devils.

After meeting the students of the third phase of the Artillery School, Liu Gen encouraged them and left the Artillery School directly after teaching them the first lesson. He needed to return to the division headquarters as soon as possible.

On the way, Liu Gen opened the system panel that he hadn't seen for a long time, and carefully checked his current situation.

Host: Liu Gen

Age: 23 years old

Power: 150
Speed: 12.5m/S
Constitution: 249
Talent skill: photographic memory (cannot be upgraded)
Artillery Skill: Artillery Specialization (Top Level)
Ballistics (top level)

Horizontal Shot (Intermediate)
Ranging (top level) down to centimeters
Precision Strike (Intermediate)
Artillery Scouting (Intermediate)
Artillery Communications (Intermediate)
Artillery Shooting (Top Level)
Battle Command (Top Level)
Pistol Proficiency (Tier)
Bajiquan" (Advanced)

Skill Points: 0
Reputation: 5263
Looking at the data changes on his personal panel, Liu Gen is somewhat satisfied. The improvement in personal data means that his training all the time is still useful.The previous task disappeared, which means that Liu Gen no longer needs to think about this aspect, and in the system's prestige mall, he also discovered the existence of skill points, which are not expensive, and can be exchanged for five hundred prestige points A skill point is still very good.

Focusing on the skills he possessed, Liu Gen thought for a moment, decisively redeemed 9 skill points, and raised all his skills to the top level.Seeing that all the skills showed top status, Liu Gen was very satisfied and seemed much more comfortable.At the same time, Liu Gen could also feel the changes in himself, and there was a lot of information in his mind.

Looking at my personal panel again, the physical data has improved again, which should be due to the improvement of Bajiquan.It's just that in Liu Gen's view, this kind of improvement is not too big, it's better than nothing.

 ps: After update: Host: Liu Gen
  Age: 23 years old

  Power: 155
  Speed: 12.7m/S
  Constitution: 251 (100 for normal people)

  Talent skill: photographic memory (cannot be upgraded)
  Artillery Skill: Artillery Specialization (Top Level)
  Ballistics (top level)

  Horizontal Shot (Top Level)
  Ranging (top level) down to centimeters
  Precision Strike (Top Level)
  Artillery Scouting (Top Level)
  Artillery Communications (Top Level)
  Artillery Shooting (Top Level)
  Battle Command (Top Level)
  Pistol Proficiency (Tier)
  Bajiquan (top level)

  Skill Points: 0
  Reputation: 763
(End of this chapter)

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